her name was... (soheextaemin)

The Magical One-Shots-R-Us~ (♥) (busy; not taking requests)


i hope you don't mind me tweeking your plot >.< basically, instead of the two dating for two months they've been dating for 2/3 years. heh e v e;; don't hate me, okay? /hides/ you'll love it, I promise <3 --Author-nim.

“Aigoo, Oppa!” Naeun sweetly giggled, as she blushed lightly and eyesmiled for the camera as Taemin tickled her until their faces inched close.

“OK, NOW…KISS!” the director begged, gesturing them to kiss by making two chickens with hands, kissing.

“…bwoh…” Taemin dropped Naeun her on the ground on accident with wide eyes.

“Ouw!” Naeun whined, as the thud of her head hit the ground.

 “I’m-- We’re already uncomfortable enough…” Taemin said bluntly, rubbing his nape, “Can we just…hug at the end of the season?”

“AISH!” the producers and directors called  out behind the camera, and groaning that their rates are never going to go up as they stopped filming the two, “It’s just a show! Aigoo! Man Up!”

“Just…--“ the director pinched the bridge of his nose, as a large tension migrane pounded inside of his head, “We’re done for the night people! We’ll edit this and leave it as a cliff hanger for the last episode! Arasso? Arasso, now get out! Shoo!

Taemin helped Naeun up from the ground and snickered listening to the director ‘shoo’ people away. A vibration from his pocket buzzed against his leg before  he reached in and swiped the screen of his phone.

“Ah, is that Kibum Oppa?” Naeun asked, grabbing a water bottle herself from the refreshment table before grabbing him one.

“Ah, Aniya it’s uh…” Taemin glanced around, making sure no one was there and said lowly, “Sohee…” Since, Taemin was spending so much time with Naeun they’ve grown a very good friendship in which they protect each other like a team but never, a relationship. Naeun was very aware of Sohee and Taemin’s relationship but since, Taemin barely got to send Sohee at least a 30 character text a day, things have been difficult between the two.

“Ooh! Isn’t she debuting soon? She is so pretty!” she chimed, nodding and twiting the cap off her waterbottle before taking a sip, “You guys should be careful… don’t want the label finding out!”

“Neh, Neh…” he laughed lightly before, looking at her text about her say. He smiled gently thinking about her and how independent she was but yet, still misses him. But then again, also made him feel bittersweet because of the lack of time he has with her, “I don’t think we’ll get caught anytime soon because… well, you know…”

Naeun blinked and swallowed some more water, “Eh?”

“We’re… ‘married’…” Taemin put in airquotes with his fingers.

“OH! Haha!” she laughed loudly, facepalming herself twich, “Yeah! We are! Aii, well but this is just acting…”

“As…ourselves…” he sighed heavily, putting the phone back in his pocket before they reached their dressing rooms.

“Ai, well am I that bad to work with?” she said laughing a bit and scratching her head.

“Oh! Aniya! You’re great Naeun, haha, but you know…” he sighed again and slipped his pullover hoodie over his fluffy red hair, “I’m just worried Sohee might not be too happy that I haven’t been paying attention to her… and that I’m doing all these things…with you in front of the world.”

Naeun pursed her lips inwards because she knew how it felt to since she’s had also been in a secret relationship but for a longer time, and she knew how it felt when her own boyfriend would perform with other beautiful young women and went on tours with those beautiful young women.

“Well…just don’t think of it as you doing something bad, Taemin…” she nodded, patting his shoulder supportively, “I know your story and you know mine, and at the end of the day none of this is real and the only thing that is real is whatever you’re thinking about and feeling right there!” she said poking his chest where his heart is. Her nails were sharp so it kind of hurt but Taemin, laughed and nodded.

“Neh, you’re right… I’m going to go see her tonight!” He exclaimed with enthusiasm, putting his fist in the air like a superhero.

“Then, Do it! Go get your yeobo Tae-man!” she encouraged, clapping and jumping up and down.

“I will!” he said with a cheeky grin, and grabbed his duffle bag of things before he skipped out of the building. According to the text about her day, she was currently at dance rehersal and didn’t want to be bothered but, Taemin wanted to surprise her tonight.

But first, Taemin drove home to the SM dorms and had to change for the appropriate clothing for the occasion, of course.

(Later at the SM Trainee Building…)

Sohee’s POV

My group members tell me that my dancing has improved drastically as well as my singing. And, they asked me what exactly is my secret and all I did was shrug and tell them I train more than necessary and drink lots of water. But, the only secret I had was Taemin. Taemin was the key to emotions these past couple of months. I’ve never sung so emotionally and danced this hard ever since one of the family tragedies happened but, at least I had Taemin during the time to console to. It’s not like I’m totally clueless without my jaigya, it’s just… when you love somebody so much and you’re not able to see their smile, hear their voice or be In their presence for more than three times a week then you become a wreck.

Dance rehersal was done hours ago but I was still there… Standing in front of the mirror looking at my reflection stare back at me like it was taunting me. Thoughts ran through my mind about the episodes of WGM I watched at home. The many times they were close to kissing. The various light heartded moments…much like the ones Taemin had with me.

And, to top that Naeun was a beautiful girl. Flawless. Here in South Korea, and even internationally, she actually had a name where I’m just another-trainee-girl-who-might-debut-in-ya know-100-years.

I pushed my bangs back and looked in my eyes and then glared at myself before I started to tear up. Who am I kidding? He barely calls anymore… He’s going to leave me.

End of pov.

Sohee inhaled holding back tears that wanted to be released but instead she pursed her lips and shook her head. She wasn’t going to let this make her feel like she is less of a beautiful and talented person. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t.

She dug her own ipod out of her pocket and plugged it up to the speakers before the song, and the slow melody of “Breath” by Jonghyun and Taeyeon. Finally, closing her eyes and inhaling then opening them slowly – she imagined Taemin beside her. She smiled weakly and let the figment of her imagination dance like the wind blowing sweet cherry blossom petals . After the male introduction of the dance, Sohee came in on Taeyeon’s part and started to move her feet swiftly on the floor and moving her hands delicately in a soothing contemporary style of dance until she imagined Taemin, putting his hands against hers at the end of the chorus.

Little did she know, Taemin was watching her from the hallway. He smiled gently watching her and slowly opened the glass door before he took off his jacket and decided to sneak into the dance for the second time the chorus ended and Sohee, danced powerfully concentrating on her own reflection.

And when the final round of the chorus came, Taemin put her hands against her’s gently where the figment of her imagination became something so real. Her eyes opened and the put their hands down together as the song went out with one last chord of the piano.

“T-Taemin?” she spoke quietly, blinking, thinking she’s going crazy.

He grinned widely and nodded, “Neh? Sohee?”

She stood there and blinked and finally, tears started to stream down her cheek and she sniffled, before closing her eyes shut tightly and hugging him tightly and cried into the cloth of his shirt.

“Bwoh? What’s wrong Yeobo? I-I’m here” he said, his voice slightly trembling because he was caught so off guard by the sudden burst of emotion coming from his girlfriend, “A-Are you okay?”

She pushed him off harshly and turned around so she wouldn’t face him, “I’ve missed you like crazy Lee Taemin!” she shouted, her voice quivering as she crossed her arms and closed herself in while trying to catch her breath.

“I’ve missed you too…but, you shouldn’t cry yeobo…” he said walking up to her from behind and trying to hug her from behind gently.

She turned around quickly and exposed her brown eyes glossed over with tears and wiped her cheek, “You never called me for weeks! And, no replies to my text messages! How am I supposed to react Taemin?! And, on top of that you’re—you’re – skinshipping! – with that beautiful idol girl! A-And—it’s like you completely forgot about my existence! “

Taemin’s POV:

My heart dropped and I blinked holding my own tears back. I hated seeing Sohee cry. She was too beautiful to cry or to ever be hurt. And, what’s worse is that I’m the one who hurt her.

“Minhaeyo Yeobo but, I was just really busy a-and none of that is real!”  I couldn’t explain how much hurt I felt on my own and guilt. I couldn’t explain all the times her face and her smile played in my mind like the same episodes of a variety show that they play back to back.

“I probably should’ve told you this before I left…but you are and were the only thing that is on my mind…all the time.” I confessed, brushing the bangs from her eyes, wiping away the tears away from her cheeks with my thumbs, “there’s not one second where I’m missing you…your smile… your laugh… your craziness…”

She smiled weakly and laughed a bit.

Ai, that smile.

“Sohee, I wanted to take you somewhere tonight…”

She’ll never even guess.

“Mwo?” she said blinking as she hesitated to answer, “where?”

“It’s a secret…” I said laughing a bit, thinking about her reaction.

“Aishh…” she groaned.

“Aiiisssh” he mocked her, grabbing her hand and chuckling as I pulled her along.

End of Taeman POV.


Sohee’s POV

I looked up and down at Taemin , analyzing her clothes and he was wearing a hoodie and sweats so I wasn’t really expecting to be going anywhere too special. Of course, I didn’t care – as long Taemin was here again. He looked back at me and I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. He winked at me playfully and stopped pulling me and kissed my cheek. Then, I pecked his lips.

He blushed and laughed lightly and intertwined his fingers with mine , then we got into the car. It was a nice night and the weather wasn’t bad at all. Perfect warm weather and a nice breeze.

“Before we go, you’re going to have to put on something pretty, arrasso?” he said looking over at me with a wide smile as he started the car.

“Aigoo, you’re wearing lazy clothes!” I pointed out poking his torso.

“Do you want to go?” he said blinking and poking my cheek.

“…Mm…I guess…” I said, waving my finger at him, “I’m on to you Lee Taemin…”

“I love you too Jung Sohee.” He chimed back sweetly,  kissing my cheek softly at the stop light.

When we arrived to my dorm, I quickly went inside and changed out of my dance clothes and white long sleeve but the fabric was a very light and then a navy blue skirt with white polka dots with it. Nothing too special but I always felt simple was beautiful.  I tied my hair up into a long pony tail and then put on some small pearl earrings then slung my messenger purse over my shoulder and went back downstairs to get back in the car.

  (end of pov)

“Ah, so cute…” he said looking at her outfit and then peeking at her legs and blushing lightly before he smiled to himself childishly before she hit his arm and laughed.

"Yah, don't look at my legs if I can't look at your's pabo" she said laughing, before pinching the cloth of his sweatpants,

He chuckled lightly and shook his head before he started to drive and the radio.

"Aigoo! Sohee this is the first song we ever danced to together!" Taemin chimed with an eyesmile before singing along with the tune, "Loving Yooouu~"

"Aniya, you were just trying to dance like a girl the whole time!" she said laughing brightly.

"It counts!" he said nodding. The two sung along and Taemin almost hit another because he tried to shimmy while he was driving causing Sohee to laugh even harder.

"You're going to kill us Jaigya!" she said watching the old man in the other car they almost hit, yell some choiced words out his window.

"Well, at least my death would be with you" he said grinning cheekily. Sohee shook her head and kissed his cheek and he took her hand and intertwined his fingers with her's warmly. Soon, they arrived to a small shop... Sohee looked through the glass of the car window and squinted her eyes slightly. Why did this place look so fimiliar?

Soon, two fimiliar faces walked out with wide grins.

Sohee gasped happily, "Aigoo! It's Mikyung Unnie and Baekho Oppa!"

Taemin nodded and waved out her side of the window with a smile, "Neh, it's been ages since we've been here so I thought we could just grab some bubbletea..."

Before the Taemin became an idol and way before Sohee started training, the two worked at the small bubbletea shop -- where they slowly and almost instantly fell in love.

"Omo... so many memories..." she mumbled sweetly, getting out of the car and smiling gently as she looked up at the bubbletea sign. 'It's been almost 2 or 3 years...' When she looked back down from the sign, Taemin had already dissepeared. She blinked and then her old friend Mikyung squealed like a mother who hasn't seen her child as if she left for college, "SOHEE SAENG!"

Baekho eyesmiled and impersonated Mikyung's womanly screamed and the two hugged Sohee and she giggled, "Hey, how are you guys?"

The two casually small talked with her about their own lives and her's as well until Baekho blinked, "Where's Taemin Hyung?"

"Er..." Mikyung shrugged, "probably inside... let's go in, shall we?" she nodded.

Sohee nodded and smiled, as Baekho opened the door to dimly lit bubbletea shop that was decorated with christmas lights that hung on the walls and people were crowded in the store, all looking at Sohee.

"Ah....what's, er, going on?" she asked, blinking as she looked back at Baekho chuckling and holding Mikyung, watching the young girl.

The room full of people were her friends, her group mates, her family members, Taemin's group mates, family and friends holding signs that pointed arrows in the forward directions, as they people split apart and formed an aisle to reveal Taemin standing there with a black and white Tux, a red velvet rose and a gentle smile.

Sohee gasped and put her hands over , "mwo? aigoo... i....can someone tell me what..--"

Taemin laughed lightly and the two walked towards each other until they met in the middle and they both looked down blushing red until Sohee looked up to find Taemin very close.

"Sohee...I love you... I've loved you since the first time I have ever seen you in just jeans and a hoodie...or just laughing at the nonsense that I do... you make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world." he said lowly and sweetly, keeping eye contact with her. Eyes glistening from the lights in the lowly dimmed room.

"B-But what about the label? What about WGM?"

Taemin laughed lightly and pointed one of the crowd of people and there stood the shinee manager giving a thumbs up and a grin.

"Manager hyung worked that out... And, if the world can't accept that you're the only woman I love then, I don't mind leaving... My dreams are not complete with you Jung Sohee." he said, reaching in his back pocket, "And, I want to make all your dreams come true... no matter what it takes..." Taemin kneeled down on one knee and pulled out a dark navy blue velvet box.


"Sohee...Will you marry me?" he opened the box to a sparkling silver ring.

The crowd of family and friends cheered on as Sohee laughed and started to tear up, putting her hand over before she nodded and he slipped on the ring on to her ring finger. He then stood up and she jumped up on to him and hugging him tightly and grinned widely.

"Aish, Lee Taemin..." she said wiping her tears and laughed, "Sarangaheyo..."

He chuckled and pressed his lips on her's and kissed her for a good moment before he pulled away and nodded, "And, I love you too...Lee Sohee"

thank you again for your patience miss! if you are a random reader then thank you for reading!

I hope you enjoyed this,

I friggin love writing about shinee <3

To the mrs.lee sohee who requested /winkwonk/ i hope you cuaght the bbtea love reference >.<

thanks for reading again.

& uh i hope that gave you some feels.

jonghyun felt some  srs feels~


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Chapter 10: it's all good. family matters are always number one!!
especially if it's graduation one too!!
hehe, congrats to your sister!!
thanks for the notification~ =]
SeKai_KaiLu #2
Chapter 10: It's Okay Author-nim,
I would do the same thing too ^_^
GoodLuck!! ^_^ XoXo
Chapter 9: KYA!!!!!!~ this is by far your best work ever!! I don't mind at all that you changed the plotline a little! Oh my god this was just... Kya~! And I so see wht you did with the bubble tea shop, and I love you for it ;) thank you so much for writing this!
Your Partner/Idol; Big Bang's Seungri

Idol's Personality; [as he is?] lol

Your name; Sunmi [i wanna request for a RIMI ficcy!! lol]

Your personality; [as she is? ^^]

Any Plot Ideas? Or may i choose?; you may choose... actually i wanna give you free reign on this one. i just wanna read a RiMi fic... i miss my wonderbang stories and no one really writes about them anymore. sigh.

Main theme; fluff... that good 'ol Panda x Alien love story. lol

ty-ness?; minor skinship? lol

Prefer a POV?; 3rd pov please! thanks~ =]
Your Partner/Idol; GOT7's Mark

Idol's Personality; He's a dork... a complete dork. He knows how to make someone laugh and smile even if they have had the worst day. He's also a weirdo and does things to his own accordance at times, but he doesn't care. He does what he does for himself and others as a good person, not trying to impress anyone. Although at times, if he can't express his true, real feelings, he hides it behind another way of showing it.

Your name; Raelynn

Your personality; She's reserve, but depending on the person she is with, she's can be a dorky weirdo herself. She's honest and straightforward and doesn't like bullshiet. She can be a stick in the mud at times and a bit stubborn, but it's just her nature to see how close she wants to get to people. She can be nice and friendly, but mostly she just wants to keep to herself. Although at times, it's hard for her to do so when there are those around her that just makes her open herself up.

Any Plot Ideas? Or may i choose?; [honestly though, i rather have you choose whatever you wanna write about with these two... and with their personalities as well, as i give you full range on what to do with it. lol but if it helps...] Raelynn hasn't seen Mark in a few years and so they've grown up a bit and are a bit different now, but still the same, but mature? if that makes sense? lol

Main theme; fluff, romance, [the awkward romcom kinda love? lol]

ty-ness?; well no need for this... but skinship would be nice. lol

Prefer a POV?; 3rd person preferred.
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #6
Any Plot Ideas? Or may i choose?; Yes. I am thinking that I'v been dating Donghae for 5 years, and
we're madly in love. (Kyuhyun has a huge crush on me, too!) It's summer break, and the Suju boys want
to have a reunion party with Yesung, Heechul, Kangin and Hangeng for a weekend break. At that time,
Donghae plans to purpose to me at the most romantic time he can find. We go off on our own little
dates during our stay, and we decide to walk in the shops at the pier while sharing a yummy bowl of
delicious ice cream! Just then, we step on the more beachy part of the town, and goof off with each other,
splashing and kissing. Then out of the blue, I find this old and mysterious doll laying in the sand.
Donghae finds it creepy with its one cracked eye, and missing lashes and fainted lips. I think the
doll is beautiful, and I want to take it home to wash up and fix. But later on, the more the doll
stays at the SJ dorm, the more Donghae oppa begins to realise that something weird is starting to
happen! I slowly transform into the doll and become a totally different person! Horrific events
continue happening, and Donghae finds himself on an adventure to find a way to bring me back to
normal before the doll completely overtakes my being!! Can he do that in time?!!

Main theme; (fluff,romance,tragedy,depression): Drama, Adventure, romance, horror

ty-ness?; (**NOTE** i am bad at . espacially hardcore lol, SO *cough* if you want just a makeout session -- fine. Touchy feeling? Sure. e w e. But the will be light people. No penetration here. No crazy kink . This is mainly a place of fluff and romance. I I know. ;__; lol )
YES! Can you add in a little bit of ty ness? LOL not too much, just a little is fine! Thanks! If not, just BE FLUFFY BEFORE THE BAD STUFFS HAPPEN! :)

Prefer a POV? (1st, 3rd, 2nd): 1st person! :)

ParkJimins_TinyWifey #7
Your Partner/Idol; Super Junior's Lee Donghae (Can Kyuhyun have a longtime crush on me?!)

Idol's Personality(4-5 senteces max. be specific): How can you describe Donghae? He is one of those
guys who's smart, and knows how to talk. At most times he's quiet, sensitive and caring when your first
around him but if he really clicks with someone, he'll be his silly, loveable self. He's strong and
independant in ways, and very protective of the ones he loves. He doesn't like to show how sad he is,
and he wants to be known as "the strong one." He also thinks of others more than himself, and can put himself in other's
shoes to fix their problems, making his heart go out them more than others can.

Your name; (can be fake, i don't care lol): Laura Lu

Your personality (be specfic! 4-5 sentences!): I am a girl who has been broken, and I'm trying to
find my old self. I'm cheery, optimistic and friendly but If I know that another person is in the
wrong, I am never afraid to tell them my opinions and I tell people off if they are being rude to
me. I am sweet and caring, and I am very affectionate towards loved ones. I always love to go around
and hug people. I am very open minded and adventerous. I dont like to be stuck in one place for too
long, and I love to spend time exploring new surroundings and finding different treasures I can add
to my growing collection.
So like, thanks a bunch for opening a one-shot shop.

Your Partner/Idol: B-bomb aka Bae-bomb aka Lee Minhyuk

Idol's Personality: Full of secrets & surprises. He's not one to spit sweet words every hour, rather his actions overwhelm my thoughts about his lack of words. Very charismatic and charming of course (I'm grateful he chose me over the other ladies out there). He's a fast stallion to chase but once he got me, his feet will stay still.

Your name: Han (hōn)

Your personality: I'm rather masculine when it comes to the way I think (not like picking boogers or scratching my but like, I don't care about my weight/hair/perfections, other people try'na snatch the bae-bomb from me, because I'm one to think that if Minhyuk decides to settle down for me then he will be loyal. Like I said, I know that Minhyuk's a runaway when it comes to romance, but when it comes to me, he's my chaser.) I'm humorous: talks more in the relationship. My sense of humor consists of puns, and awful(ly hilarious) jokes.

Any Plot Ideas?; Adult-apartment life with Minhyuk pls. Throw some clubbing scenery and drunk conversations also, thank you very much.

Main theme; romance, life

ty-ness?; Some touching and sweet make-out sessions are totes doable. 's too extreme. I want to keep it a softcore romance

Preferred POV: 3rd ~


Thank you , thank you . u .)b
SeKai_KaiLu #9
Annyeong~ I like your stories so much so I'm .... You know -_-

Your ) Partner/Idol: Byun Baekhyun
Idol's Personality: Strict and kindda Party pooper but inside he just wanna protect you, and he is dorky and funny in the inside

My name: Danielle Lee

Main theme: Fluff, Romance, and Humor
My personality: innocen5. Lol, Love to do stupid things, Cries and Laugh alot, Caring and gentle

Neomu Kamsahamnida!~ ♡
Chapter 8: YEYY.... OMG THIS IS SOO .... FLUFF!!