My Last Breath?

Drenching Flames [HAITUS]

Look at me. Standing here, alone. It's a furnace here, ashes falling like snow, from the stars. Yet I'm drenched, head to toe. Sodden with pain.

This is it.

Grass is crackling furiously all around me, a blanket of flame, intimidating and blood red. The sky is black with a throttling smoke, billowing above me, looming like a predator in waiting. My village is evaporating, ashes rising to join the grave of the sky, what little left below smouldering in pity. I see the rage all around me, all track of time lost. All I can hear are the distant screams and chokes of neighbours echoing around my blank mind. I feel sweat run down my back and wet my tangled hair, I feel heat that sears my skin, I feel tears that blur my eyes with sorrow and the fear of the reality around me.

Once mighty and prosperous trees were shrivelled to half their size, the trunks now torches of fire which rocket into the sky, the buildings replaced by white and red hot ashes, plumes of black choking the air. My lungs were filled with soot every stuttering breath. There's nowhere left to hide, even the arsonists had left. My only way out is across an ancient stone bridge, crossing the divide between plateaus. It was over a tremendous gorge.

The ground was hot to walk on, too hot for bare feet. But I needed to cross, and fast.

I felt my knees weaken in my agony, the fire quickly surrounding me but failing to pick up on the earth path that was my passage to safety. Sore burns on exposed flesh from holes scorched into my filthy jacket were shot with pain as if afraid of being burned again. Blood started to lace the rim of the holes. The ground is black and orange, piles of broken memories scattered about, rubble and debris everywhere. I didn't dare look anywhere but directly in front of me.

Every few seconds, I took a pace. Hesitantly time started to make more sense, but it was moving so slowly I couldn't be sure of anything any more. Each step was a stagger and immense effort for me, cuts on my pale face stinging as the dirt mixed with my sweat washed over them. I was... Spaced out.

But as I approached the bridge, my blood started to boil. For everything. Everything down to the arguments I had instead of treasuring moments I'd never get again, for the last kiss from my girl I didn't make so precious, for not knowing that 'goodbye' would be the last.

My foot touches the stone, the outline of my foot glowing for a moment before fleeing like the life in my home. A small twirl of steam rolled into the arms of the fiery daemon suffocating the village. Another step, and I see the flashes of light around me. My legs felt elated. My stride strengthened with each step, the glow becoming taller and brighter each time. Soon I was striding forward in ecstasy, a confidence in a power I couldn't control. By now the glow shot as tall as my hips. But at the middle of the bridge, I came back to earth. Stopped in my tracks, I listened carefully. Crackling, and, cracking. The soft creak was barely audible, but it was a slit creeping up towards me like a stalking tiger.

My heart sank past my feet, down into the bridge. My body seemed to faint, though I was conscious, and I fell to my knees with an ear-splitting crack as they met the stone. My ears popped and my hearing went, blurred out of my mind. The bridge in front of me started to collapse, the end falling into the canyon almost silently. I could barely hear the thunderous thuds of the stone hitting the gorge walls all the way to the ground. The world faded and fuzzed around me, my peripheral vision incomprehensible.

But as the collapsed gap ever grew, and was only meters away, A blinding light appeared in front of me. A white figure formed as my eyes adjusted; it was floating above the ground, light endlessly radiating from it, its features obscured by the pureness I just couldn't see past. It was an angel, my angel, my guardian. It held its hands out to the sides, and I felt my knees leave the ground, and as the bridge disappeared from beneath me, tumbling to the pits of the gorge, my whole body was in the air. Yet I wasn't fearful. I felt like its hands were around my waist, I could feel the pressure on my skin. In that moment, my head fell back, and I looked into the sky, white as the purest dove. My jaw opens and the air I breath is clean and refreshing. My burns don't seem to be there, the pain leaves. I inhale and bliss fills my body.

But then, darkness, unconsciousness.

Who knows what awaits me... if I wake up.


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I haved a LOT of catching up ----READING to do... ;AAA;
Chapter 8: I'm so curious and intrigued about that and I can only guess what will happen next...
If this is AU fantasy-magic then my guess is he had inherited magical powers from such lucid dreams, Deja vu. And more...

I'll be patiently waiting for the next chapter!!!!!
Chapter 7: WAH!!! Who's. The guy he dreamt about?

Onwards to the next chapter"!"
Chapter 4: I feel so bad for him being left consciously-unconscious... Zelo has been a real trooper, helping him out and stuff... I'm just so curious about Zelo's thoughts though... Did it ever came to his mind that the man he is trying to keep safe and alive is stuck in some type of mild coma?

P.S. I need to Google out BAP. Then... ahohoho!
Chapter 1: I forgot how dramatic your writing is.. The first thing that I read made me almost shudder at the scene cause I can imagine myself losing the same things... Dx
#Onward to chapter 2
Chapter 7: wow what the fukk..... >.<
I forgot how painfully GOOD you are at writing. ahhg. Shiet son. ahah damnitttt.
but yeah.
Quite the interesting dealie-o~
You conveyed the dream sequence quite well ;]

And okay, seriously.
I'ma just say this.
Your writing level is seriously up there with some of the greats. I mean, if you'd just fully commit and update more often, and do the whole big flashy posters and backgrounds and all that jazz. People would be talking about you all over the damn place ;D ahahha

i mean, idk if you've read "Anterograde Tomorrow" but yeah... you could do something as popular as that, i just know it.
Cuz with your skillzzzz~
you could have everyone waiting at your feet(updates) lol

now continue writingggg!!!~
Chapter 7: Holy . I was in that dream, I swear! That was crazy! You have to update soon T-T
Chapter 6: oh ho ho ho~
look whos hear to read your update~
ME!~ ;D ahaha
and i must say.
the main character is still a mystery to me. and i hate iiiiit!~ lololol but it's definitely something new that i haven't really faced when reading a story. hmm.
well played WOMO. well played. ahaha
and damn..
did i like... start the whole nickname 'WOMO' for you?
cuz i thought i did.... but i'm seeing other people call you that now XD heheheh