



“I remember the day you left tying rocks to your ankle, you said, “I’m going to find a new world under the ocean.”
I guess you must be enjoying yourself.
I haven’t seen you since.
-Elizabeth Pfeffer”
Kibum adds “The ocean” to the list of things he hates and crosses it out from the list of things he loves.
Hey Jonghyun, when you told me that you wanted to find a whole new world underwater, I thought you meant looking for fish and stuff, not this. Who would’ve thought, huh? Its been a while without you, a few months almost. I miss you a lot. It’s weird, you know? One minute you’re with me, laughing at a dumb joke and the next, you’re gone. They still haven’t found your body, Jjong. I’m hoping you’re still alive. When you come back, I’m going to push you off a cliff and then rescue you. The ocean is on my list of things I hate and its your fault, Jjong.
Remember I would visit it everyday? Now, I’m deathly afraid. Know why? Because of you, Kim Jonghyun. You’re scaring me a lot. I miss you so much, don’t you understand the pain I’m in? You’re so selfish Jonghyun, I hate you, so much. But I don’t. I love you. I wanted to tell you that on that day but this happened. You were gone. I don’t believe you’re dead though, they haven’t found your body, I’m hoping — praying that you’re still there.
You scared me to death and I still love you. If you find this, come back. I love you. Always have, always will.
Forever and always,
He places the letter into an empty bottle. Kibum goes to the ocean for the first time since that day. He throws it into the water and watches it float slowly, further and further away from him.
The following week, they find the body, clutching the bottle in his hands.
Kibum couldn’t stop crying after that.
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oh man jongkey, just by thinking about them makes me full on emo already. congratulations on the random feature though c:
Severnonteen #2
Chapter 4: these are really really short and sweet. I enjoyed these. :)
Iminthezone #3
#4 i totally agree with lostmytrinhofthought!!!
these are sad... especially the second one with the message in the bottle ;__;