Second day of school

Tied to You


The next day Tiffany does her usual morning routine: Shower, change, pray, and then eat breakfast.

 Leo drives Tiffany to school and Tiffany gets there at 8:10. When she gets in the classroom she sees Taeyeon, Taecyeon, and Wooyoung talking at her desk. They look back at her and wave to Tiffany. Tiffany skips her way over to her desk and sits in her seat.

“Good morning guys~”

“Good morning, are you always this happy in the morning?” Asks Wooyoung.

“Yeah, I’m kind of a morning person.”

“We were just talking about the karaoke party we were all going to have.” Taeyeon says.

“Karaoke party?” Tiffany looks at them confused.

“Yup, you sing?” Asks Taecyeon?

“A little bit…” Tiffany says hesitantly.

“Alright so see you at the local noraebang*karaoke bar* tonight at 7?” offers Wooyoung.

“You should go! It would be a great way for you to get to know everyone and see everyone’s real selves. It will be fun! Pweeeze~?” begs Taeyeon.  Tiffany couldn’t resist Taeyeon’s aegyo.

“Fine… but I might need someone to drop me off after words.”

“I can drive you. Do you want me to pick you up too?” insists Taecyeon.

“Nah, just a drop off. Thanks though. I have someone that can drive me there. He’s the kind of person that would prefer it.”

“Alright. Speaking of which. Yesterday, after school, who was the guy you left school with? NOT that it matters or anything.”

“Oh him? That’s my brother Leo. He is also going to be the one driving me to the party.”

That’s a relief...” Taecyeon whispers to himself.

“Mwo?” Tiffany asks looking up at him.

“Huh? Oh! Nothing!”



“Okay class! Go to your seats, class is about to begin!”

Taecyeon and Wooyoung go back to their seats. Tiffany survives through the next 3 periods until it was time for lunch.

Tiffany catches up with Taeyeon in the hallway and they head to the cafeteria together. They sit down next to Jessica and Sunny and in front of Wooyoung and Taecyeon again.

“Hey did you guys hear? Tiffany will be joining us tonight!” announces Taeyeon.

“You know if that’s okay with all of you…” Tiffany says nervously. She doesn’t want to feel like she is intruding.

“Of course! That way we will get to know each other better.” assures Jessica.

Everyone agrees. Tiffany can’t help but to feel welcomed.

In the midst of their talking and enjoying themselves and their food, a shy first year student shyly walks up to Tiffany and gives her a cute little carton of strawberry milk.

“H-hi Tiffany. I- I think you are really pretty, so I got this for you.” stutters the boy.

“Aww thank you. I’ve been craving strawberry milk.” She smiles at him and the boy nearly faints. The boy jumps with joy and skips away.

“Awww look at you~ You got your first fanboy~” Taeyeon says nudging Tiffany in the shoulder.

“Trust us, you’ll get used to it.” Yoona says.

“Well, I have business to do.” Taecyeon announced.

“Buisness?” Tiffany said curiously.

“Oh! I forgot about her! Wow this one was really pointless wasn’t it.” exclaimed Junho.

“Tell me about it, she was annoying too, just kept texting me in the middle of the night. ‘Oppa I miss you! Baby I love you!”

“They are talking about Taecyeon’s current girlfriend. He always has one just in case he ever feels lonely or something, though he never has one longer than 2 weeks to prevent from feelings to form. Once it’s their 14th day of dating, he gets rid of them.” Taeyeon informs Tiffany.

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.” agrees Yuri.

“Well when you say it like that it sounds bad.” said Taecyeon.

“That’s because it is bad! You just use them, then after 2 weeks you throw them away! They are people you know.” complains Seohyun.

“It’s not like it’s my fault. If anything, it’s their fault for going out with a guy whose nickname is Mr. 2 weeks.”

“He has a point.” agrees Nickhun.

“Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to break up with my girlfriend.”

Tiffany is the only who seems to be watching Taecyeon do this since they have seen him do it many times before. Making this Tiffany’s first time.

Taecyeon walks over to the girl. The girl gets out of her seat and faces him. The girl begins to rub her hand throughout Taecyeon’s abs and chest. Tiffany doesn’t know why but she can feel rage go through her body with that sight. Taecyeon grabs the girl’s arms to stop her. He says something that Tiffany can’t seem to make out. All of a sudden the girl’s lustful expression turns to rage. She slaps his face and starts bawling tears as her friends comfort her. Taecyeon makes his way back to the table and sits in his original seat.

“Didn’t that hurt? I could hear the slap from here.” says concerned Tiffany.

“Not really, I get slapped by almost every girl I go out with. I don’t even feel it anymore.”


A crowd of girls run towards Taecyeon in hopes of being his next girlfriend.

“Sorry girls, unfortunately I’m going to go on a dating hiatus for a little while.”

They girls groaned in disappointment.

“I’m single right now…” mentions Wooyoung.

All the girls rush to Wooyoung.

“Hmmm, you with the blonde hair.” The blonde girl pushes her way through the crowd of disappointed fangirls. Woooyoung writes his number down on a napkin, gives it too her, and winks to the girl. She nearly faints and runs away screaming with joy.

“That was the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen.” Tiffany whispers to Taeyeon.

“I know right? Those s need to get their hands off my-“Taeyeon covers in shock of what she just said...




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Writing the next chapter afdsfasasd thought of some new ideas and i think you'll like it^^


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I really wish you would update! :( I miss this story!
Chapter 13: update soon~ make more wootae moments pls :D
Chapter 13: :O i would.... But.. Indont even update my own stories -.- otl.
B3Ast_FAnY #4
i know u said this will be on hiatus, but update soon~ i really like this story~~~ xD
Its me again. lol. oh Leo xD
Lolol. Awww why'd Fany hang up on Taec?!? >_< poop I don't like Siwon either -.- hahaha.
So I never knew that Leo was ACTUALLY Tiffany's brother. I thought it was made up. Hahahha xD.
They get to have so much fun *^*
LOL don't worry, everything should start happening pretty soon. Chapter 7 will have some Taecfany and chapter 8 is where sifany will start taking action in this. Also, thanks for commenting guys<3 and i'm glad you like it. and thank you for actually thinking its funny xD
B3Ast_FAnY #9
omg. i wan real action!! Like Sifany or Taecfany!!! <33333
Challey #10
that's funny- mr.2weeks??? haha
and cute- tae slipping her tongue... <3
update soon:D