A Shared Dream

U-KISS Roadmap

Luckily SooHyun wasn't fatally hurt from being stabbed.  Of course kept secret from the public.  However, they are now under tight surveillance of their manager.  It was obvious to anyone on set that it was one of the other members that had attacked Soo.  So with more promotions underway, the boys are trying to stay calm and, for the most part, separated while SooHyun recovers.


SooHyun- Scared from the whole event, he's been recuperating, a.k.a. hiding, in the basement of their temporary dorm.  Using his time of solitude, he's really been thinking things over.  'How did it all come down to this?'  It's a tough decision but for Dongho's safety, and everyone's, Soo has called it off with Dongho.  He needs to be a proper leader and make sure everyone is happy.  Especially Kiseop.


Dongho- He's been really shaken up since Soo got hurt.  Not to mention SooHyun breaking up with him.  He was so shocked he couldn't say anything.  But without knowing who stabbed Soo, he doesn't want to risk another attack happening.  Even Kevin has backed off.  'Wait...he only molested Soo when we were together.  Was Kevin really after ME this whole time?!' 


Eli- Regardless of what their manager said about everyone needing "personal space" right now, Eli is sticking close to Dongho.  He was quite surprised that SooHyun broke up with Dongho, not that he's complaining.  'Maybe his life means more to him than Dongho does.'  He's still sticking around Dongho as a friend...for now.  Give him some time to forget Soo and see that Eli was the right choice all along.  'I could probably take a stab better than Soo anyway.'


Kevin- He's using his "alone time" to relax in a nice hot bath.  But he had to empty out all the countless pennies and shiny things from it first.  And then drag it all the way to his room and warm the water elsewhere to put in the tub.  No plumbing in his room meant the water wouldn't be warm for long, but he just needed a little time to rethink his strategy.  Kiseop didn't say anything, but he could see it in his eyes that Kiseop was the one who attacked SooHyun.  As sweet as it was that he did it for Kevin, Kevin never wanted anyone to get hurt.  Mentally maybe, but not physically.  As he was about to start undressing to get in, he slipped and went head first into the tub earning him a good bump and unconsciousness.  From there he dreamed he was underwater with no way out.  And he was tangled in a sheet thrashing to be free as he ran out of air.  Luckily for him the water turning cold shocked him awake and he didn't drown after all.


Kiseop- Kevin was quite upset with him for stabbing SooHyun.  And the manager was eyeing Kiseop more than the others.  So he decided to wear all white and angel wings to throw him, and anyone else suspecting him, off.  Just making himself look as innocent as possible.  It works like a charm!  'Kevin is into the bible too, so he probably thinks I look hot like an angel. And then he won't be mad at me anymore!  Bonus!'  So he thinks.  'Wonder why Hoon is all bummed out lately?'


Hoon- He's decided to take a break on luring AJ for now...not like he can anyway.  He tries to play the piano to relax and sort through his emotions.  'Should I tell someone I saw Kiseop do it?  But Kiseop is my friend.'  Try as he might to find some peace of mind, he is horribly distracted by all the water dripping through his ceiling.  'Stop splashing up there Kevin!  God I hope he's the only one in the bath.'


AJ- He was going to follow his nightly ritual of bathing in all his shinies he's collected.  However, upon going to his room all ready to jump in does he learn that the tub and all shinies are GONE!  So he is on a mad hunt to recover the missing tub and shinies.


So!............as requested I updated!!!  Have been looking into catching up with the current MV's out, but those boys release so many!!!  Sorry if this one wasn't as funny or interesting.  I actually wrote half of this chapter months ago, so I'm a bit worried.  Please comment to let me know what you guys think!





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