The Plan

I'm sorry just forget we never happened


Kahi’s pov

After having a long conversation with Jung Ah about her miserable past. My heart aches even more. Because of me, her heart

was torned apart and the only thing that’s keeping it together is hope. I tried to control my emotions but I couldn’t help but cry after

hearing about the first time we broke up and how heartbroken she was. “How am I suppose to look you in the eyes and pretend

to not know you when all I wanted to do at the moment was to hug you as tight as I can and kiss your lips”. I was waiting for her to

get the most important bump in our relationship but I guess I’m still a stranger in her eyes to touch that sensitive topic. I bid

farewell to her and separated at the intersection. I don’t know how long I was walking aimlessly without a destination for but once

I returned to earth it was already getting dark.


Jung Ah’s pov


Why did I just pour half my heart out to a stranger I just met for not even a whole day yet. Her presence reminds me of you, but I

know it’s not you. I couldn’t possibly find a replacement for you. Although you two have the same height, smiles and taste in

fashion, she’s definitely not you. You’re Park Jiyoung and she’s…Park Kahi..Wow so you guys have the same last name too..but

still doesn’t mean anything Lizzy’s a Park too still doesn’t mean she’s you.  I didn’t realize it but I once I regain awareness I was

already in front of my apartment. I grabbed the keys from my bag and open the door. As I walked in I sense a strong uneasy

atmosphere while feeling like there’s three pairs of eyes watching my every move. “Kim Jung Ah come here now” the voice coldly

said. Uee was standing with her arms crossed. “So what’s this I hear about you chasing down some stranger and disappearing

for a couple hours?” I gave Lizzy and Raina the look after being interrogated like a suspect. “um… reason I just found her

kind of familiar so I wanted to know if it was the person I was looking for.” I answer looking down at the ground to avoid eye

contact with the big boss.


Nana’s pov

*Nan Molla, nan molla cheobeon manchbeon*

“Hello missy, where in the world are you when are you coming home” I screamed into the phone.

“well hello to you too, I am currently in Seoul and im here, I forgot my keys so can you open the door for me please.”

“Oh” I got up and quickly ran to the door I opened the door and ended our phone conversation after.

Kahi unnie looked so tired but yet seem to be more lively than usual. I suddenly remember why.  “ was it talking to her

today,” I asked eagerly waiting for her response. “It felt like all the effort I put into letting her go was a waste after today” she

answered in a low voice. I can tell she’s torned between the past and her desires. If only there was a way for you to forget the

past and start fresh with her. “Unnie why don’t you start fresh and get to know her as Kahi and not Jiyoung”I know that we Park

Jiyoung left Kim Jung Ah because of the complicated situation, but we both said that Park Jiyoung no longer exist after the day

that you step foot into the hospital.  A gleam of hope shines in her eyes after hearing my suggestion. “ But will she accept the Kahi

now. What if she finds out about the truth. I don’t wanna play with her emotions like this though” Her hesistations weren’t

completely wrong. I took a second to find a response and a lightbulb lit up. “Ah hah! Well to answer your first question only me

and you know the truth about it, so unless I decide to spill the beans then no one would know, and you’re not really playing with

her emotions you’re being sincere about you and her, in just a very complicated way.. I don’t get why you just can’t face her and

let her know everything, but if that’s how you want it then I will support you no matter what.”  “Im Nana!! have I told you how much I love you lately?” 

She got up and squeezed me in her arms. “Aigooo you’re killing me here!im smart huh hehehe I love you too appa. And I

know when's the perfect time to excecute our plans. She looked at me confusingly. I shook my head and took out my phone to

show her the calendar date...



heres a little update hope you guys enjoy sorry if its a little too boring =/

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Chapter 6: almost a its already a year
oooo~go ! LOL
novtalia #3
please update soon author :)
obbsessed #4
@darkestangel lol i know kinda random to put dambi as kahi in the past i didnt know where else to put her
@novtalia im glad you enjoy it =]
novtalia #5
wow, this story is interesting :)
DarkestAngel #6
quite hard to imagine kahi look like dambi in her younger day.. hahahaha... but hope kahi can get close to jung ah with her new identity..
DarkestAngel #7
kahi should let go of the past...
joyeeyew #8
interesting. cant wait for the update. keep going