Stage Eight Life Crisis: The Bomb

Eight Stages [G-Dragon]


“I’m going into the studio.” Jiyong calls while I sit in bed. “Melissa?”

“Deh?” I ask looking up from my book, best thing about my job? I don’t have to go in on weekends. “What?”

“I’m leaving.” He chuckles kissing my forehead. “Call me for lunch?”

“Sure, sure.” I mutter kissing his cheek, “What are we doing for lunch today?” I ask him looking back up from my book.

“Surprise.” He says wriggling his eyebrows, he laughs at my face. “Don’t worry, anyways I better get going, what time will you meet Miyoung at the park?”

“Ten-ish.” I tell him glancing at the clock. “I have about an hour before I’ll walk over there.”

Nodding his head he gives me a quick kiss before he walks out of the apartment, getting up I walk into the shower, once in there I feel my pants become soaked, a horrible feeling washes over me immediately. Looking down I see all the blood, holding myself together I get dressed. Leaving the apartment with the feeling of something horrible growing in the pit of my stomach I drive to the doctor’s office.


“Ah, Melissa your appointment isn’t until one.” My doctor says, he quickly notices my mood. “Come in.”

Holding myself together I explain to him what happened. “I woke this morning, and I’ve told you about the stomach pains, well I was going to the bathroom to shower and get ready…When I noticed all the blood.” I whisper tears falling.

Quickly he does some checks. “Ah…” He says sadly, confirming what we’d been discussing. “I’m sorry Melissa.” He murmurs. “I know how much it’s worried you…”

“No.” I whisper tears falling fast. “No…” Gripping my stomach I look down. “Not that.” I whisper crying.

“I’m so sorry.” He says patting my shoulder. “Melissa you can try again.”


Nodding my head I leave his office thanking him for his time, driving to the park I sit on the swings and wait for Miyoung and Jin.

“Hey Melissa.” Miyoung says, her voice still fragile sounding like she’s on the verge of collapsing, her body looking as though a simple gust could send her airborne. “Something the matter?”

Crying even harder I hold my face in my hands, I can’t really believe what’s happened. “I’m not pregnant.” I cry, all the anguish coming over me, all the pain, the sense of loss overwhelming.

“W-w-what?” She asks rubbing my back. “You told me the doctors said…”

“Miyoung I had miscarriage.” I scream falling on the ground, I still have to explain to Jiyong, and how happy he’s been these past few weeks about being a dad how excited he’s been.

Hugging me she rocks me back and forth, “Come let’s get you home.” She says helping me up “Should I call someone?”

“David.” I whisper as she gets me in the car. “My assistant.” I tell her sitting in the back of my car, Jin staring at me, his golden orbs staring into my eyes.

“Noona?” He asks touching my knee. “Noona don’t be sad.” He murmurs. “Umma and I are being strong; you try to be strong too.” He says crying into my lap.

Patting his back I begin to cry while Miyoung goes through my phone, in no time David is there by my side getting me into the back, allowing Miyoung and Jin to ride with me, I have no idea what she told him but David drove me home, got me inside with Miyoung and Jin sitting awkwardly in the kitchen.

“Mel what’s the matter?” He asks me trying to calm me down. “Mel?”

“David…” I wail hugging him. “I lost the baby.” I tell him crumbling into despair, feeling my heart break, my world just crashing down. David leads me to the couch, making a phone call he comes back and sits with me. “Shh.”


“Melissa?!” Jiyong yells coming into the apartment, hearing his voice just shatters my heart into even small pieces. “Baby what’s wrong?” He asks hugging me. “David?”

“It’s not my place to say,” He mutters. “Come on Miyoung I’ll take you home.”


After what seems like hours and hours of crying I finally stop enough to talk. “Sweetie what’s the matter?” Jiyong asks holding me close to him.

“Jiyong, promise not to hate me?” I ask him sniffling still, tears still falling. “Promise?”

Hugging me tighter he nods his head. “Melissa I could never hate you.” He whispers into my ear. “Never.”

“Jiyong…I lost the baby.” I whisper crying harder all over again, all my fears coming out. “I had a miscarriage.”

Shocked he stands up and looks at me, before kneeling on the ground in front of me, his tears falling as well. “Come on let’s go sit in bed.” He says picking me up, his voice cracking. “Shh.” He hums.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper to him burying my face into his chest. “I’m so sorry.”

“Melissa it isn’t your fault.” He whispers to me. “It isn’t.”

Sitting in the bed I stare at the bathroom where I left it all, getting up I leave Jiyong, walking to the bathroom I stare down at my pants the blood that’s caked onto the floor, picking them up I walk into the laundry room, putting them into washing machine, starting it I cry silently, moving around the house I begin to clean everything up, I scrub the bathroom floors clean, vacuum, dust, wash the dishes anything to keep my mind off it.

“Sweetie you need to rest.” Jiyong says wrapping his arms around me. “Come on.” He says pulling me away from the counter. “You’ve cleaned the whole place a few times through already.”

“Jiyong…I really want to be a mother.” I whisper crying again. “But this…”

“I know.” He whispers hugging me tightly. “It’s scary.”

Looking up at him I wipe his tears away. “I’m miserable.”

Kissing my forehead he nods his head, pressing his body against him he whispers into my ear. “Me too, but we’ll get past this.”

“How?” I ask him crying all over again, my tears coming even faster than before. “Jiyong how?”

“I don’t know.” He whispers, feeling his tears fall on me hurts, him being hurt, me, and the life that was supposed me be gone.


On Monday I woke up and got dressed, “I’m going into work.” I tell Jiyong while he sits at the table. “I’ll be back for dinner.”

“Deh, Melissa?” Turning to look at him, his solemn eyes boring into mine. “Don’t go over the edge alright?”

Nodding my head meekly I drive to work, drinking water, eating a bagel, parking my car then heading up to my office, all of this a daze.

“Melissa?” David asks shocked. “What are you doing here?”

“I need to be busy.” I whisper to him, “I need something to do, if I keep thinking about it…It’ll just break my heart even more.” I tell him down casted. “I need this.”

Nodding his head he allows my staff to come in, passing out the work and everything, David quickly dispatching them to work, before telling me about a meeting.

“Ready?” He asks me, nodding my head we head to the conference room, taking our seats we listen to the plan for JYP Nation how important it is that we all stay on our toes and working hard, that we need to be sure that we’re focused, but through all this I could only think about what Jiyong and I both lost, how heartbroken we both feel.

“Melissa?” Sohyun asks sitting next to me. “Are you alright?”

Looking around I notice the empty room. “Oh...” I whisper sadly. “I’m sorry.”

“Melissa as something happened?” She asks me concernedly. “You look distressed.”

In a monotone I say. “I lost the baby.” Letting a few tears fall I head up to Mr. Park’s office, I can’t be working; my mind definitely won’t be on translating.

“Melissa?” Mr. Park asks surprised. “Are you alright?”

I shake my head. “I’d like to ask for some time off.” I croak.

“Would there be a reason?” He asks me slowly. “It’s part of regulation that I ask.”

“I had a miscarriage.” I tell him crying a little harder. “Sir.”

“Take as long as you need.” He says his tone somber. “I’m so sorry.” Patting my shoulder he nods for me to leave. “Melissa don’t let this beat you.”

“I’ll try.” I murmur.


Jiyong’s POV


Hearing Melissa telling me that she lost the baby, that she had a miscarriage hurt, but what really hurt was that she thought I’d hate her, that I’d blame her for this. If anything I wish I had stayed a few more minutes this morning that I’d had been there for her when she really needed me.


Hearing the door open again I see David helping Melissa in. “She’s taking time off.” He explains.

Nodding my head I take her, her body limp. “What happened?”

“She just broke down on the way home.” David explains sadly. “Jiyong…It might be best to call Mikayla in for this.”

Nodding my head I follow him out. “David?”

“Yeah man?”

“I just…Thank-you for taking care of Melissa.” I mutter wiping my tears away, I haven’t been able to do anything, nothing for Melissa, and all I’ve done is sat down and cried.

“Look, I can’t even begin to imagine the pain that the two of you are feeling, but Jiyong she needs you to be strong, she can’t do it.” David says patting my shoulder. “Jiyong she’s fragile, probably the most since her parent’s divorce.”

Nodding my head I tell him goodbye, pulling my phone out I call her, the one person that can help Melissa through this, and me.

“Hey Jiyong.” Mikayla answers cheerfully. “What’s up?”

“Melissa needs you.” I breathe out shallowly. “Mikayla she needs her best friend.”

“What happened?” She ask concerned. “Jiyong?!”

“Mikayla, she lost the baby.”


Sorry for the sad chapter, but this is could be a part of life...I had a hard time writing this and well we're on our last stage, it's kind of strange that I've written this long for this, I honestly thought I would have given up LONG AGO, but I didn't so...I'm not sure. It'll get better before the end, and I'll add in a happy epilog to make up for this sad stage. :/

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myungyeol4life #1
i really liked this i have to read it again
pipsqueak110 #2
Chapter 67: Wow I really enjoyed reading this. Even tho this is from way back, its probably one of my favorites ^.^ now I shall move in to your sequel for this. Thank you for writing this!! ♥
supjiyong #3
Chapter 67: On to reading the last part! Good job, I love this story very much!
Chapter 67: This is excellant! Good job author-nim! :)
Iheartlife #5
tHis was really good :D
Good story!<br />
I really love it
d'awww *throws confetti* how's it feel to be done with another part of the kwon series?
It has come to an end :( well i had a great time reading i enjoy your writing :) thank you
awww! congrats in finishing this! it's really a wonderful story! and realistic one! love it! ^^