Present Day

I'm sorry just forget we never happened

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry....just.....just.....forget we ever happened.."

It was 2 a.m when Jungah abruptly wake up with a cold sweat driping down from her forehead. She could feel her heart beating faster

than normal. It's been two years since that horrible night in the warehouse with her uncles held as hostage by Jiyoung. Every night

she relive her pain through her dreams or memories of them together

Jung Ah's P.O.V

I pushed myself up from my bed and dragged my feet across the floor as i make my way to the door. I heard the sound of the tv and

the lights from the living room. As I make my way down the stairs and to the living room I saw Lizzy and Raina lying on the couch

covered in  blankets watching Tangled. "Omma" Lizzy wave her hand to get me to come over and sit down next to her. 

Jung Ah layed her head on Lizzy lap. Realizing how cold her head was Lizzy concernly asked her if she had that  nightmare and told

Raina to fetch her a cup of warm milk. *Its been a year since Jung Ah moved in with Lizzy, Raina, and Uee. Jung Ah hasn't forgotten 

about Jiyoung. For the past year and a half they've been looking for the Park Jiyoung that seem to have dissapeared into thin air. Uee

was an international business woman so she had many connections. Europe,United States, Seoul, whereever theres news of Park

Jiyoung Jung Ah has been there. Lizzy leaned over and look at her, "Omma its been over a year since we start looking for her but it 

seems like whenever we get closer to finding her we just ended up in square one again..I don't want you to go through the pain of

being hopeful then get dissapointed in the end..Jung Ah's torned heart was cracking up again knowing that Lizzy was speaking the 

truth, but how can she give up looking for the love of her life. Jiyoung was there for her when no one else were. She was there when 

Jung Ah was still a carefree teenager to the matured woman she is now. Not only was Jiyoung her other half but also 

her best friend and guardian. She was the key to her locket. 

Raina walked in from the kitchen with a cup of warm milk. "Here omma" as she handed Jung Ah the cup. She drank a litle and set it

on the table she layed her head back on Lizzy's lap and closed her eyes.A droplet fell off from the edge of her eyes as the thought of

nt being able to see Jiyoung again. "Omma it hurts to see you in this state" Raina clicked the power on the remote and

lay next to her hugging her waist.

A few months later in the fall at the graveyard


ok you guys have to use a bit of your imagination for this one.. imagine son dambi as kahi 2 years ago

"Jiyoung" her father struggle to call reaching one of his hand to signaled her to come out from the hidden passage. The young Jiyoung
ran to the side of her dad without a tear from her eyes at the sight of her omma and older brothers laying there without a movement.
"Listen carefully to what i have to say to you" She held his hand and nod. "You have to live on stronnn-nn-gg baby girl..the people who
did this are from the Kim's. You have to have to wait patiently until the right ti-ti-timinngg. with that said his head drop
following his hand that were held by Jiyoung's tiny hands
*end of flashback*
Kahi sat in front of her parent's grave cleaning up the unwanted weeds around their stone. "appa...omma...I'm sorry for letting you
down...i couldn't pull the trigger to take away their lives..
Ater i let go of Jung Ah i aimed for the left hand of the person on the left and the right leg of the person on the right. Jung Ah fell
before me as i took my exit. I walked aimlessly into the pouring rain. Disappointed in why i couldn't pull the trigger. Because of JungAh
i couldn't get my family's vengence. i can't stay here any more. From a far distance i could hear someone screaming for me. "Jiyoung
Unnie!! Unnie!!" I turned around without any energy. As she got closer to me i collapse within her arms."Unnie.." Im Nana was the last
image i saw before passing out.
*End of flashback*
Two days later...
As i was cleaning up the now emptied table, the door opened causing a chill breeze to come in and a lady with elegant wavy burgandy
hair and a bright smile on her face as she greet me holding her laptop with her earphones in her ears walked in searching for a table
for sit. I pointed to the usual window seat across the room. i walked over to greet her "yahh unnie even though you look so much
prettier with this face i still can't get use to it." "Nana" she gave me the glare to hush me. I quickly covered my mouth and walked away
with an order of a caramel frap. "Wait! so are you saying i wasn't pretty back then?" Kahi unnie scream behind me. i turned around
and stick my tongue out
"Unnie..are you sure about this?" i hesitated as Jiyoung unnie was about to go under the knives to get a different appearance to avoid
the search of Kim Jung Ah. She nodded "knowing her she wouldn't give up until the day that shes assured that there's no more
Park Jiyoung" i grab her hands "but that doesn't mean you have to do this just immigrate to another country,
England,France,Canada,Australia ill go with you no matter what. "Look i still can't let go of what happened and the fact that i was too
weak to finish them off was my mistake. she won't give up looking for me unless she can't find me and I can't go back to her after what
had happened.. I'm not going anywhere. Imma be
right here like people say the most dangerous place is the safest place." With that said she patted my head and walked into the prep
*End of flashback*
sorry for all the flashbacks you guys .
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Chapter 6: almost a its already a year
oooo~go ! LOL
novtalia #3
please update soon author :)
obbsessed #4
@darkestangel lol i know kinda random to put dambi as kahi in the past i didnt know where else to put her
@novtalia im glad you enjoy it =]
novtalia #5
wow, this story is interesting :)
DarkestAngel #6
quite hard to imagine kahi look like dambi in her younger day.. hahahaha... but hope kahi can get close to jung ah with her new identity..
DarkestAngel #7
kahi should let go of the past...
joyeeyew #8
interesting. cant wait for the update. keep going