Our Dorm


Mirotic- dbsk 


I really like this song


Taemin's POV

Aww she is so cute but how key hyung just let her in like that .Jonghyun hyung  is weirdly quiet for once  .

As we pasted KFC Onew said "lets get chicken"while pointing to the shop "NO " We all shout heyoung just stared at us me,jong and key laughed . Awww she is so cute- WHAT AM I SAYING sigh

"whats wrong tae"key asked

" n-nothing "Why am I like this


At the dorm

Minho's POV

This nothing but trouble key why did you let her stay with us we don't even know her it would alright if we knew her but we found her in the street ...


"Hyung lets go to the store i need some things " key moaned "Fine" Onew said while sighing 

"HYUNG HYUNG HYUNG CAN WE PLEEEEAAASE GET BANNANA MILK PLEASE"Taemin screamed while doing his famous aegyo



"Lets go go go "


Then we brought heeyoung to the hosptil you know the rest 


"Minho we're here get in "

Your POV 

"Thanks key-shi but you don't need to do this "i shyly said

"no need to say thanks its my treat" He beamed" go to my room and rest"


Suddenly Minho brust into keys room "WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OUT OF MY AND KEYS ROOM " I walk then I turn to the door i think i should leave i should inhale .

Where will i go but they obviously don't want me so i should leave good bye .

Jonghyun's POV

i think i should call heeyoung for dinner she's been asleep for 1 hour now"heeyoung its time for dinner-"i just stared at the empty room. Where's Heeyoung ? Keys gonna kill me  "YAHHHHHHHH"

"What what "Keys asked 


"WHAT!!!!!!!!" They all screamed well all but Minho

"we need to look for her"taemin said trying to calm key umma down but where can that girl be .....

Minho POV

Thank god she's gone but i feel guilty eventhough i didn't do anything 

" hyung "Taemin looks at me 


"aren't you worried "

i went blank i don't know what to say "Hyung whats wrong "

"n-nothing don't worry I'm sure s-she alright don't worry"

"I think he know something" Onew hyung said 

Shoot there on to me what am i thinkin i didn't do anything but why do i feel guiltly it not my  fault she left it was her fault she got us worried i bet she just went for a walk 

"Lets find her "Key said while spazzing 

Your POV

There are so many people but why? i walk though an alley untill a voise called me ........." Hey guys we found a girl and she's cute "A tall guy he looks quite cute " coming-" Kyu walk out and stared while 13other guys behind him "Heeyoung !?! What are you doing here " 

"Kyu you know her " the tall guy said while pointing "Hey don't point thats rude you " i say while staring at him "Hey -och kyu why did you do that"

"Cause she is my ex-girlfriend stupid"

"S-sorry i didn't mean to make you thing i'm -"

"don't worry .......um i don't know your name "

"siwon , cho siwon nice to meet you whats your name " 

"heeyoung "

Kyu suddenly siad "Hey you guys tell Heeyoung your names"

"Hi i'm leeteuk the oldest" 

"Heechul "

"Yesung nice to meet you"

"Kangin "

"Shindong "

"Sungmin i'm the cute one "Aww he is cute 

"i'm lee donghae and this is Eunhyuk the " The boy said

"Ryeowook or wookie"


"And we are SUPER JUNIOR FIGHTING" They all  said 

"bye i need to go bye bye"

~~~At the town center ~~~ 

No one's POV 


"Hyung bye quiet people are look at us weirdly "Taemin shyly said 

"But we need to find her "  

"Hyung i'm hungry let go gat some bannana milk pleaseeeeee"


"Hyung i think i saw Heeyoung"

"Kk follow her  Onew " 

"ok"Onew she while walking

Onew's POV


"YAAAHHHH STAY AWAY- Onew don't do that again "

"Lets go ma lady" i give my hand to her 

"Lets go ma lord "



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can't update today will on friday


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Anilove22 #1
Chapter 9: Awe Tae should try to go out with heeyoung they would make a cute couple.
sauvignon #2
Chapter 9: TaeYoung TaeYoung TaeYoung!<33 Aww so cute
Anilove22 #3
Chapter 8: *New reader* love it so far can't wait to read more about her life with Shinee
kool update please! :)