
Blooming Love


The teacher quickly turned around "Yah!--" he stopped mid sentence and looked at me. Suddenly he was beaming "Hello!" he said in a strong accent. "Yoo are Cree-san-thee-mum!" "Ummm yes sir I replied" "Like thee flowur!" he exclaimed! I guess this teacher knew English...

I gave him a small smile and said, "please teach me well~" Instantly, he blushed and began to teach. I heard Youngjae laughing a bit and nudged him a bit. He looked at me and now I noticed his features, soft brown eyes, pink plump lips- "YOUNGJAE!" The teacher screamed. 
"What's the answer to number 13?!" 
"2x over 56n" he responded without missing a step. 
I shook my head and went back to my work. "No, Khrissie, focus on your work!" I said to myself.

Then, I noticed some scribble I know I didn't write. 'Thanks for saving me. I really appreciate it. Maybe we should hang out some time? xx-xxxx-xxx. Call me to set up plans?' -Youngjae 
I looked at him but just found an empty seat. 
Great. Himchan. "Let's go to jeomsim! I can share some of my food with you!" 
I softly chuckled. What I was more excited for was calling this number when I got home.

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I'm Sorry for not updating. I have about 5 chapters in my notebook but don't have a device to update with. Anybody Interested in becoming a Co-Author?


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Chapter 4: I'm really enjoying this story. I wished that you would write longer chapters though :( I still love them regardless, though. I like the plot and I really want to see where this goes. Update soon please!!
I am on the same wavelength with her and the name....they always mess mines up.

I am totally loving this.
LOL. The struggle with her name. I love this. :) Update soon. It's good!!!
LizDae #5
LizDae #6
overactivemind #7
Another update please. As soon as I saw Youngjae I was hooked I love the boys of BAP.
yoohyun #8
nice waiting for next chappie
LizDae #9
I hate to be rude but ummm *cough*