Doojoon's Oneshot

Not Your Girl [Doojoon oneshot]

Doojoon walked into the classroom, not caring about the 28 pairs of eyes staring at him. Some eyes are mentally undressing him, some are glaring at him, some are just looking indifferent at him. But nonetheless, he was popular.

He was hot and popular, what more could he ask for? Well, he didn't really want this life.

-Sovanny's Pov-

Ugh, what's his deal? Coming in late like that. Whatever... I admit, he is good-looking. For our school, at least.

"Yah, Doojoon, next time don't interrupt my class." The teacher scolded him.

"Sorry, Teacher." He said uncaringly. I looked over at him again. Sigh. He's good-looking, but he has a disgusting personality.

-Doojoon's Pov-

Sigh. Another day at school and I have to listen to some teacher go on and on about whatever.

"Okay, class. Work with your seat partner and finish the worksheet, then pass it in." The teacher continued writing things down.

"Okay, Doojoon... You can do the odd numbers and I'll do the even, alright?" She looked pissed off at me. Well, I can't blame her.

"Yeah, sure whatever." I did the problems and finished in no time. So did she.

"You're done? Hmm, didn't expect you to actually do that work?" She took my paper and finished copying for both of us.

I smirked at her and she looked taken aback. "Umm.... right" And she walked away.

-Sovanny's Pov-

What the hell. Why did he smirk at me? He's definitely a weirdo. OR MAYBE HE WAS CHECKING ME OUT.

Hmmmm, whatever the case may be, who cares. Some girl in our class came up to me.

"Hey. You. Sovanny. STAY. AWAY. FROM. DOOJOON. He's ours, got it?" Little bit-brat said.

"I was just working with him on the worksheet, don't get mad. All right?" I said, a bit angry.

"Hey, Sovanny, what cha doing over here." Doojoon came over and winked at me, causing the girl to glare at me more.

I glared at Doojoon, but all he did was smile.

The bell rang before I could say or do anything. UGH. BASTARD.

"Hey! Girly, wait up!" Chanthou said, trying to catch up to me, while Jorani was being carried on her back.

"Ummm.... what's up with her?" I asked, pointing to Jorani.

"Yah! I'm not asleep!" She suddenly yelled at me.

I grabbed my chest. "What was that for?! You almost gave me a heart attack!!"

"Good, you deserve it." She hopped off Chanthou's back and put her arm around my shoulder.

"Get your hands off me, you know I don't like when people touch me." I threw her arm off my shoulders and started walking.

Suddenly, I was pushed against the lockers and someone's lips were pressed against mine. He even used tongue! My gawd! ....Don't tell me it was Doojoon....

"See, Hyoyeon. I like her now. So just leave me alone. We're even dating." He grabbed my waist and pulled me close, then whispered in my ear. "Please... just play along."

The girl standing before us was none other than, Kim Hyoyeon. She was the Dancing Queen. Not to mention the Queen of s-ville.

"Fine... I see how it is. Goodbye, Yoon Doojoon. Forever." And she walked away.

-Doojoon's Pov-


"Leave me alone, Hyoyeon!" I yelled at her.

"But oppa! Why won't you date me?" She whined.

"I already like someone else!" I said without thinking.

"....Yeah, right. Show me who and then I'll leave you alone, forever." Damn, what is her problem. But the first person I thought of was Sovanny...

After walking for a couple minutes, I found Sovanny and pushed her against the lockers. I pressed my lips against hers and for a second, she gave in. And I might have used tongue, but hey who's opinion matters. Kekeke~

"See, Hyoyeon. I like her now. So just leave me alone. We're even dating." I said to her, while grabbing Sovanny's waist and whispering in her ear to just play along.

"Fine. Goodbye, Yoon Doojoon. Forever." FINALLY SHE LEFT.

Then suddenly, I got yelled at.

"YAH! WHAT THE HELL! YOU DON'T GO KISSING ME AT RANDOM!!" Sovanny looked pissed, hah, whatever.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." I smirked and she seemed to get madder.


She just slapped me across the face. And now she's crying, oh ....

"Leave me alone, Doojoon." And she ran away crying...

"YAH, YOON DOOJOON. YOU HURT HER. WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Her best friend, Chanthou, was yelling at me.

"Yah! Don't yell at me! I'll go apologize to her!" I shouted back.

"You better, you asstard." She walked away steaming mad, while her other best friend, Jorani just stared at me with a look of pity in her eyes.

'What do you want?!" I barked at her. She seemed to flinch, but stayed still. I saw Kikwang walking behind her.

"Hey! Doojoon, man, what's up!" He smiled at me, then turned to Jorani.

"How's my y lady doing?" He waggled his eyebrows at her and she blushed.

"Just fine... but tell your of a friend to fix everything." Kikwang looked at me, astonished.

"Hyung! What did you do!?" I told him everything.

"Wow.... You got wrecked. Ahahaha!"

"Thanks, Kikwang, that's what I needed right now."

"Sorry, hyung, you deserved it. Anyways, I'm gonna try and.... make Jorani smile."

-Chanthou's Pov-

Damn him. Damn him and all his popularity.... or whatever. I didn't see where I was walking and bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to walk into you." I walked away only to be grabbed by the wrist.

"Hey! Let go-Oh. Dongwoon oppa. Sorry, didn't know it was you." He smiled at me and led me to a bench in the empty hall. I sat down first and he sat down afterwards with his arm around me.

Dongwoon oppa didn't like talking much, so he rarely did.... I liked hearing his voice, but just being with him is nice, too.

"Want to tell me what's wrong, Chance?" He asked me in his husky, yet smooth and y voice of his that I loved so much.

"Umm... It's just that Doojoon kissed Sovanny today because he wanted to get rid of this stalker-ish girl.... and then he was saying how Sovanny shouldn't act like she didn't like it. And then she slapped him...." I giggled.

"It was kind of funny, I gotta admit. Ahaha!" I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You should just let them take of it, they're big kids." Dongwoon suggested.

"I know.... I will. Anyways, what do you want to do now?" I asked him.

His eyes seemed to gleam with a hint of mischief. Oh crap.

"NO! NOT IN SCHOOL!" I crossed my arms together to form an X.

"I was suggesting we go spraypaint some lockers.... but someone's a naughty girl. How many times have we done it now? Like 3-" Dongwoon smirked.

"LALALALA! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!!" I smiled and kissed Dongwoon.

-Kikwang's Pov-

"Little Girl~ What's wrong!" That was my nickname for Jorani. Well, so was Jojo... and y Lady.... okay, I'll stop there.

"You're friend is an . He made Sovanny cry." She simply stated.

"Oh. Was that the reason? Well... Doojoon hyung may not look it, but he's actually a good guy." I wrapped my arms about Rani and nuzzled my nose in her hair. Mmmm. She smelled like watermelon... Good gawd. Someone save me before I ravage her. Just kidding! I know how to control my hormones~

"Um... okay... but can you let go? I don't want you ravaging me." She laughed.

"Huh. Oh. I said that out loud, huh? Sorry~ But I can control my hormones! I swear!" I smiled.

"I know you can.... thank you. I just hope Doojoon fixes everything."

-Doojoon's Pov-


Bless me. Damn, where is she?!

I heard sniffling and found her behind the cherry tree in the courtyard. Since when did we have a cherry tree?! Aish, whatever... I approached her.

"Sovanny....?" I called out. She looked up and saw me, but buried her head in her arms.

"Can we talk, please? I want to apologize." I lightly smile.

"No. I hate you." I don't know why, but when she said that, I felt disgusted with myself.

"P-please." What's gotten into me....

-Sovanny's Pov-

Did he just stutter...? Why does he even care so much?

"Fine...." He sits down, but not before he wraps his arms around me in a hug.

"Don't talk, just listen." I stay silent for the most part.

"I know what I said was out of control. And I'm sorry. My teasings were mean and I didn't mean to hurt you intentionally." He says....

I look at him and his eyes showed me sadness and regret. I guess he really didn't mean to hurt me like that.

Before I knew it, I was leaning in and soon I kissed him. He was shocked at first, obviously, but then he started kissing back. He layed me on the ground and our kiss started getting heavy. I couldn't help but run  my hands through his hair.... it was so soft.... Mmmm..... And his lips, ooooh~

"D-d-oojoon." The bell rang and I pushed him off. I was blushing profusely.

"Uhhh.... I-i'll see you some other time.... Doojoon." I stuttered and started walking away.

I heard behind me Doojoon yelling. "I LIKE YOU, YONG SOVANNY!" I smiled.

Uhhh, I'm sorry. XD -bows repeatedly- I'm sorry if it ~ And it's a day late from Valentine's Day. Oh well. <33

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temaru #1
Chapter 1: It is awesome ... i want a continue
Chapter 1: you rush thing~
but yet its sweet~
aww, that was cute =3<br />
i hope you make it longer! :D
AyaMizuhara #4
interesting~~~<br />
i love it..<br />
anyways update soon ^_^