

Guilt mixing with excitement was all I could feel as once I again, I closed the door behind me. My heart was fluttering wildly in my chest as I smiled brightly, the sun's warmth caressing my cheek gently the moment I had stepped outside.

I took a deep breath, locking the door carefully before slowly walking off without a direction. I really didn't know what I wanted to do, all that mattered that I was outside. The birds, once again, were singing happily, their soft thrills soothing all my doubts about sneaking out. Maybe it wasn't nice of me to leave without my mother but it wasn't like she was going to find it out. She had been away for a week now, and according to her last call, she wasn't coming home soon.

For some reason, I was happy. Although I missed her already, I couldn't help feeling cheerful at the thought of having the chance to explore the town a bit more. Everything was so vivid, so lively. People talking, laughing, rushing past me.

It was quite different from the life I was used to, thus I was a little scared, yet I was enthusiastic as well. It was actually sort of weird how I was so overjoyed to just leave our house.

To be honest, since I've learnt how my mother wasn't coming home soon, I had been taking shorter or longer walks around town, without my earplugs. I knew that I wasn't doing the right thing but I didn't care... I didn't want to care.

Every time I was able to sneak out of my cage, where right now, I was alone, I felt thrilled... Happier than I ever was. My heart would pound loudly against my chest as I would suddenly be in the midst of crowds, sometimes in parks..

Not in the house I grew to find cold and lonely, not in my room that I now hated with all my heart.

Maybe I was childish. Maybe I was at fault for wanting more but for some reason it didn't matter to me. I let my heart lead me, not my mother. Sure, had she been home I would have thought twice about even opening my window but... Now that I was alone, I felt like I could actually do something.

I sighed deeply as once again, I reached the area of the park where Jonghyun's concert had been. In an old book, after days of search, I managed to learn a lot of things about music. Now I knew that Jonghyun's song had only been one of many, and that his speech was so different from speaking because he was actually singing. I knew that bands usually played the tunes while singers sang and that the lyrics of the sounds, the words were always written with care.

I loved music.

But now, I wasn't there in front of the small gate to think about what I had learnt. No...My reason was a lot more different from that. I hoped, even if it seemed impossible, that there would be another concert there, that I could hear him again.

Yet no sounds came from the right now empty area, only the birds' songs was what I could here. Although their melodies were lovely, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Of course he won't be here."I thought. Every day I had sneaked out, I had checked if he was here, without any luck, of course.

I bit into my lower lip as a couple of tears slid down my cheeks. Even if I had known before that I would barely have any chance of meeting him here, I felt really sad, like my heart was breaking little by little.

Of course it was, because he had been the one who had showed me the wonder of life called music. I was beyond thankful to him, that's why I wanted to meet him so much, to thank him.

Or at least that was what I was telling myself as I slowly started walking home, my heart a little heavy but my mood not completely ruined. Of course it wasn't.. I mean, not seeing someone you've only seen once can't really make you that upset.

I smiled softly as a couple of kids ran past me. One of them, a small boy with huge, doe-like eyes ran into me. He looked up at me, tilting his head to the side as he blinked up at me."Pretty~!"He cooed, even though with his longish hair and beautiful eyes he was the one who was pretty.

"Taemin, where are you?"I heard a quite familiar voice yell, making my heart pound hard against my chest. It was him, I knew it.

The small boy giggled as he bounced away from me, dragging him to me with a wide grin."I found someone pretty, hyung!"He giggled.

I couldn't help but giggle along as I felt a deep blush creep onto my cheeks. "I must look like an idiot."I muttered to myself as I took a deep breath, my eyes widening as I finally saw him.

Jonghyun was walking towards me and Taemin with a wide smile. He blinked at me for a few moments, his eyes flashing with recognition before he extended his hand."Sorry about my brother, he always speaks his mind."He said.

I smiled softly, my blush only deepening as I slowly took his hand, shaking it a little."It's alright, he's really cute."I said as I ruffled Taemin's hair a little.

"He sure is. I'm Jonghyun, Kim Jonghyun."Jonghyun said, never looking away from my face.

"I'm Kim Kibum, nice to meet you."I told him softly as I smiled once again."And... I..."

I wanted to tell him how much I adored his music, how much I wished that I could listen to his voice all the time but I couldn't. My heart was still fluttering wildly in my chest, my smile never faltering but I just couldn't speak. For some reason, as I stared at him, being so close to him, I just froze.

But even if I looked stupid, it didn't matter because I had met him finally.

AN: Meeeh, sorry for the weird chap. It's reaaally hot here OTL. Umm... I know this was kinda like the first chap, but there's a reason why it was like it. Hope you liked it still :3

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Okay, I decided. I'll be remawriting the whole story soon. Like really soon^^


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Chapter 2: Please update soon T_T
FreezingLove #2
Chapter 2: Why don't you update anymore. Please,update soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 2: Omg haha!!! I ,too, found it from "The Jongkey Collection"!!!!!!!!!

I really hope u update again ^^
Secreteyes #4
Chapter 2: Wow, I loving this Story so far but it seams like it,s not been writen for a wile. Are you still writing it?
Hello there~~~
I just found your fic thanks to "The Jongkey Collection" and I really like it so far ^^ The plot line is very intriguing. I heard that you wanted to re-write it? All the people who have read it before have an advantage, I don't know what's going to happen, huhu T__T :P
Keep it up, Fighting! (^0^)/
eskulapka #6
Chapter 2: Really intriguing story!
Chapter 2: Waaah taebb so cuute kyaaa. Yes jongkey officially meet!
Chapter 2: Ps i forget is this all going to be in Kibums POV?
Chapter 2: *squee* baby Tae~ >< so cute