Big Brother

Tied to You


The last bell rings and Tiffany survives her first day of Daewon High school. She made friends and didn’t make any enemies so far. As she walks toward the parking lot, Taecyeon, who was busy fiddling with his old and faded blue ribbon, accidentally bumped into her. She falls over.

“Ow! Again?”

Taecyeon hides his ribbon under his sleeve and reached his hand out to her. The sight of her on the floor like that seemed familiar to him.

“Oh sorry, didn’t see you.” She grabbed his hand and once their hands touched they felt a spark. Both chose to ignore it. He pulls her up to stand and he wipes off dirt from her shirt. This was familiar to the both of them. But because of their stubborn nature they ignored that as well.

“It’s fine, just be more careful I guess.” She smiles to prove she is okay.

“So Tiffany, you heading home now?”

 “Yeah, my first day and I already have a lot of homework.”

“Haha, That’s what I said when I first started going to school in Korea. Do you… need a ride?”

“Thanks for the offer but I have a ride.”

Leo calls her over from his car and honks his horn.

“And there it is… See you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow.”

Taecyeon smiles as he watched Tiffany get into some guys car.


Taecyeon POV

This Tiffany girl, I like her. She is nice, pretty, and funny. Though for now I like her as a friend. So I guess I was wrong about her being a terrible person. Though there is still a lot I don’t know about her. I just want to know more about her. Like whose car did she go into? Is it her boyfriend? Already? But it’s only her first day, it can’t be. Well I better go, Wooyoung just texted me that he is waiting by my car.

End of POV


In Leo’s car:


“So how was school Tiff?”

“Honestly, really good. I already made a bunch of friends. And guess what, I’m popular~”

“You?” He starts laughing hysterically. “Impossible, the chances of my little trollfany being popular is one in a million.”

“Thanks for the support bro, but I thought so too. Though popular people here aren’t , s, and es so I guess I fit in just fine. Well the guys are total playboys but they didn’t get to me.”

“They better not, if they even touch you they're dead.”

“Aish you get so over protective sometimes.”

“I can’t help it; you’re my baby sister. Speaking of boys, find anyone that interests you?”

“Well…” Her cheeks turned red.

“OoOo~ tell me the deets!” Leo says impersinating a sassy gay guy or something.

“Babo, what did I tell you about using that voice. It’s so annoying.”

“Sorry, just doing what I do best, annoying my baby Fany. So who is this guy? Or is it a girl?”

“It’s a boy~ His name is Choi Siwon.”

“What?!? No no no no no no no, he’s a 3rd year upperclassman! I won’t accept that, no.”

“Why not? We are only one year apart. And how do you know him?”

“He is in my Korean history class. Also he is good looking; I don’t trust good looking people.”

“Well what would you do if you were interested in an upper class girl?”

“That’s different.”

“How? “

“I’m a guy, you are a girl. Girls are fragile, most guys treat a girl's feelings like a piece of paper. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Well, thanks for caring but you can’t stop me from at least liking him.”

“Fine, just be careful okay?”

“Neh oppa.” She smiles at him thankfully.

He shuffles her hair and parks the car in front of their house.


Tiffany POV

Oh Leo, even though sometimes I want to throw you off a cliff or push you down a well, I really do love you. I feel thankful to have such a caring brother. I have an older sister, but she’s married and lives with her husband in the U.S. It usually irritates me when he gets over protective, it’s like I have 2 dads, but there were actually many times where he saved me from getting hurt by a guy. I don’t know what I would do without him.

End of POV


 Short chapter, Tiffany's brother actually plays a somewhat important role in this story. Which is strange because he was put it super last minute. I wanted you guys to see more of the relationship between Tiffany and Leo. And a little bit of Taecfany in the beginning to(: And change of plans, Suzy won't be coming in till laaaaaaaaaaater. like a while from now. And don't just read! go ahead and comment! everytime you comment it actually makes me want to write even more!^^

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Writing the next chapter afdsfasasd thought of some new ideas and i think you'll like it^^


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I really wish you would update! :( I miss this story!
Chapter 13: update soon~ make more wootae moments pls :D
Chapter 13: :O i would.... But.. Indont even update my own stories -.- otl.
B3Ast_FAnY #4
i know u said this will be on hiatus, but update soon~ i really like this story~~~ xD
Its me again. lol. oh Leo xD
Lolol. Awww why'd Fany hang up on Taec?!? >_< poop I don't like Siwon either -.- hahaha.
So I never knew that Leo was ACTUALLY Tiffany's brother. I thought it was made up. Hahahha xD.
They get to have so much fun *^*
LOL don't worry, everything should start happening pretty soon. Chapter 7 will have some Taecfany and chapter 8 is where sifany will start taking action in this. Also, thanks for commenting guys<3 and i'm glad you like it. and thank you for actually thinking its funny xD
B3Ast_FAnY #9
omg. i wan real action!! Like Sifany or Taecfany!!! <33333
Challey #10
that's funny- mr.2weeks??? haha
and cute- tae slipping her tongue... <3
update soon:D