
One, Two, Three: Smile!

Captured moment: Four!

“Taemin-ah… Don’t talk to her.”

I said unhappily, causing him to frown in confusion. Choi Jinri. Somehow, classmates had been turning their backs to her, me included. It was slowly turning into bullying, which Taemin could not accept.

“She’s our classmate.” He said matter-of-factly before leaving me for her.

Sadness filled my eyes, but I refused to follow him. I felt growing dislike towards her. I even deliberately ignored her when she needed my help with her homework, immature as I was.

Up until now, I still regret not giving her the answer for that question I can still remember.



Up until now, I still regret my attitude towards her back then.
Later, we became friends, fortunately.
My whole life, people have been describng me as nice, innocent.
Yet, I have these awful moments I cannot even accept myself.
Sometimes I wonder, if the side people see of me, really is only an act...


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naturallygreen #1
When I read your drabbles, I could empathize with most.
Lately, I've been growing apart with some of my friends, good friends, that I've been friends with since forever, and that makes me feel very sad. But you say you believe it's unavoidable and I feel that way too. Just that this sadness makes it very hard to just go with it and accept that nothing lasts forever...
Just wanted to let that out.
These are so adorable!

We all have that friend like Taemin and this felt close to my heart cause it feels like everyone must have gone through something similar in life.

Love it!