Please don’t forget The Sunflowers…

You are my only one Sunflower…

Eunhyuk’s POV

After happening a miracle or I think, I only felt my back was facing the damp ground. That person with black hair already put his hands on my shoulder and grabbed mine to fall firmly. When I was wondering what the boy or girl, but as he turned to my face, his upper lip slightly brushed with my lower lip. I surprised. The little touch. Between that person and me. Make me welcome to wonderland. I was helpless with the amazing thing ever I happened. Nobody helped me. So I just throw my stare to sky. Now my eyes and head is blur and there’s nothing that I can’t do at all. An angel under the sun stole my eyes which had been moved to sky. I understood. That it was an accident.

That boy stared me. And I too stared in his eyes. Our faces were only centimetres away. I swallowed my saliva. He bit his bottom lips. In this flower field, one living thing is on top of me and the touch between this person and me made me frozen. I didn’t even know that boy or girl. Yup, he or she? Bright eyes, straight nose and red lips. Who says that’s a boy? Even boy or girl, I don’t interest. He was falling on top of  me but I’m falling in his eyes.

He or she concentrated mind back and picked itself up. I was about suffocating. Because of his or her face. God, save me. Thanks for something free from on top of me. I stood quickly and cleaned dust from my shirt and pants. He or she or that little was waiting for start talk to me. His or her head is down. That little pretty creature can be girl. If a boy is here, he punched me right now and could kick from this field. A girl? I have to show how powerful I am.

“Don’t you see a person standing in front of you?” I started.

“NO! I see but I’m too shocked to see you! Are you shocked too?” That girl blew me.

“Why am I shocked? And what the hell are you doing in this field? Don’t you afraid?”

“Why must I be afraid?”

“You’re the girl alone in this field may be in danger. Some men might you…” Do I say it right?

“I’m not a girl!!!”

“What?!” Did I hear it right? She’s not a girl! Nope, he’s not a girl!

“Yup, I’m not a girl! And nobody can me. In stead of doing such thing over me, you will be the one. Now, you know!!!” That boy was a little bit rude. But say something. Could a boy be beautiful like that?

“What the hell! Why must I you? Who said you?”

“No you don’t said. But you started to do to me!!!”

“Seriously- Ugh! Jinjar! This surprising thing!”

“And why are you teaching me? B-but I’m thankful to you for worried about me. Even this is my false to fall over you…” he puffed his cheeks. C.U.T.E. Nope, a boy cannot be cute. A cute thingy is only me. Yup. But some my heart beating rate was increasing I think. It’s can almost over 130. So why am I being like this? Because of him? WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS, LEE HYUKJAE?!!

He stared me as I slapped my both cheeks. I said, “Nothing.. Hehe” Why am I smiling? Like a idiot.

“Whatever… Care about yourself either there’s person beside you or not.” Stupid words. I said. Why do I like to teach other who meet two minutes ago?

When I was hiding my head down, blushing, hiding myself, peeking at him, playing with my fingers, not dare to look at him fully, and all I was busy with myself and mind, he was staring to sky and said.

“It’s gonna be rain!”

“What!” Can you only listen to other’s words only once, not saying ‘Pardon’? What mistakes I did?

“Look! Clouds! Black clouds! And! Sunflowers!” Is this pretty guy silly or what? Look, clouds, black clouds, and sunflowers. What about he saying?

“Sunflowers are sad because of this stupid rain! Let’s go!” after he said all and I didn’t understand what he mean, he grabbed my hand and dragging to somewhere. In little raindrops, he was holding my hands and running to endless field. I felt I’m in heaven. Although sky was starting to be black due to clouds, I passed sunflowers and they are watching us, I held his hands tight and willing to follow wherever he goes. I closed my eyes. This time, my heart is born with a new love flower.

He still grabbed my hand when we reached at the tent. I felt awkward. Not feel that’s disgusting just I wanted to feel it more but this guy was a strange man from me. While he relieved his breathe, I said,

“P-please… this hand..”

“Oh! Sorry… And why are you blushing like that just I grabbed your hand?” He pointed.

“What! NO! I’m not blushing. Not blushing…”

“OK” He took my hand free and seemed to look something high around to sit. He found the long log and sat there.

“Sit here. Will you continue to stand like this until the rain stops?” I felt stunned. No choice, I sat beside him.

He was just bad-mouthing to rain and cursing with the words like What the rain! And I didn’t know something next because of noisiness from the rain met the zinc roof. I stated a question as I wanted to know why he hated rain.

“Do you hate rain?”

“Huh, did you ask me if I hate rain?” He re-questioned to me.


“It’s not I hate the rain due to my personal reason. If the rain falls, the sunflowers were getting sad.”

“Why are you concerning to the sunflowers?” I wanted to know why he protects these yellow flowers.

“Have you heard about how these pretty flowers are pitiful?”


“So you will not know.” He headed down to ground and seemed disappointed. So I had to continue conversation.

“How did you know why these flowers are pitiful for you in real? And when did you interested in sunflowers?”

“I’ve heard the fairytales. My grandma told me that all.”

He was the one type of weird. No. I just meant that he was the one type of fantasy. I could predict that his life will be fantasy like fairytales. But this time he stated;

“Did you believe in fairytales?”


“I’m too. But I’d been suddenly addicted at one of stories…”

“What the title is?”

“The Sunflower and The sun.” So this is why he protected the sunflowers.

“Do you wanna listen to how sunflowers happened from?”

“If you want to, I will.” I stared in his eyes again. I couldn’t free from those sparkling eyes. But suddenly he formed a smile on his face and made me shiver at that time. He blinked and his lips fluttered with words.

“Ok, start!”

Once, in heaven, there’s a beautiful fairy. She had been kind-hearted and generous in human life so after her life lost in earth, she must have to go to paradise.

Every her friends and other fairies was envied to her. Because of her long golden hair. This hair can lightened the world if the sun dies. She was good-matured, well-mannered and . Beautiful, this word could not describe her beauty all. It’s meant that SHE WAS WONDERFUL…

One day, she was about to play and looked around the heaven, she saw a beautiful angel and fell for him. She really wanted to see him directly and fortunately, the angel smiled at her as he saw the golden-haired-fairy. This little fairy was about to melt at the angel’s smile and she smiled back. She had a small talk with him because this angel said that he had a lot of work both of earth and heaven. But he promised they would meet again or he will be back.

At this time, the little fairy realized that she was madly fall for Sun Prince. She was waiting for him one day by day at her palace to see her beloved one. But after one week, this prince didn’t appear in front of the fairy. Her heart was about to break and wrote a letter to Prince. Although, this prince didn’t reply. Sadly, this fairy princess was asking her friends why he did not come to her or he was afraid to see her, all explained the Sun Prince must work for the human earth and heaven. And if the sun was absent for his work, the humans around the world would not be alive. Every time, every second, the sun prince was willing humans to be cheerful and living happily.

After the princess heard all explanations from others, she could understand but didn’t understand that she could not live til she meet the Sun Prince’s face again. She could not end this pain of love. Every day, she didn’t eat anything and didn’t do anything. Always looking at the direction where the Sun shines. Later, many days passed by, the golden-haired-princess got an illness and passed away from heaven.

When she died, the heaven let her continue at the earth. Not a human. For looking at the Sun Prince, the princess is being a yellow flower as a punishment or her endless obsession. She is being as a Sunflower. To look far to the sun from the earth. Because she likes to look at the one beloved.

From those days, the princess as sunflowers is even rooted in the ground, all they are facing at the sun and following. At the end of day when the sun sets, they get depressed and let their heads down. Even not night, when the sun hides under the clouds or rain. However, the sunflowers are satisfying for only looking to the sun.

Finally, story is end. This is just a sad story.

“In most fairytales, the princess lived with the prince happily ever after, but this princess is j-just-” he sobbed.

“Why are you crying? Are you really feminine? Just telling the non-sense stories!” I snapped.

“You will only know when you were in the same condition…”

“Or did you have the same?”

“No, I just pity on them.” Such a kind-hearted boy. Even this was fairytale, he knew about the feeling from the side of those yellow flowers. This was the point I was falling in his eyes and smile. And in his mind.

“I want to ask you… if you were in the condition like the sunflower princess, what will you do?” I wanted to know how the kind-hearted boy would control the problem.

“I will do like the way sunflowers are”

“Why?” Was he too innocent to solve this love problem? I couldn’t understand him at all.

“If my beloved person was high from me or too different to have her, I would be happy by looking like such the way… Because I loved her…” His answer was completed. Nothing’s false.

“And you, what will you continue to do if you were the sun?” asked to me.

“I only embraced my lover and will not interest what humans die without me… Because I got the life to meet her…”

“You’re too harsh!” He chuckled. Even the style he chuckled was Cute.

“Every morning my duty is to hate the bright sun. He always wakes me up. So I must be different from that sun!” He bursted into laughter when I said that. After, he looked away and stared at outside where the rain was pouring happily down to ground.

“It’s really great if the rain stops” He was saying by sinking in his thought. And about to close his eyes. Intro greeting popped out in my head now. Ugh! I’ve been with him for two hours! Still you don’t know his name.

“And what’s your name?” But I felt something fall on my shoulder. The unknown boy was leaning on my shoulder and snoring to sleep. I was feeling full by looking this peaceful face. He was so beautiful and an angel. My mind told me like that. I think this is my first time. And first miracle. I didn’t move at all. As I closed my eyes, I went to dreamland to meet the angel sleeping on my shoulder peacefully.


Some light was staring at my closed eyes and heard some meant-flowers were making a soft noise touching with morning breeze. This sunlight forced my eyes open and finally my eyes got a view. Bad raindrops from last night left on green leaves and this day was beautiful by yellow nature things. And I got a beautiful view on my shoulder. An angel resting peacefully. I couldn’t understand at all my mind told me that boy was an angel. Even he didn’t do better for someone. Only he possessed graceful face. But I can’t. I wanted this sunflower lover angel to be by my side. Unconsciously, I slightly his hair and put some of it back above forehead since the hair made his eyes a little ticklish or sharp. I wonder how the angel made a way starting to sleep. I wonder all things of him. I’m saying He’s wonderful. Because I’m surrounded with an attachment strings made by this sunflower lover...

His eyelashes pushed it against other to open his eyes with his own force. A little groan came out from his mouth alarming that’s he woke up. And his half-opened eyes notice my presence and starting to confuse. His swollen lips formed a talking mouth.

“Did we fall sleep at here all night?”

“Yeah, and did you have a good dream?” I wanted to greet him with sweet words, not referring to seductive words.

“Yes, on your wide shoulders” both of us chuckled. We were just being enough to happy for sleeping like that. I like the way we both laughed in unison, the way he was brightening himself with a smile on his face due to my humor and the way I’ve seen his sleeping face. I didn’t know what the foolish feelings will be about to be born as one precious thing as I’m a teenage who used to being serious about childish dreams. But I enjoy the ways I feel over him.

This wet-dried tent was overwhelming with our laughs. Th-this tent?? Isn’t my grandmother’s house? O-oh! Grandmother. Mum. Dad. Naughty sister. My family!!! Did they go back to Seoul? What the trouble!! I shouted. And this boy laughing with me was unknown… I must go back to Grandma’s house fast!!

“What’s wrong?” he stated. Please. Don’t ask me question. I stood up quickly and ran through the fields towards the street. But I saw a few people similar to my family members was calling my name in car. Today. Will. Be. Unlucky. Day. Again. I waved my hand to notice me where it’s was like I’m hiding behind the flowers. My mum’s voice. a thunderbolt to my ear. “EUNHYUK!!”

I was feeling my mum started her steps towards me quickly and grabbed my hand.

“Where are you going? Do you know how worried we are? Where did you go and do? This stupid brat!” My mum slapped my arm and she nearly cried. “Let’s the story at home and get on car! We’re about to late for searching for you!!” Mum pushed me from my back and I noticed I have something left behind me. This angel boy? His name? Where is he? I don’t even know his name… what should I do? I wanted to turn around so much but I couldn’t get a space from my mum’s strength. Finally, I gave up. If we are predestined to meet or the destiny, I would like to have him as a friend. With the feelings over him.

I slowly stepped into car and took a place beside my little evil sister. She was smirking at me but I couldn’t concentrate at her manner as my head was only out of the window wishing to see the angel boy again or last time. My tears unknowingly fell from my eyes down to chin as I noticed him running with his all strength towards this car that I could understand he had something to tell me before I’m gone away. But he shouted the words while running that I will remember in all my life;

“Don’t forget Sunflowers!! Because my name is similar to these flowers!!” he paused in his way and his legs were down to ground after he said those all.  Sunflowers. I couldn’t forget it. I was hurting inside as I saw him crying for me. For a present for him, I only waved my hands in air.

Sunflowers. I will never forget you. Because you are my first and last miracle for my life…


This is how the Hae-bara-gi flowers are meant to far away from their angel Sun… (Haebaragi means ‘Sunflower’ in korean. Guess whose name is similar..??)


A/N:Gosh!! I’m updated with all 2 chapters!! Hope all you like itJ I thought chappie 2 is a little sad for readers But I promise next chapters will be drama and full of romance :D Though I hadn’t know about sunflower story all Please forgive me if the story was wrong-writing And! I know all of you are groaning for other character’s name and you too I too know himXD

Comments are loved!! And sorry for my grammar mistakes and writing styles*pleading with puppy eyes* imma update next chappies next week (sorry! I had been updating in internet café and I’ve been at there once a week) But I’m full of happiness because of my readers :DD

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Sorry! i'll be on a long hiatus cuz there's exam at schl... *bows*


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