The accident meeting of Sun and Sunflower

You are my only one Sunflower…

14 years later…


Donghae’s POV

I heard alarm scolding beside of me on the table. I was really wanting to sleep as I had night duty at office last night but who tortured this alarm to wake me up seriously? I pressed the button to close it bouncing and rolling back to sleep but I noticed this sun was right in front of me. Why the sun is right in front of me? It’s not the time when sun is just stretching his arms out? I was nervous about to see the clock arm was pointing at. But I saw… It’s almost 9 p.m!!! Ah!! What must I do? What must I do? While I was confusing with my self, I had a fight with my pillow and blanket that I wanted to struggle from them and rushed to the bathroom. If I am late today again, I will have no legs to enter the company again.



I rushed from my house, bumped to all things existed in front of me and even car. And I cashed for a little milk bottle at the store. Steps were non-stop and all were hypertonic on pavement basking by the sun. On my neck, tie wasn’t tidy, uniform wasn’t ironed and shoe laces were touching with the ground as there’s only one tie of laces.


In the end, I saw my company! Really I wanted to jump but it’s not main matter and no one will help me to be free of scolding even they told they saw me at front of company. I forced my feet leading into this large building and eyes were searching for elevator to reach to office. I felt the liquid in milk bottle was bouncing to other sides of it for really wanting to go out from little bottle. With my force of rushing to elevator plus force of milk bouncing in its own bottle were equal to occur reaction of two forces. The result was. Splashing milk to other person. Unlucky.


My mind felt blank as felt so sorry to latter for my action. I didn’t mean to be like this but in my thinking, today is given as an unfortunate day by heaven. I couldn’t lift my head to see other as I felt ashamed of accident. My mouth formed ‘what the hell!’ and my hands automatically fished blue handkerchief out of my back pocket and cleaned the latter’s suit and shoes spilt with milk at once. I stunned as I heard him something saying harsh while I was apologizing my entire mind for my accidental behavior. But it ought not to be. Of course… he’ll be disappointed.


“Stop it and get away!” First I can stand with the word. But he’s still mean. Without understanding, I just cleaned it.

“STOP IT! I SAID! ARE YOU DEAF?!!” He shouted. He kicked me with all his power before I fell over floor. It widened my eyes… How can he be rude like this?? I even couldn’t say a word because right now I was insulted.

All employees were staring at where the shout came from. Me. Lee Dong Hae. Did a mistake. But I also had apologized to him! W-where the ing rude guys came from? Ah… my head hurt. This guy! I can’t let him go easily pretending there’s no happening.

“What did I do wrong to you?” I said roughly and strongly as I stood up from pity position.


“And then I was apologizing to you b-but do you have eyes and ears right? Or if you don’t another touching your expensive suit, you should say ‘Okay its okay’ and end like that as you accept. But where the teachers of you taught you to kick person for only little accident?!”

He cleaned and fixed his suit and stared me;


“Don’t waste your time and energy in this ing called apologizing. And I will ask you. Can you survive money for this milk-spilt suit?? This suit is! This suit costs-over than you 12 months 1 year salaries!” Ah! What the-! This was the thief is shouting back to owner.

“W-what?” I really wanted to curse this man properly. But there’s too many flames on my head burning.

“Did I say wrong? So come back with a new suit if you can’t be enough to apologize. To return, just try to buy only a flight ticket!”


‘what the ing !’ now you cursing me?! What on earth happening?!! A crazy man who thinking apologize is priceless than his noble suit… This guy and me. Let’s die together today!


He tidied his suit and glared to me before turned around to walk on his way while I fisted my hands as my anger gonna explode on top of my head. Some employees watched this argument excitingly and stared me again. They thought that I not dare to tell him back. Hey! I was on top of fire! I’m not a coward! Did that person out of mind or didn’t he attend school? Seemed he might even get degree from other foreign university… But? Why don’t he understand what’s personality and responsibility to tell good back?


While I was floating in my thoughts turning into ‘revenge’, the ungraceful man was already in elevator. The door was about to close before I rushed to there and pushed against two sides of door. I caught my breath again and saw that man starting to ignore me. So I must glare…


“Hey! Man! Even though I’d endured all things that people have had to me, but this cannot be accepted, you know?!” This head seemed interested to my words.


“I would like to end with your words, but some can’t let me bear with your rude action!”
I continued.

I’ve ever seen the guys from rich family and standard but humans have brain to know responsibility in all things, right? I know that you’re also a rich guy who spend money uselessly, who waste time on party and who! Who didn’t even think how the other may feel with their ugly, ungraceful behavior. You seemed same-aged to me. So from now on, don’t let you stay like this and fix your brain and personality… this is my last warning… If you DARE TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS TO ANOTHER, I will never forgive you” The boy stared me in surprise or also in awful way. My hands dropped the doors and the elevator closed as I finished my words since I didn’t want to hear his complains anymore.


Yup. You did right, Lee Dong Hae. Some haughty naughty and mighty guys must be learnt from different surroundings. Ah…. Now my anger was killed by cold water…. So fresh and delicious to teach this guy back…


B-But some… wait! I’m late now! I should ride previous elevator! What to do? What to do?!! If the new manager arrived there,… …. Ah!! Please! Elevator! Save me!


“I’m right now here!” as I stepped to my office. But some is… atmosphere is something. Did manager arrive now? All seniors and employees was standing and lowered their heads. Before today, every mornings like sparrow nests but right now it’s too~~ quiet~ The new manager…? I could only see his back. One of my office partners poked my shoulder as I was trying to step forward.


“Don’t you introduce yourself?” she snapped.

“Who’s the man?”

“who’s else? The new manager transferred to our office. Also the only one son of our CEO!”

“Really??” I surprised. Son of CEO. Wah! It will be hard to befriend with him..

But this back was really similar to me. It’s not long long ago.

He turned around to see me. I was in shock and immediately bowed my head to 90 degree also introduced myself.

“Hello, my name is Lee Dong Hae.” I heard he’s chuckling or smirking as I lifted my head to meet manager’s face.


I’ve known this man…

I’ve seen this face…

This face looks like…


“Long time no see… almost about 3 minutes ago…”

My eyes went crazy as he started to turn his voice on.

T-this man???


Almost about 3 minutes ago!!

H-He-e? (The man who cursed me!)

Where was he doing here? And why is he here?

O-Or he’s the new manager??

“Y-you are the manager of our office??” my voice shaking… He stepped towards me and also staring in my eyes…

Will his answer be Yes or No?? Yes! Or No?...

“Welcome to this office! Nice to meet you. I’m the new…”

… Bad to meet you… Please don’t say ‘manager’….


Finally, it’s yes. Damn it. It’s yess…

From this day, my life will be black-cloudied…


A/N: Sorry for long update. Really sorry… And this chapters are crashed with bad writing and grammar . Because I’m too tired>< *energy lacking* also I’m not good at writing POV or others… And I’m not good at writing arguments (Simply! I’m not good at anything!)But at least I’ve responsibility to say thanks to readers… Not like the haughty manager… This manager will be revealed in next chapter! Who will be?? *evil laugh* So give me strength to continue to write this story Of course comments and subs! (I was about to delete this story because I’m too depressed)

Thanks! All readers!

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Sorry! i'll be on a long hiatus cuz there's exam at schl... *bows*


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