Chase Away My Lonliness
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As the old timless grandfather clock ticks away in the corner of the room, Sungyeol opens his eyes slowly removing his covers from his face and stares at his ivory white ceiling for a few moments. The thought of him calling his best friend pops up into his mind but then quickly as that thought came upon him another thought popped up into his mind quickly changing his mind. Sungyeol then continues to lay there like a statue, still and silent as the only thing heard was the clocking’s ticking.

Tick tick tick.

The feeling of lonliness embraces him and he sits up from the bed slowly and lets out a small sigh. It was another sleepless night for him. He glanced around his room furnished with only his white bed, brown antique grandfather clock, and a small flat black screen TV on his wall opposite from his bed and realized only now how empty his room is. His room starts to feel bigger for more than just one person and he pulls his knees up to his chest and hugs himself as rests his head on his arms and lets the ticking noise calm his mind from the disturbing thoughts of wanting to leave and the reoccurring feeling of lonliness.

Sungyeol couldn’t help but feel this way. He wanted to get up and leave. To disappear and be on his own. To start something new and have an adventure. His suitcase all ready packed with his passport and some ready to go cash in the corner of his closet somewhere.

It wasn’t that Sungyeol was having any hardships or anything that made him want to run away. It wasn’t even really running away,  Sungyeol thought as always trying to comfort himself whenever having these thoughts. He had nothing to run away from anyways, right? Because Sungyeol was pretty privileged. He had a nice room in an apartment he shared with his friends, a steady job, great friends and family, a huge savings account that he could splurge any moment, but sometimes he couldn’t help but still feel heavy as loneliness overtakes him and feel suffocated by the daily routines that follow his everyday life. Besides that, Sungyeol has always craved for something new and exciting, an adventure.

‘That’s probably what caused the argument in the first place,’ A quick passing thought breezed through Sungyeol’s mind.

Sungyeol took deep breaths as he closed his eyes to fully envelope himself in darkness shutting away from how big his room seemed to look like and tried to relax his tired body.

Tick tick tick.

The sound of the clock fills the quiet room. Sungyeol slowly opens his eyes thinking he feels relieved but when his eyes are opened once again he couldn’t help but feel even more lonely and restless. He reached out to his phone and held it in his hand about to press the call button but stopped himself and flung the phone away from him. For some reason the ticking of his old trusty clock just doesn’t do it for him anymore.

‘I have to leave,’ Sungyeol thought as he glanced around his dark room once more. The moonlight shinning through the huge room window next to him gave light again to how empty his room was.

‘Empty,’ Sungyeol thought as he breathed out slow breaths.

‘I need to leave,’ Sungyeol couldn’t take it anymore.

He got off from his bed and all of his lights as he walked to his bedroom bathroom. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth. He walked back to his fully lite room and dug into his closet pulling out the huge suitcase all ready packed and a pair of clothes to change into. He quickly changed into dark wash jeans and a black knitted sweater with his dark tan long trench coat over everything and began scramble all over his room trying to find his phone, phone charger, laptop, laptop charger, ipod, and a backpack to stuff all those things in.

As soon as he was done, he snuck out quietly with his suitcase and backpack pass the living room and to the front door not wanting to bother or

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Lonely lonely lonely~ haha.


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 2: I need a sequel
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 2: This is good
I like this story immensely! I could feel how everyone cares for each other (if that makes sense) it's sweet!
Usually, stories than are completed with open endings or cliffhangers or whatever they're called bother me but this one just made me happy because I know that they'll be okay <3
The story was really sweet and the Woogyu interactions made me very content! ^^
This was an amazing story! c:
deliciousyou #5
I love it! I love all of your myungyeol stories since i only read myungyeol hehe... Thanks for made this, you are a great author^^