Key Umma


Keys POV

"HEEYOUNG !!!!!!! " 



Can she really not hear me ? Wow am I quiet or something .No i can't be let me try again 

"HEEYOUNG !!!!!!!"

Yes she heared 

"Heeyoung i found you " i ran too her 

"No I found her "Onew hyung said in a cocky-ish way

"Don't go all smart on me "that showed him 

"Yes Umma "

Your POV

"UMMA?!?!" I Shouted 

"Yeah they call me that cause i act all Umma-like and stuff"

There so cute .Maybe i should say sorry 

"Sorry" I said while looking down at my feet 

"For what?" Jonghyun asked 

"For running away "

"Don't worry about it" Taemin beamed he's so cute ^^


Sorry for not updating again and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SSSSSOOOOO MUCH for not unsubing THANK YOU !!!!!

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can't update today will on friday


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Anilove22 #1
Chapter 9: Awe Tae should try to go out with heeyoung they would make a cute couple.
sauvignon #2
Chapter 9: TaeYoung TaeYoung TaeYoung!<33 Aww so cute
Anilove22 #3
Chapter 8: *New reader* love it so far can't wait to read more about her life with Shinee
kool update please! :)