KaraChul & Their Vacation (Part One)

Valentine Special... (Happily Ever After)


Heechul and I are in a plane going to ___________. I've always wanted to go to this place with someone special. I'm glad I get to go with Heechul.

Even though I begged him like a thousand times after my audition.

I would have invited the others but that would destroy the whole point of this vacation.

Heechul and I needed this time just for ourselves.

"Are we there yet?" I asked Heechul for the nth time.

"Aish! You've asked me that a lot of times! I'm going back to sleep." Heechul said to me.

I wanted to argue with him but he placed an eyepad on his eyes and slept. I sulked the remaining time that we had to go to.

I have a feeling that this trip is not going to be what I expect it to be.

We arrived at our destination and there was a car that waited for us at the airport. The driver helped us with our luggage and he gave Heechul the keys. Heechul took it with a surprised expression.

"Enjoy your trip sir." The driver said with a smile.

"Wait... aren't you going to drive us to the hotel?" Heechul asked the driver.

"No, sir. Mr. Cho arranged that you two are going to drive to the hotel itself sir. The directions to the Hotel are already entered in the car's GPRS so there won't be a problem getting there. Enjoy your stay." The driver said bowing his head at us and opened the driver's seat.

Kyuhyun...this is one of his tricks I'm sure of it.

"Come on in Kara... I'm tired and the sooner we get to the hotel the sooner we can rest." Heechul said opening the passenger seat for me.

"Didn't you get enough sleep on the plane? You might as well sleep your life away." I mumbled under my breath as I got in the passenger seat.

We remained silent for the next hour or so. The driver said the hotel was near but all we saw were fields. We weren't even near the city at all.

"Are you sure this is the way to the Hotel? It doesn't seem like it." I told Heechul after another hour.

"The driver said that the GPRS was already programmed with the directions to the Hotel." Heechul answered me.

"Well, there must be something wrong with it. We've been driving around for hours. We should stop and ask for directions." I told him looking around us.

"We're not lost. I'm sure the hotel is just around here somewhere." Heechul said to me.

"What is it with men and asking for directions? Heechul, we're clearly lost and we should ask for directions. It's getting dark and I don't want to spend the night in a car in the middle of nowhere." I told him with an annoyed tone.

"We're not lost!" Heechul argued back with his voice rising.

I had a good mind to argue back but then the car stopped.

"Damn! We must be out of gas." Heechul said trying to start the car again.

"You mean to tell me that we're stuck here in the middle of nowhere? This is not the way I wanted to spend my vacation!" I said to him trying my best not to freak out.

"Okay. Let's calm down and think. I'm going to check the back if there's something that we could use." Heechul said opening the trunk of the car and opening the car door.

"You're going to leave me here? I'm coming with you." I said as I got out of the car too.

It was freezing outside and it was dark. We had to use our handphones for light. I kept close to Heechul. I was afraid that there would be some masked man carrying a chainsaw and kill the two of us.

Kyuhun is so dead...

If we ever get out of here alive, he'll have his days numbered.

Heechul opened the trunk and there was a note inside.

Hyung, I hope you and Kara would enjoy your little adventure.

Dead! He is so dead!

Heechul crumpled the paper cursed.

"That brat is so dead when we get home!" Heechul shouted at the top of his lungs.

I shouted too out of frustration. Heechul and I sat on the ground and leaned on the car. I wanted to cry but I held back my tears.

This is not the way I wanted to spend my vacation.

"We're going to die here and vultures will have a feast at our rotting bodies!" I said burrying my face in my hands.

"You're over exaggerating. There are no vultures here and we're not going to die. Someone will come by..." Heechul said to me.

He didn't have to end his sentence when a car passed by us. The car stopped and the driver opened his window.

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Chapter 4: Awuh, this was precious! Kyuhyun and all those tricks hidden up his sleeve I swear xD
wah.. FOREVER.. short karaChul but veyr sweet and nice.. haha *evil Kyu ehh.. XD nice one Kyu oppa.! hehe :D
:) hehe here I am again.! haha
graciouzzz #4
...evil kyu got the right plan for these two..adventure/romantic surprise for karachul..hehe..thumbs up for evil kyu..it's sooo sweet..love the ending..don't worry karachul..you'll have your happy together forever ending..:-)<br />
...oops?..late reader..but better be late than never right?..keke..;-)
AWW ITS SO SWEET<33 /evil kyu, why are you like this? Im sure if Kana knew she would've stopped him haha cute Valentines Special! <3
HyunNi_Shin #6
omo!! kyuhyun the evil maknae!! I also thought they're gonna married.. i guess kyuhyun got to fools me too... kekeke^^ really great valentines special!! hope KaraChul will someday get married too.. someday... thsy still got long route to go before that... love it!! thanks for the great valentines KaraChul special eonni!!
LeeMinMi #7
hahhaha! i thought for a second there that they'll be getting married! haha! kyu is such an evil maknae! haha!
What a beautiful valentine special!<br />
and having the bossa nova version of Still and without words piano version (YB-ost)on the background...<br />
GAHHHH~! It totally added to the awesomeness of the story!<br />
AHHHH~!<br />
KaraChul FOREVER!<br />
It's official now!<br />
Because of this I really enjoyed valentines day!<br />
NO kidding~!<br />
Happy Valentines Duddette Unni~<3!