
Assassin X

Tao went to the hospital to visit his mom the next day.  She chastised him about skipping school to see her, but was happy that he did anyways.  He told her about Yi Lin and how she was a weird girl that just kind of made him wonder.  His mother smiled and cooed, "Does my baby have a crush on a girl?"  Tao held his hands up in defense, "No!  It's just that she's different and mysterious.  When she would talk it was like she lived in a totally different world than the rest of us.  She refered to certain things like they were normal every day things, and that what we talked about was foreign."  His mother chuckled, "At least you are semi interested in a girl.  I was starting to think that you were going to end up with Kris.  Not that I mind Kris, it's just that I want grandchildren."  Tao blushed at his mothers words, but nodded.


After visiting his mother he walked towards Exo.  School was almost over and that was where they were most likely to be found.  Tao walked into their normal room and pulled out one of his staffs.  He twirled it in his hands aimlessly, thinking about what his mother had said.  Honestly there had been a time when he had majorly concidered Kris to be a possibility for the future, but that had also been at a time when Tao was worried about a girl getting caught up in what he was going to be doing as an adult.  But, Yi Lin wasn't like those girls.  She didn't seem like the type of girl that would get hurt in the crossfire of his life.  Infact she would be the girl that would most likely know how to deal with the assassins.


Suddenly, Tao's thinking time was interupted by Lay walking in with Yi Lin.  Tao gave them a nod before giong back to practicing with his staff.  "So tomorrow is good for the painting right?"  Lay asked the girl.  She nodded, but was watching Tao.  "Hey, if you are going to twirl the stick around at least pertend like you know what you are doing!"  Tao turned and glared at her, "What would you know about what I'm doing?"  Yi walked over and grabbed the staff from his hands and used it to knock the boy off his feet and stabbed the point of it at the spot right next to his head.  


Tao's eyes grew in surprise as she pulled it back behind her and offered him a hand.  He gingerly took it and let her pull him to his feet.  Yi handed him back his staff, "Hold it straight out."  Tao did as he was told.  She tsked and started repostitioning him, "You aren't going to get anywhere in life if you can't hold a staff properly.  I mean you are a guy, don't you think holding a stick would be second nature by now?"  Tao and Lay exchanged glances, making sure that they had both heard that right.  Yi ignored them and started moving Tao like a puppet, giving him advice on what was the best way to do certain things for power or flair.  "Why would I need flair while in combat?"  He asked at one point when he wasn't catching onto what she was talking about.  Yi snatched the staff again and ran a couple moves that Tao easily blocked.  "Now for flair."  She said as she began running almost the same combo but had added a little bit more to some of the moves.  The boy had a harder time blocking the blows and she landed a couple of them.  Smirking Yi pulled the staff back, "Do you see what those little touches do?"  He shook his head.  Yi sighed, "That little bit of style catches your opponent off gaurd and they are too busy processings that, to notice you coming back in for another manuever."  Tao nodded.


Yi glanced over at the clock at the clock and ran over to grab her stuff.  ", , .  Dae is going to kill me!"  She waved to the boys as she ran out of the room.  Tao turned to Lay, "Dae?"  The other boy shrugged, "That's her brother I think.  Hey, do you know where the rest of the guys are?"  Tao pulled out his phone, "Uh, Kris said something about picking up a couple of the guys from SHINee.  They were here to meet somebody, and decided that they were staying a bit longer to visit."  Lay nodded as the sound of voices flitted through the building.  Tao opened the door, letting the group of guys in.


Key and Taemin were being dragged along, attempting to carry their luggage, unsuccessfully at that.  Taemin smiled when he two chinese boys came into sight.  "Tao, Lay!  It's so good to see you!"  Lay smirked and ran over to help the boys with their stuff.  Key turned to Tao, "So I here that there's a girl.  Spill!"  The boy rolled his eyes, "There is nothing to spill about.  She is just an interesting distraction."  The Korean raised an eyebrow, "Distraction?"  Before Tao could reply, he was interupted by the door opening.  


Everyone turned to watch Yi Lin run across the room to where she had been sitting.  She picked up a sketch book off the counter.  "I'm so dead.  So, so, so dead.  Dae is going to kill me in 629 diferent ways." she mumbled under her breath.  As she turned around she caught sight of the 2 new comers.  The boy's eyes widened and they started to say something, but she cut them off.  "Hi, my name is Ju Yi Lin."  She stressed her name and Key nodded, "Hi, I'm Key and this is Taemin."  He motioined to the younger, who was biting his lip.  Yi Lin smiled and bowed, "Well if you'll excuse me I have to get home."  She quickly ran from the building.


Taemin turned to the other boys, "So is that the interesting distraction?"  Kris nodded, "Interesting and painful."  Key chuckled, "Painful?"  Luhan smiled and leaned away from Kris's fist that was coming towards him, "Yes.  She beat up Kris before we really met her.  It was funny."  Key leaned back, "She ought to be interesting."

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JungJeWon #1
Chapter 4: ooo update plz...
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 1: tao is my bias in exo-m and luhan too...so cool...