Chapter 4



Zi Tao wished he had slunk away from the dinner table the moment the food was laid out. There were only the four of them together; Wu Fan and Zi Tao sat on one side of the table, while Han Geng and his guest sat on the other. Zi Tao had only seen the other man in passing once or twice in the past few months. Han Geng and Zhou Mi were close friends, but he didn’t understand why; Zhou Mi seemed so sweet. He hadn’t been sure what position he held, until the small-talk started and they mentioned a recent trip across the Asian countries, and realized he was a foreign diplomat.

“How was your trip, Zhou Mi?” Wu Fan asked.

“It went very well, actually,” Zhou Mi smiled, “our meeting were very laid-back, and everyone was very hospitable. South Korea is quite honestly one of my favorite countries to visit.”

Han Geng nodded along, not really listening. His head was lowered over his plate and he was eating quickly, obviously feeling out of place. He glanced at Zi Tao, who was watching him silently. When Han Geng’s eyes met his, he jumped and knocked a spoon onto the floor. It clanked loudly and he blushed. “Sorry,” he whispered before leaning down and grabbing it. A server snatched it from him and handed him another right away. He sat the new one on the table and stared at his plate.

“I wish I could go with you one of these times,” Wu Fan admitted, “It’s supposed to be so beautiful.”

“That would be too dangerous,” Han Geng said dryly. He stared at Zi Tao, who caught his eyes once more, “You never know when someone might try to murder you.”

Zi Tao tensed up and let out a long, rattling breath. He stuffed his mouth with a large wad of food. Both Zhou Mi and Wu Fan snickered at the Commander’s comment, making Zi Tao soften slightly.

They all finished eating quickly, hoping to end the awkward meal. Han Geng was the first to leave the table, while the others chatted for a moment, slowly making their way out of the dining room.

They followed Zhou Mi to the main doors, where Han Geng was waiting, looking out through the windows. When they approached, he turned to them and stepped closer. Zhou Mi and Wu Fan were talking so fast and so interestedly that they didn’t notice as Han Geng slipped up next to Zi Tao and slid a small, folded note into his open hand. Zi Tao held it up and glanced at it, then stuffed it deep in his pocket. He took a few steps away, and stood directly next to Wu Fan, using him as a shield until the other two men made they departure.

Han Geng gave him a wicked smirk, just before the servant shut the door behind the two of them.


Zi Tao was shaking as he read the letter. He kept going over the last few lines in disbelief.

I will have my way, no matter what. If Wu Fan isn’t found dead by morning after tomorrow, your friends will die and I will destroy you. It’s your choice.”

He couldn’t believe that Yixing and Lu Han had been kidnapped; there was just no way that anything like that could happen. He picked up the phone on his bedside table and dialed the number to the apartment, but it seemed to ring endlessly. He hung up and began to panic; what if it was true? How could he make this kind of choice?

There was a knock on his door and he jumped. Without thinking, he shoved the note deep under his pillow, “Yes?” he called, his voice cracking slightly.

Wu Fan opened the door and peeked his head in through the crack. “What’s going on?” he asked. Zi Tao shrugged, “Thanks for coming, again,” he said. He let himself in and shut the door behind him, “It was a lot less awkward with you there.”

Zi Tao chuckled, “I just sat there,” he replied.

Wu Fan sat next to him on the soft mattress, “That’s okay,” he paused, “I just feel more at ease when you’re around,” his soft tone panged at Zi Tao’s heart, and his sweet smiled nearly tore it into pieces. Wu Fan let out a sigh looked away, letting his eyes scan the room. He jumped, startled, when Zi Tao slid his arm around his shoulders.

“What would you do without me?” Zi Tao teased.

“I’m not sure,” he sighed, playing along. He wrapped his arm around Zi Tao’s waist, “I would be very lonely and bored… I’d have to get a cat.”

Zi Tao snickered, “So I’m just a pet to you?”

“Of course,” he lied. Zi Tao tutted disapprovingly, and he turned back to him, grinning, “No, you’re so much more than that.”

Zi Tao frowned, searching Wu Fan’s face with his eyes sadly, “I don’t know what you see in me.”

Wu Fan squinted as he thought. His fingers tickled over Zi Tao’s side softly; any other day, Zi Tao might have been giddy, but today, the sweet gesture was almost sickening. After a few silent moments, he answered, “You’re just so good to me.”

Zi Tao clenched his eyes shut and let his head drop. He felt like he was falling apart; there was no way for him to win. Why did he have to let himself get caught up in this mess?

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, I’m just tired,” Zi Tao said slowly.

Wu Fan pulled away slightly, “You should sleep then, it’s getting pretty late.” He pushed him back gently and he lay down, trying to relax. But when Wu Fan started to get up, Zi Tao grabbed him around the elbow. “Mm?”

Zi Tao wanted to tell him to stay, but the words wouldn’t come out. But Wu Fan understood; he could tell by the lingering gaze that he needed him there. Slowly, he curled up next to him, and smiled as Zi Tao held him close to his side. He rested his hand on Zi Tao’s stomach and closed his eyes.

Zi Tao fell asleep quickly; only minutes had passed before Wu Fan heard his soft breathing fall into a low snore. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked over Zi Tao’s sleeping face; he looked so peaceful. Slowly, he reached up and smoothed his black bangs with his fingertips. Zi Tao stirred slightly, then snored louder than before. Wu Fan smirked. How lucky was he, to find someone so special? He leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek.

He reached over and grabbed a pillow, pulling it over to him. He heard a rustling of paper and glanced over to see a small note sitting on top of the covers. Wu Fan plucked it up and unfolded it, but as his eyes scanned the handwriting, which he was very familiar with, he wished he hadn’t found it in the first place.

Wu Fan frowned, going over the last few lines. He sighed and glanced at Zi Tao. Then, he folded the paper up and shoved it back where he found it.

He understood now: why Zi Tao had come, why he seemed so wary of Han Geng, why Han Geng was so awkward around the pair of them. But what he didn’t understand was why he hadn’t done it yet. Zi Tao had months to do the job, but didn’t. Did he refuse? Was that why Han Geng was making such bold threats?

He tore his eyes from Zi Tao’s sleeping face as a sadness welled up inside him. He tried to blink away the tears that were forming in his eyes, but they wouldn’t stop. He wiped them away with his sleeve; his movement woke Zi Tao. “Are you okay?” he asked. Zi Tao sat up slightly and took his hand.

Wu Fan nodded,” I just had a bad dream, is all.”

Zi Tao slowly pulled him close and hugged him tight. “It’s okay,” he whispered, “I’m right here.” Wu Fan closed his eyes and rested his cheek on Zi Tao’s chest. The sick part was that he wasn’t all that angry. Yes, his heart felt broken, but he cared so much for Zi Tao that it didn’t matter what he did to him; he still felt like his first and only friend. He was alright with pretending they were okay because he would rather spend his last day with him than alone.

He wanted Zi Tao to hold him, to love him; it was what he wished for every day. But even if Zi Tao's feelings weren't real, his were; Wu Fan knew he would love Zi Tao until he died, no matter how soon that was.

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SaraYun #2
Chapter 6: I realy Loved your story .. Thank you Author-nim ^^
Ladyghai #3
Chapter 6: I love how you characterized both of them in this story. This is really a great story ;) I love it so much great job author nim ;)
Chapter 6: Awwww so beautiful! I loved it! I love Kris's character in this story. Such a sweetheart!
Chapter 6: Omg cuuuute omg so sweet kyaaaa
Chapter 6: OMG It's brilliant !!! ><
Chapter 6: Your story is frikken amazing. I'm juts going to subscribe to every single one of them now :)
heechulismylove #8
Chapter 6: Fee oh my god this was the fluffiest cutest just siufhduishf;hdsz; ^_^