

AN: Hi guys^^ Well yeah, here is the 'first' chapter. I'm really sorry about taking Music down, but... I felt like it was really really bad... . And now, I kinda regret my decision since this chapter isn't as good as I wanted it to turn out. I have no idea why but I can barely write right now. This rarely ever happens, but it might be cause I'm tired or something. I had a long schoolday and all xD So.. please don't unsub yet if the first chapter isn't too great. I promise to improve and update once I've finished a few things...

"So loud..." was the first thing that ran through my head as I was walking around the park. When I was with my mother, it always seemed like the park was silent and peaceful, so it was really weird.

Then again, this time, I wasn't wearing my earplugs. And this was the first time I was out in the 'open world' without them. I felt a bit guilty for sneaking out, but I had a feeling that this was my time to finally explore the world. Or at least the town we were living in.

Everything was so strange, yet unique and beautiful. The sun was shining brightly, and only a few clouds were on the beautiful, blue sky. But... I couldn't have cared less about them, just like about the warm spring air or the many tiny flowers that were just in bloom.

What fascinated me were the sounds coming from many, many directions... Giggles of children, yells of their mothers chasing after them, the chirping sound of birds... And something else.

As I ventured into the more secluded part of the park, I finally found out what that something else was. There was a small place, surrounded by a short fence and a single gate that wasn't guarded, and the weird, but calming sound was coming from that direction. The person who was making it was like he was speaking, yet different.

Finally, I managed to get past the little gates, seeing that there were posters stuck on them, saying that some Jonghyun person was giving a free... concert that day or something. I had no idea what a concert was. I had asked my mother about it once, but she said that I didn't need to know it, and that it was just something stupid.

But I had always been too curious for my own good, so I walked into the 'sealed' area, hearing the strange sound get louder and louder. A few minutes later, I spotted a stage. Sometimes, my mother would allow me to watch some theater plays, so I knew what it was, but this one was different. Many people was standing in front of it, screaming the words that came from the man who was standing on the stage. I blinked, feeling a strange pull towards the stage. As I approached it, I could see that the crowd was enjoying whatever they were listening to.

I could understand them, since whatever it was, it was... simply heavenly. I wanted to close my eyes and listen to it all day.

Slowly, I got even closer to the stage. Since I was pretty small and slim, I could slide between the people quite easily, and soon, I was in the middle of the crowd. Even though the person in front of me was slightly taller than me, I could still see the person on the stage.

My eyes widened as I looked at him. He was... I couldn't even find the words for it, maybe because I didn't even know. I only knew that men were supposed to be handsome while women were supposed to be beautiful.

But he was different. His eyes were closed, but he was smiling as he finished his 'speech'. And then, he opened his eyes and smiled at the crowd. Even though I knew that he wasn't smiling at me, I couldn't help but blush as his lips curled up into that charming smile.

"Thank you all for coming! Sadly, this was my last song for today, but I do hope that I will see all of you on my further concerts."

And at that moment, our eyes met. Or at least I hoped so, because his smile widened even more, and he winked in my direction.

My heart was pounding loudly in my chest, and I was almost sure that the people around me could hear it, even though they were looking at him, clapping and screaming his name.

"Jonghyun..." I thought and smiled up at the stage, but he wasn't there anymore. Most people were leaving as well, a if nothing had happened. Yet that 'nothing' had changed my life.

A few minutes passed and I was still standing there, sometimes being pushed a bit by random people who were leaving, but I felt like I was froze. I had heard something that I have never heard before, and it was making me confused.

Just by thinking of how perfect Jonghyun looked, standing on the stage, 'saying' his song, or whatever he called it made me blush again. I tried to hide my flaming cheeks as I started walking home.

But as I started walking out of the park, something felt different. My heart was still racing every time I thought of Jonghyun or his voice, and I felt somewhat lighter. I forgot about how I felt guilty because of leaving without telling my mother and using those stupid earplugs. I felt so excited suddenly.

It was a bit later in the afternoon now, and the sun was going down slowly, so everything was a bit orangeish, making the whole scene look romantic. A few laughing children ran past me and I couldn't help but look at them for a few moments, wanting to join. Their game. I had never played like this, or at least I couldn't remember... And somehow, their game seemed so much more fun when I could hear their laughs or the little girls' excited squeals. Life was different like this...

But I knew that I had to get home soon. I started walking again when suddenly I felt someone tugging at my shirt. I turned back, only to look into a pair of excited, green eyes.

"Oppa, you seem like you want to play!"she said, a small blush appearing on her cheeks. 'We need someone to catch us, cause no one wants to be 'it'!'she explained. I tilted my head to the side. Despite wanting to join, I had no idea what she meant by 'it'.

"Excuse me?"I asked her. "I doubt I know how to play that game..."

She sighed and she grabbed my hand and pulled me to group of children who were sitting on the ground, waiting for something patiently. "Oppa doesn't know how to play tag..." she stated. All of the kids looked at me with wide, confused eyes. I didn't know why though... As one of the little boys, the tallest explained the rules of that game, I realized why I had never played it before...
My mother never played things like this with me, because apparently they were too dangerous...

Minutes later, I was running around, chased by one of the small girls, laughing...

I had never felt this free before...

Time passed too quickly, and sadly I had to go home if I didn't want my mother to catch me. Hours later, everything that had happened felt like a dream. A very, very nice dream I wanted to dream again...

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Okay, I decided. I'll be remawriting the whole story soon. Like really soon^^


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Chapter 2: Please update soon T_T
FreezingLove #2
Chapter 2: Why don't you update anymore. Please,update soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 2: Omg haha!!! I ,too, found it from "The Jongkey Collection"!!!!!!!!!

I really hope u update again ^^
Secreteyes #4
Chapter 2: Wow, I loving this Story so far but it seams like it,s not been writen for a wile. Are you still writing it?
Hello there~~~
I just found your fic thanks to "The Jongkey Collection" and I really like it so far ^^ The plot line is very intriguing. I heard that you wanted to re-write it? All the people who have read it before have an advantage, I don't know what's going to happen, huhu T__T :P
Keep it up, Fighting! (^0^)/
eskulapka #6
Chapter 2: Really intriguing story!
Chapter 2: Waaah taebb so cuute kyaaa. Yes jongkey officially meet!
Chapter 2: Ps i forget is this all going to be in Kibums POV?
Chapter 2: *squee* baby Tae~ >< so cute