Not All Bad

Assassin X


Tao walked in the front door.  "Tao!  Welcome home!" his mother said excitedly and ran over to hug him.  "Mom.  I just got home from school like I do everyday, no need to strangle me."  She pushed away from him with her hands on her shoulder, "Speaking of school have you chosen what you want to do?"  Tao shook his head, "I do like helping dad with his stuff, but I am not sure I could do it.  I mean he deals with thousands of people, putting everybody's life on the line.  I'm scared of screwing up."  His mother planted a kiss on the top of his head, "If you think like that, then you are perfect for the job."  He smiled and she started back towards the kitchen, "Go wash up.  Dinner is almost ready and your father will be home soon."


The Hyun family sat down for dinner and made a bit of small talk.  Tao's father was in a better mood than usual.  He smiled, "I think I found a lead on X."  "That's great honey!" Mrs. Hyun said, clapping her hands.  "I think I can have the ghost of a person with a death penalty over his head within two years."  Tao didn't like the thought of killing, even if it was a ruthless killer.  "What if not all assassins are bad people?" He said and hid father spit out some water.  "Tao stop with the wishful thinking.  They are bred killers and pretty much live off bloodlust.  Most of them get excited at the chance to slice someone open."  His dad said angrily.  Tao looked down at his plate and pushed his food around awkwardly.  "Tao, you have to be careful now.  X probably knows that we're on to him and is looking for us.  You need to be wary of new faces in town.  From what people believe about him, he has hundreds of people helping him sometimes.  You got it?"  Mr. Hyun said sternly.  Tao nodded and excused himself from the table.



"Yi!  We have a problem!"  Dae yelled at Yi Lin.  "What?" she asked, walking out of the kitchen in an apron and spatula in her had.  He snickered a bit, "You're number 1 in China's Bingo Book with the largest reward out there, but I forget that when you aren't working.  No wonder nobody pin points you ever.  I mean you look like an idiot woman."  Yi threw the spatula and it stuck out of the wall an inch from Dae's face.  "My gender is an advantage, don't insult it."  He smirked and tried to dislodge the cookware from the wall, with no success.  Yi rolled her eyes and pulled it out with ease.  "I am so happy that you are the brains here, we wouldn't have even had time to make the wanted list before we died if we had traded positions.  But Anyways what's the problem?"  "That Detective Hyun was kicking up dust around Beijing for you and the guy that ran the hotel we stayed in said that he had information about you.  Luckily all he had were our allies and Emery was by to silence him before he could say anything about appearances.  So, we need to deal with this guy before he gets too close."  Dae said and handed her a folder with the detective's information.


Yi skimmed through the pages.  "Found the in." she said after about a minute.  Dae leaned back in his chair, "Tell me."  "Hyun Zi Tao.  Detective's son, same age as me, top of class, in marshal arts and it seems that Detective Hyun has admitted to having him help on cases too.  He's perfect, not to mention nice looking!"  She has flipped the page to a picture of him training.  "Hey, don't get caught up in him.  Your target is his dad and it also seems like he'll be following in his footsteps too.  Now, I want all that information memorized tonight.  We are leaving tomorrow to go house shopping and I'll quiz you.  If you get any wrong you have to walk on your hands the rest of the week."  Dae scolded and she glared at him.  "You wouldn't."  He grinned, "You know sure as hell I would."  Yi sighed knowing very well that he would and turned back to the kitchen.  "Dae I hope you like overcooked rice cause I'm not making anymore."



A/N: So this chapter was really boring, I promise it will get better, hopefully.

Oh and this is the picture Yi found


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JungJeWon #1
Chapter 4: ooo update plz...
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 1: tao is my bias in exo-m and luhan cool...