paper hearts. (under drafting...)


...p a p e r  h e a r t s.

wVvomHTk-4YkYn53K68FLMS9TyLD3EnFcULEeOFS                                  WXJsEpqaCegh-5f5bdnvQHYL_lFQn0ROdmW0viwY

goodbye love…  you flew right by love!

What would it be like if we could go back? If we could have the chance to actually to talk to the person we wanted to talk to. Or not say the things we have said. Close your eyes... Imagine if we coud close our eyes when we're hurting...wish to be next to the one we need most then open them to see them lying there next to you. This is not just a regular story of time travel but more, s story of loving someone in the shadows and in hopes to bring that to some sort of light. 

"I've met you many times before."

"No we haven't. You're a stranger... I don't know you."

"You can't tell me you don't feel like you've seen me before."


"But, we just met."

"Mm... That's okay. It's time for me to go."


"..Hahaha, good bye love."

She blinked as he walked down the autumn sidewalk, getting into the city cab, 

"good bye love."




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