Chase Away My Lonliness
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“Hyung, he hung up,” Woohyun said in disbelief as he turned around and faced an angry Sunggyu still in his orange hamtaro print pajamas.

“What!?” Sunggyu shouted as he grabbed the phone away from Woohyun and dialed in the same number again cursing under his breath. Woohyun smiled a small tired smile and sat down on the kitchen table resting his head on his palms as his elbows were placed on the table.

“Hyung, just let him be,” Woohyun said as he heard Sunggyu still cursing Sungyeol for leaving. Woohyun then turned to face the small yellow sticky note on the table with a small smirk.

‘See you guys later! Don’t look for me! I’ll be back! No worries! ^^ No problems!  

- Lee S.’

“This trouble maker,” Woohyun mumbled as he then turned around and noticed Sunggyu was sitting on the wood flooring of their kitchen with his head hung low.

“I can’t believe it, he just left. Left like that. Without saying bye to me or you. What could be possible be thinking!” Sunggyu said exasperated.

Woohyun could understand why Sunggyu was so worried about their friend. Sungyeol is clumsy and naive but then again Sungyeol is very smart so Woohyun wasn’t really worried. Plus if Sungyeol was going somewhere, he probably had a valid reason, right? Woohyun decided to let Sungyeol handle his own business and stood up from his seat and walked over to his hyung who was sitting leaning up against their kitchen fridge. Woohyun bent down and squatted in front of the older male and smiled.

“Hyung, lets trust Sungyeol and let him be. He said he was coming back right?” Woohyun kept on smiling and saw Sunggyu nod slowly as his eyes were glued to the floor.

“So everything will be fine,” Woohyun said as he set one hand on Sunggyu’s shoulder comfortingly and Sunggyu smiled a small smile looking up at the younger male.

“Well then, knowing Sungyeol, I bet he hasn’t called in and told his BOSS about his missing in action plan so I think we should do it for him,” Woohyun chuckled a bit and saw a flash of frustration in Sunggyu’s eyes.

“Dammit! Knowing that kid, he probably didn’t! Leaving all the hardwork for his hyungs like always! Dammit! When that kid comes back, he’s going to get it!” Sunggyu got up and dialed a number into the phone and walked into another room leaving Woohyun chuckling to himself.

‘It’s going to be interesting with Sungyeol gone,’ Woohyun thought as he got up and followed Sunggyu into the other room. He then stopped himself in front of a hanging picture frame and a thought then occurred to him.

‘Wait, does Myungsoo know?’

Myungsoo woke up groggily and didn’t bother lifting his head off his pillow as he reached for his phone. He opened one eye to check who the caller was and groaned as he pressed talk and pressed it close to his ear.

“Do you have any idea how early it is right now? On a Sunday, Woohyun hyung, are you serious? Do you know?” Myungsoo groaned as he shifted onto his side and let his phone rest on his ear.

“Sungyeol is gone,” Woohyun said bluntly onto the phone and Myungsoo shot up into a sitting position on his bed.

“What?” Myungsoo spat out worriedly as he got off his bed and opened his closet grabbing out clothes quickly.

“He left. Do you know where he went?” Woohyun asked.

“What do you mean by left? Be specific! And how should I know!?” Myungsoo said starting to feel frustrated as he hopped around his room trying to put on his pants.

“You’re his best friend,” Woohyun said bluntly and a silence filled the air as Myungsoo stopped rushing and pulled his shirt over his head slowly.

To be honest, he wasn’t even sure if he and Sungyeol are best friends anymore. Well actually, scratch that, he knew that they're still best friends but it doesn't change the fact that they had a huge argument. They had a huge fight about something stupid. About Sungyeol wanting to take a break from work and just travel around since he was feeling lonely more than usual lately.

For some reason that made Myungsoo angry. Lonely? Why did Sungyeol feel lonely when he was here for him? He didn’t understand it at all. Myungsoo was always there for Sungyeol and Sungyeol was always there for him. They’re best friends and Myungsoo had to admit it to himself, he had a one-sided love for Sungyeol. His love for Sungyeol grew so deep that it embedded in his bones. He couldn’t spend a day witho

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Lonely lonely lonely~ haha.


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 2: I need a sequel
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 2: This is good
I like this story immensely! I could feel how everyone cares for each other (if that makes sense) it's sweet!
Usually, stories than are completed with open endings or cliffhangers or whatever they're called bother me but this one just made me happy because I know that they'll be okay <3
The story was really sweet and the Woogyu interactions made me very content! ^^
This was an amazing story! c:
deliciousyou #5
I love it! I love all of your myungyeol stories since i only read myungyeol hehe... Thanks for made this, you are a great author^^