7,8 and 9



 The blearing sun reflects of the soft sand while the ocean glistens in the sun...

There was a shadow ting on the rocks. Crying.

It was a girl, with wavy brown hair and fair skin.

I could not stop myself from hugging her.

Hoping that she would remember me.

She gasped in surprise.

"Who are you?" she asked.

My heart broke in two.

I let her go.

She looked into my face.

Her eyes started to water again as she jumped into my arms.

"Don't you dare leave me ever again! She whispered as tears stared to fall down her rosy cheeks.

But hardly did we know that someone was watching us...



 "LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you screamed with all your might.

"Please listen to me!" begged Onew.

"NO WAY! YOU BIG, FAT, JERK... LIAR!!!!" you screamed again. You covered your ears so you couldn't hear him. Tears stared to fall, unfortunately he saw. He hugged you and you roughly pushed him away.

You said in a very murderous voice.

"Get away from me you JERK!!" as you slapped him across the face.

Tears started to form again at the corner of your eyes.

He landed on to the floor with a "THUD". With a bright red hand marked on his left cheek.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" you declared. He didn't move.

"LEAVE!!" you yelled. He got up but didn't leave, but instead he pulled you in for a hug. You try to push away but he was holding you tight and you weren't strong enough. Suddenly you felt dizzy, you tightly grabbed on to his shirt. As you slowly close your eyes and lost conscious.



I'm falling off a cliff.

I can feel the wind flowing through my fingers.

My tears are like rain to the people below.


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Chapter 1: WOW. this is amazing! :)
fictionstoryes #2
cool a interesting story