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Valentines' Day Oneshots

I think I like this one better. XD sorry if it seems long. I put lots of spaces between paragraphs and I'm kinda lazy to edit it here. XD




“Dammit! I can’t believe it slipped from my memory!” You beat yourself up in your head as you rush to the bathroom and back to your room. You’re so rattled you grab something to take to the bathroom, but leave another thing behind.


“Just finished with the filming. I’ll be there in a few minutes~” your cell phone read. A bit of panic struck you as you started to prepare yourself in the quickest way possible. “I hope he doesn’t come on time. Please be late. Just this once!”


The sound of the apartment door opening was heard through the bathroom as you were in the middle of applying a little make-up on your face. “I’m home! Are you ready to go?” A voice called out and in reply you yelled, “I’ll be there in a minute!”


“A minute? Didn’t I remind you countless of times about tonight? I told you tonight was going to be important! Did you forget again? I can’t believe you’re only fixing up now!” The voice called out. You heave a sigh and think to yourself, “I get it, okay. I forgot already. Just… give me some silence for a while. Sheesh.” You wanted to yell out exactly what you were thinking. But you know how special tonight was and you weren’t going to let a petty argument ruin the rest of the night. “I fell asleep! I’m sorry! I’ll be out soon.” You say in an audible, but softer tone.


“Almost done.” You zip up your dress and head towards the door. As soon as you step out, you hear his obviously impatient voice. “Aish! You said you’d be out in a minute! Apparently a minute for you is seven minutes in the real world!” He said with his back facing you. You roll your eyes and call his name with a pout. “Yoon Doojoon!” Upon hearing your voice, he turns around and as soon as he does, his jaw drops and his eyes suddenly widen.


Your lips curve into a smirk. “Ha! I win~” You think victoriously to yourself. He spent a good minute just looking at you. Your bright purple sheath dress was so simple and yet it mesmerized him completely. A giggle escaped from you and you start walking towards your spellbound boyfriend. You wrap your arms around his neck and he slowly slips his arms around your waist. “Yah. I think you’re starting to get drool on your shirt.” You and he momentarily snaps out of the spell he was in. He shakes his head lightly and apologizes, “I’m sorry. I think I just got struck by a goddess.” He leans in and slowly kisses you.



“Where are we going anyway?” you turn your head towards the driver’s seat as you ask Doojoon the question.


“You’ll find out soon.” He said with a smile as he kept his eyes on the road. You purse your lips and gave a pout disregarding the possibility that he wouldn’t see it anyway.  He saw your pout from the corner of his eye and started laughing. The car stopped in front of a stoplight and as soon as he hit the brake, he took your hand. He gave it a little squeeze, looked right into your eyes, and flashed a playful smile. It was that same look that captivated you almost a year ago. “Just trust me,” he said. “It’s a familiar place. I know you’ll love it.”


You couldn’t help but smile at how thoughtful he was. But then at the same time, you can’t seem to think of where the two of you were headed. He said it was a familiar place, but you’ve been to a lot of places together in the past months that they’re all pretty familiar.


In a moment, you realize that the place you were driving through really was pretty familiar. The car stopped along the curb and Doojoon hurriedly got down the car to open the door on your side for you. You step out and he locks the car as he takes your hand and the both of you walk towards the park. It was chilly, but it wasn’t as cold as the last few nights. Even so, Doojoon let go of your hand and put his arm around your shoulders as if to tell the world you were his girlfriend.


You took a look at the panorama of the whole park. You couldn’t help but smile as so many memories came into your mind. Doojoon saw you smile and his lips curved into a smile too. “I told you it was a familiar place. And a special one at that.” He said.


As the two of you walk casually along the walkway, you spot a tree with a giant purple ribbon. You found it very unusual for a tree to have a huge ribbon tied around it. Especially because all the other trees in the vicinity didn’t have any decorations on it. You slowly stopped walking as you moved closer towards the unusual tree. Curiosity got the better of you as you kept walking towards the tree, but Doojoon just stood behind you, waiting what you would do.


You stopped right in front of the tree and noticed a little not tied to the middle of the ribbon. The note read:

November 16, 2009; 4:00 PM”


It didn’t take long before you realized what the note actually meant. You looked back to see your boyfriend smiling almost like an idiot in front of you. He walked towards you and said, “We agreed to meet here for our—“ before he could finish his sentence you spoke up to finish it: “First date!” The both of you smiled and laughed at how you could complete each other’s sentences sometimes.


Doojoon suddenly took your hand and said, “Come on. I want to walk around the whole park before it gets late.” With that he continued walking and put his arm back on your shoulder.


You were nearing the other end of the park. The two of you ended up talking about the memories you’ve gone through together over the past few months. You talked about the good ones, and the bad ones too. You laughed at the funny escapades you got yourselves into, and also ended up laughing at the times the two of you weren’t on the same page. You didn’t realize it at first, but now that you thought about it, you and Doojoon have gone through so much in about a year. Well that really was what the both of you were expecting considering he’s an idol.


As the two of you were walking hand in hand, you noticed a familiar bench. It was the bench that you always sat on in the spring to read some books. It was that bench that you considered to be your regular bench where you would just sit there and think about things whenever you took a walk in the park.

But something was a little different about your regular bench. It was the same one, of course, but just like the tree tied with a ribbon, it also had something special on it. There was a rose on the bench. You walked towards the bench and Doojoon came along this time. He decided to take a seat on the bench and you remained standing in front of it, with the rose in your hands.


You saw another note tied to the rose. You know that handwriting on the note. And you know what message that note was trying to send. It read: “January 4, 2010; around 4:30 PM” You smiled and looked at your boyfriend who was sitting on the bench, pretending to be unaware of what was going on. “What?” he asked with a confused look.


“You wrote this. I know it.” You said with a chuckle. He smiled and kept on pretending. “What? What does it say anyway?” You put the note in front of his face t show his obvious handwriting. You take a seat beside your boyfriend and said, “It was the first time we met. I was absent-mindedly walking around here, looking at all the balloons flying in the sky when we suddenly bumped into each other. You treated me to a cup of coffee and asked me out to a date not long after.”


You felt his arm wrap around you as usual and you felt his gentle breath near you ear as he whispered, “That was the first time I saw you. And when I did, I told myself I had to make you mine.” You look up at him and stare into his eyes. He smiled and his eyes curved up into small lines, like they always did whenever he laughed or smiled.


The two of you sat there for a while and not long after, you saw him put his hand in his pocket. He seemed to be finding something in his pocket. He then pulled out a small, light blue box and rested it on the palm of your hand.


“February 14, 2010. 6:00 PM. I asked you to be my girlfriend.” Doojoon said with a soft smile on his face. Despite your surprised expression, you flashed a smile that completely entranced him once again. He leaned in closer and when his face was only inches away from yours, he slowly closed the gap. He kissed you softly and pulled away as he tucked your hair behind your ear.


“It’s been a year since I confessed to you how I feel. I’d love to still have you as my girlfriend and maybe as my wife in the future. And I’d come back here everyday. I’d come back to the first place where I saw you. I’d go back to the moment when I fell in love with you. I’d do the same every year.” Doojoon said as he opened the little box in your hand and revealed a simple ring with an elegant design engraved on it.


He took the ring and slipped it into your finger. Doojoon looked into your eyes and smiled again. At this moment, you couldn’t help but throw yourself at him. You wrap your arms around him in an embrace and smiled.


“Happy Valentines’ Day. And happy anniversary too.” Doojoon whispered into your ear.


You kept smiling and whispered back into his ear, “Happy Valentines’ Day and happy anniversary, Yoon Doojoon.”

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Chapter 2: Aww~ and a cute event by Doojoon!
Great one-shots!!! ^^
Chapter 1: Uwaaah~ the Siwon story is so sweet!!
DOOJOOONNN >3< Well writtennnnn, m'dear. I fling my applause at you 8D
adriana04 #4
I loved the siwon storyy it was veryy sweet^^