Stage Seven The "Child Phase" : Fresh Produce for Melissa

Eight Stages [G-Dragon]


Jiyong took the news much better than I would have expected him to, of course nothing is set in stone; we’re still trying to figure out a good way to bring this up to YG himself.

“So what are you going to tell him?”

“I don’t know, I mean this is going to be scandal right after the one I’m recovering from.” He mutters. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that we’re having a child, but I don’t know how well this will go over with the media, fans, and antis will be fired up…”

“What do the guys think? I mean when I told you they seemed happy.”

“They want to be uncles.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “They’re happy for us and that’s enough.”

Rolling my eyes I kiss his cheek. “I’m not sure if I’m excited about that fact.” I .

“They’ll be great!”

“If it’s a girl?”

“All the better, they’ll be protective over her.”

“A boy?”

“Teach him to be a real gentleman.”

Giggling I shake my head. “You’re on board then?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“This could kill your career.” I mutter. “Jiyong, I mean I get the excitement but this will affect the others too.”

“And you?”

“Not really, my job doesn’t care what I do in my free time.”

“You mean who.”

“Oh put a can in it.” I tell him. “Do we have any grapes?”



“Should we?”


Frowning he nods his head. “I’ll do get some?”

“Good boy.”

“Anything else?”

“I’ll call.”

“That doesn’t make me feel good.”

“It shouldn’t.” Smiling at him I stare at my closet. “I’ll have to get new clothes.”


“I won’t stay this small; the child will take up some space.” I tell him sadly. “I’ll get big.”

“Not for long.”

“Not helping.”

“Right, I’m going to the store!”

Giggling I kiss him goodbye. “Hurry I’m hungry.”

“Got ch’ya.”

Texting Mikayla I send her a text ‘I am with child’

Within moments I get a phone call.


“Can you not read?” I ask her sarcastically.

“You both made up?”

“No, we just had .”

“With you two that is possible.”

“Mikayla we made up.”

“I’m going to be an aunt?”

“Sure.” I mumble happily. “I hope he hurries.”


“Jiyong, he’s going to the store to pick up some fruit.”


“Pretty much, I don’t know if Jiyong realizes that’s what it is though.”

Mikayla chuckles. “He’s in for a lot.”

“Me too.”

“Oh sure, the pregnant girl is. Her parents are going to be grandparents.”

“, I haven’t told them.”

“Well, it’d be a good idea to let them know, although I don’t know how you mom will respond to it being out of wedlock.”

“You know I don’t know how the rest of Korea is going to respond to it.”

“That’s right, Jiyong is a super star.” Mikayla says. “That’s some serious fire power you’re loading.” She’s quiet. “Melissa it isn’t the end of the world.”

“It sorta feels like it.”

“No, that’s the nausea.”

“Oh, when you put it that way!” I mumble throwing my head back. “What’d be the best way to do this?”

“How the hell should I know? I mean you’re obviously seeing a doctor, but as for the idol part I’m clueless.”

“Me too.” I mutter unhappily. “I mean I’ve looked into this pregnancy thing.”

“Really that’s what you’re going to call it?”

“For now, anyways I need to manage stress, eat healthy, exercise and what not, that’s the general and to help avoid a sad end.”

“A sad end?”


“So that’s how you normally live your life.”

“It still has me worried.” I whisper. “I mean a lot can happen in nine months.”

“You’re just over analyzing it. You and Jiyong can handle this.”

“You think so?”

“Pretty much, I mean you’ve both worked through a lot.”

“I’d feel better with a certain couple of people here.”

“James and I can come out, but not right away.”

“Well I want you here for when it happens.”

“Count on it,” She squeals. “JAMES WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A NIECE OR NEPHEW!!!”


“Mel is pregnant!”


“Oh shut it, we’re going to have a little something!”

“I’m sure the baby will love to know it’s a little something.” I tell her sarcastically. “Anyways Jiyong’s home.” I say hearing the door shut. “He better have my fruit.”

“Go eat grumpy!” Mikayla teases me. “Have fun mother-to-be.”

Hanging up I race into the kitchen. “Well?” I ask seeing Seungri instead. “You’re not Jiyong.”

“No, is he here?”

“Aniyo.” I say a little upset. “I want my fresh fruit.”


Holding my figure up I text Jiyong. ‘Oranges and apples too sweetie… Love you (:’

“He’s at the store.”


“I want fruit.”

“Oh…right.” He says eyeing me carefully. “Well I just wanted to ask him for some advice, but I can see that you’re…being you.”

“Seungri that doesn’t make sense.” I mutter sitting on a chair. “I hope her hurries.”

“Me too?”

Giggling I nod my head. “Seungri are you really excited for us?”

“Neh, we all are.”


“We’ll figure something out; I mean you guys were bound to have kids eventually.”

“Eventually is now.”

He chuckles. “We’ll figure something out don’t worry.”

“I hope so.” I mutter. “Will you wait here with me until Jiyong gets back?”

“Sure.” He says happily.


Yay I'm at a hundred! :D sorry for the delay. :/ I've been workign on a few other things XD but anyways enjoy this.

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myungyeol4life #1
i really liked this i have to read it again
pipsqueak110 #2
Chapter 67: Wow I really enjoyed reading this. Even tho this is from way back, its probably one of my favorites ^.^ now I shall move in to your sequel for this. Thank you for writing this!! ♥
supjiyong #3
Chapter 67: On to reading the last part! Good job, I love this story very much!
Chapter 67: This is excellant! Good job author-nim! :)
Iheartlife #5
tHis was really good :D
Good story!<br />
I really love it
d'awww *throws confetti* how's it feel to be done with another part of the kwon series?
It has come to an end :( well i had a great time reading i enjoy your writing :) thank you
awww! congrats in finishing this! it's really a wonderful story! and realistic one! love it! ^^