First Kiss :O

Coke & Sundae 콜라 & 선데이


[JunHyung POV]


“Hyuna…let’s go to the supermarket!” :D


“For what?” Hyuna asked with her confused face.


“I have something for you…”




I nodded. I’m not anticipating for her reply so I just pulled her hands and brought him out from there. Hmm…the air outside is fresher! XD


(At supermarket)


“Hmm…Hmm…” I said while looking around. No, actually I’m searching something.


“JunHyung ah…where are you actually want to bring me?”




She frowned while pouting. I pinched her cheeks.


“! who gave you the permission to touch my cheeks?”




“Aiyy..meanie.” She looked away. Mad? Hah! ^^,


[Hyuna POV]


Aish! Really…what is he doing? Is he just wanted to waste my time?


Ahh…I’m tired -_-||


“JunHyung ah! You go search what you want, I want to wait here,” yes, I found a bench! :D


“Aww…wae~?” He pouted. Omo!! How can he be that cute?! xO


I looked to other spot.


“Let’s go~ You can’t let me walk alone! I might be kidnapped!”


What?? Oh please! >o< Who’s the hell wants to kidnap you huh?


“Yah! There’s no one wants to kidnap you!”


“There’s a lot. They can become crazy at anytime with just looking my cute face.”


Oh no…what is all this? Praising himself? Ahh! But really, I can’t deny it. -_-||


“Fine…Fine…Let’s go...,” I gave up.


“Yeay!” suddenly he hugged me! :O


Awwh really! Why suddenly he become so childish???


Oh no…everyone were looking us. *gulp*


“Aww…such a sweet couple~” “Oh the girl is so lucky!” I can heard what they said. Ahh so embarassing! T___T


Then JunHyung pulled my hand and brought me to the ice-cream corner. O_O


He took one sundae and then brought me to another spot.


Coke? He took one then we went to counter and paid for them.


He brought me to a park. We sat on grass.


“For you…” he gave me the sundae. Eh? Does he knows that I like sundae? Or he just guessing?


I ate my sundae and he drank his coke, together under a big shady tree. Ohh, the air here is so fresh!


I’ve been come here before but the feeling is different.


I think it’s JunHyung…who made me more comfortable. And I feel complete. :)


Looking at his coke, and then my sundae. Seems that we have a different types of favourite food and drinks. Yes it is like people. Different people, different behaviour, different favourites, that what people called, completing each other’s life.


Maybe…JunHyung and I…can complete each other?


“JunHyung ah…”


He looked at me.


“What will happen if we combine this sundae and your coke?”


I can see, he is speechless. Thinking what I just told. Then he looked to his coke and then my sundae.


“Maybe we can try?”


“Hmm..?” I mean, really?


He nodded.


“Then try to pour your coke on my sundae…” I feel stupid. Yes, this idea is stupid. Is he really going to do as what I said?


“No…it's not like that...” he shook his head.


“Then?” oh he’s not.


“Eat your sundae. And keep it in your mouth. Don’t swallow it.”


I was confused. I really don’t understand what is he going to do. But, I just followed as what he said. I eat my sundae. Keep in mouth. Ahh cold -_-


He looked at me. Then he drank his coke, but…he swallow it. -.-

In a blink of eye…. O_O


My heart thumping!!


Ahhh…I’ve never expected this to happen. But…he is stealing my first kiss!!


I closed my eyes…tightly.


A few seconds later, he let go of my lips from his.


“Your idea was good, Hyuna. Coke + Sundae…it tastes good.” He smiled. I don’t know but truthfully, I haven’t see that kind of smile from him before. This one is so so so cute and sweet!


I can see from his face. He also embarassed but he managed to cover it with ‘my idea in combining coke and sundae’.


I looked around.


Oh my! There was a plenty of people were watching us. I can feel that my face has gone red. Ahhhh!! What to do!


I looked at JunHyung. He looked at me. Ahh…*sigh*


His eyes seems like he’s talking to me. But…but I can’t decode it! >o<


Abruptly, he took my hands and brought me away from there.


We’ve been holding hands for…I guess 3km already.


“JunHyung ah…how did you know that I like sundae?”


“Really? I just guessed it.” Then he laughed loudly.




“I’m just kidding. Do you remember the moment I read your diary? I knew it from there!” Then he showed me his annoying face.


Argh! >o< how can I forgot that? “Yah!”


“You should be grateful that I read your diary otherwise I won’t know how to make you happy today.” He smiled innocently.


Hmm…somehow I think it’s true. ^^,


“Oh! We’re arrived!” He shouted.


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I'm sorry dear subscribers, i can't finish Coke & Sundae now..i can only update it next month..hope u don't unsubscribe me ..huhu


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\O/ ...................
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Chapter 30: This story is adorable!
Lol coke flavored ice cram XD
Just one question. Why didn't her dad go to jail for killing Hara? O.O
Chapter 30: Keke~ Daebak! ^^
Like it very much!
Chapter 30: Yay junah and now with luck junah babies! Good job it was a cute story :)
JunAh4everBeast #6
Chapter 29: I couldn't wait for the 'Wedding'!!!
Chapter 29: Lol junnie with his coke ice cream! Ahhh junah babies! :p sooo cute!
tina43 #8
Chapter 29: lol cute <3 ilhoon is junah's son keke
Chapter 26: Yes junhyung tell her!!!
rbtigersm #10
Omg... Update soon!