Chapter 6



Sources, who wish to remain anonymous, say that the intruder admitted to the murder of Emperor Wu Fan. According to these sources, Commander Han Geng had tried to catch the intruder, but his attempts were unsuccessful, as the criminal was armed. Commander Han Geng was killed, and the intruder escaped.

Authorities are combing a wide radius around the palace, trying to find the Emperor’s disposed body, but “There doesn’t seem to be much hope in finding him,” says one officer, “we don’t know where to start, but we will keep looking.”

“I think it would be best to put everything behind us,” said another officer, “China needs to forget the last few decades and move on. Hopefully Leader Zhou Mi will be able to help us through this difficult time.”

Zhou Mi, a well-loved diplomat was the first and only Chinese official to step up to take control of the country during this shocking and confusing time-“


Zi Tao clicked out of the article and closed his laptop. He smiled; Lu Han and Yixing must have covered for him well; everyone was falling for the story, with few questions asked. Not many citizens really wanted an explanation- to them, they had been pulled through their dark period with Wu Fan’s passing. And even though their hero and savior was gone as well, they still had hope with the rising of Zhou Mi. Zi Tao was glad that Zhou Mi was there; he seemed like a strong person, someone who could help China.

But it didn’t concern him anymore; though China was still deeply embedded in his heart, he could never go back. Someone would eventually figure it out, if they searched hard enough. Maybe if he gave it a few years, he could return…

He sat alone in a café in San Marcos, California. He had grown fond of the city; he was comfortable. Zi Tao sat in this little café in the afternoons, fixed up the apartment in the evenings, and then slept through the nights. It was nearing the end of his first week here, and so far every day was the same, but it didn’t bother him like he thought it would; he was much better off this way. He was happy.

Zi Tao closed his eyes and rubbed them with his knuckles. He wished he could call Lu Han and Yixing and thank them for helping him get away, but he was sure they were busy. Maybe after time, he could talk to them again, and maybe someday, see them. He’d spent weeks away from them when he was staying at the palace, but just a few days away in a foreign country was so much different. He missed them. He wouldn’t let himself believe that he’d never see them again.

Zi Tao jumped as someone slid into the booth next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He glanced over and smiled, “Where have you been?” he asked quietly.

“I had to stop by the bank,” Wu Fan said, “I transferred funds to an account here months ago, in case I could move like I wanted, one day.” He nodded at Zi Tao’s laptop, “Any news?”

Zi Tao sighed, “Zhou Mi took your place.”

“Mm. Could be worse,” he leaned behind Zi Tao and tugged on the window shade, pulling it down so the sun didn’t blind him.

“He seems like a good guy.”

“He’s okay enough,” Wu Fan said. He took a sip of Zi Tao’s soda. “Let’s go car shopping,” he suggested excitedly.

“You’re a little too ready to spend all that money of yours, Wu Fan.”

Wu Fan retracted his arm and smacked Zi Tao on the thigh, “What did I say?”

Zi Tao rolled his eyes, “You’ll always be Wu Fan to me,” he sassed, “My Wu Fan.”

“Well for all intents and purposes, it’s ‘Kris’. I can’t walk around with a dictator’s name and face.”

“Just dye your hair, they’ll never know.”

Wu Fan glared, “And get rid of this fabulous shade of honey blonde?” He ran a hand through his hair and smiled, “No. Never.”

“Like we don’t know it’s fake.”

Wu Fan laughed, “Not the point- I look good.”

Zi Tao smirked, but then his face fell. He didn’t understand how Wu Fan could act like this- like everything was normal, like nothing had happened. They both tried not to talk about it, but he knew it wouldn’t be long before one of them brought it up. He glanced at Wu Fan, who was watching him. “Hm?” Zi Tao sat up straight and reached over, squeezing Wu Fan’s knee. “What’s wrong?”

Wu Fan looked away and shrugged, “Nothing’s wrong at all. I just feel really lucky.”

Zi Tao frowned, “You shouldn’t,” He didn’t want to have the conversation, but he could see that now was the time, though the place was inconvenient. He leaned in to whisper, “What I did was terrible, and I got us both kicked out of our home. I don’t get how you can stand to see me.”

Wu Fan swiftly leaned closer and kissed him on the cheek, but didn’t pull away. He rested his temple against Zi Tao’s and closed his eyes, “You got me out of there,” he whispered, “I know it started off the wrong way, but how it ended was more than I could ask for.”


“You don’t have to feel guilty, Zi Tao. You don’t have to make anything up to me; you gave me everything.”

Zi Tao smirked, “Not everything. I never caught you your star.”

“You did,” he said, “He’s sitting with me right now, and I won’t let him go.”

Zi Tao closed his eyes as well and let out a slow breath. He looped a hand around Wu Fan’s waist and relaxed; he could stay like this. His hands were stained red from the Commander’s death, but he felt like he had made the best choice. Not a good choice- he hated what he had done, but all things considered, it was the best for their situation; his friends were alive, China was in good hands, and his love was still at his side. He just hoped that one day he could forgive himself.

“Zi Tao.”



“For what?” he asked.

“You know… not…”

Zi Tao tilted his head and kissed Wu Fan softly, “I think I knew from day one that I couldn’t hurt you. You weren’t what I thought you were at all.”

“What did you think I was?” he rested his head on Zi Tao’s shoulder.

“I figured you’d be a spoiled, rude and hateful brat,” he said seriously.

Wu Fan snorted. He caught Zi Tao’s hand and played with his fingers, “Then what am I?”

Zi Tao was quiet for a moment. He didn’t think he knew how to put Wu Fan into words. He sighed, “You’re… romantic, in every sense of the word, you’re simple; there’s nothing easier for me than being with you. You’re brilliant and considerate and kind. You’re perfect.”

Wu Fan laughed lightly, “You’re just trying to get brownie points,” he retorted.

“Wu Fan.”


“You’re my Wu Fan. My prince.”

“I’m not royalty anymore,” he said quietly.

“You never believe me when I tell you what I think of you,” Zi Tao murmured.

Wu Fan sat up and nudged him with his elbow. Zi Tao looked at him and he frowned, “I always got fake compliments and fake friends. I’m not used to people liking me,” he said.

“I don’t like you,” Zi Tao said quietly. Wu Fan started to pull his hand away, but Zi Tao held on, “I love you. More than anything,” he smiled, letting his eyes fall shyly to the table.

Wu Fan smiled softly and leaned against him, so their shoulders were pressed together. He laid a hand on Zi Tao’s thigh and let his thumb draw circles softly on his jeans. “I love you too,” he whispered, “my star.”

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SaraYun #2
Chapter 6: I realy Loved your story .. Thank you Author-nim ^^
Ladyghai #3
Chapter 6: I love how you characterized both of them in this story. This is really a great story ;) I love it so much great job author nim ;)
Chapter 6: Awwww so beautiful! I loved it! I love Kris's character in this story. Such a sweetheart!
Chapter 6: Omg cuuuute omg so sweet kyaaaa
Chapter 6: OMG It's brilliant !!! ><
Chapter 6: Your story is frikken amazing. I'm juts going to subscribe to every single one of them now :)
heechulismylove #8
Chapter 6: Fee oh my god this was the fluffiest cutest just siufhduishf;hdsz; ^_^