Shut Up!

U-KISS Roadmap

Shut Up!
Although the success of the group is improving, trouble has stirred within. As some make bad choices that can’t be undone, others are being hurt.

SooHyun- Realizing his true feelings and desires for maknae Dongho, he was happy. But now he’s stuck. Dongho is still a minor! It’s against the law for them to be together. Soo does something he knows he shouldn’t. He takes advantage of Kevin’s confession and uses him to quench his urges. It’s no use, however, and tells Kevin that he loves someone else and not him. What has he done?

Dongho- He’s so frustrated! Him and Soo finally know that they love each other, but Soo wont take the chance. Why couldn’t he have been just a little older? What can he do to be with the one he loves?!

Eli- Noticing something is horribly distressing Dongho, he wants to come to his rescue. But fighting off Xander and his “y hands” has taken all his energy. Everyday is a battle to not get . As much as it jeopardizes the group, Eli has no choice but to file a restraining order against Xander. Now he has to leave the group for good.

Alexander- As his little time left with the group is coming to an end, he regrets nothing. He will be sad to be forced away from his Eli, but he can wait for an opening. Until then, he plans to enjoy what time he has left with Eli grabbing whatever he can.

Kibum- Brother? No surprise to anyone that Kibum couldn’t resist any longer. He decided to leave the group to tempt the forbidden and go to his brother. Now he can be at peace by his brother’s side.

Kevin- Absolutely broken and hurt, Kevin feels stupid for opening up to Soo. Used and then tossed aside like trash. He can barely be in the same room with his first true love. Why did he use him like that if he was in love with another? His heart is weighing heavily on a hard decision. To stay, or to leave like kibum?

Kiseop- Not exactly sure what has happened to throw everyone into despair, Kiseop tries his hardest to stay strong for the group. They’ll get through this. But Kevin’s tears bother him incessantly.  Why can't he get his crying face out of his mind?

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