The end is just a new beginning

Our Diary - Afterlife

AN: Well.. here is the last chapter :3 I guess this fanfic just wasn't supposed to be long, plus I am already working on the sequel (in my mind) which will be longer than the original story (or first part of the trilogy) Our Diary. Well at least if everything goes as planned, it will be. 


For many weeks, Jonghyun and Key would just wonder around the town. It was like they went on their first dates again. They joked and fooled around like nothing had happened. Like both of them were alive. And still, Key new that Jonghyun wanted something else. He kne that the elder wanted to become human again. Ghosts were like humans in a way, they could communicate and touch, of course, but seeing humans around you just made you want to be with them. And Key knew that Jonghyun felt like that. He too, wished that he could be human again, but that didn't mean that he wasn't afraid. What if he and Jonghyun wouldn't meet? What if they were reborn in totally different places. Or what if he got 'sick' again? Would he have his memories to know that he shouldn't push the people away? Would he remember Jonghyun? He had so many questions, and doubts. He didn't want to risk losing Jonghyun. But looking at the sad puppy-eyes, or the fake smiles, he knew that he had to do it with Jonghyun. Just not yet..

They were sitting in a quiet meadow. Jonghyun was lying on the grass, Key's head on his chest. Both of them were looking at the clouds. 'Jongie, look! That cloud looks like a chicken!' he said suddenly. Jonghyun chuckled softly. 'It reminds me of Onew-hyung..' Key added sadly. Before his death, he got really close with Jonghyun's friends. He was like a mother to Taemin, and a little brother to Onew. They would hang out for a long time, just fooling around. He had missed those times terribly.

'It sure does. I bet he is eating chicken again..' Jonghyun chuckled.. Key nodded, and they looked at each other, then started laughing.

​A few hundred miles away:

​Lee Jinki, or Onew was sitting on the couch, a big bucket of chicken on his lap. He was a middle-aged man now, but he still looked handsome. He looked around, as if he had heard Key and Jonghyun. But he knew that he hadn't. Sighing sadly, he took out another piece of chicken, and ate it. He missed his friends, but he knew that they weren't coming back. He wished that he could have done anything to bring back them, but he knew that he couldn't.

Jonghyun sighed softly, as he played with Key's hair gently. He knew that Key was afraid, but being a ghost just wasn't for them. He knew it. 'Hey Bummie.. Do you think we will ever 'go back'? he asked suddenly.

Key was dreading this question. He didn't want to hurt Jonghyun, but he didn't want to go back. Or at least not yet. He had waited for a very long time, and he didn't want to go up his happiness. But he knew, that happiness was only temporary. 'I don't know, Jongie.. What if we won't find each other again?' he asked sadly. Jonghyun rolled his eyes and sat up, pulling Key up as well.

'Don't say stupid thing like that, Kim Kibum' he started, looking into the boy's eyes. 'Even if we will be separated, we will meet again. Do you understand it?' he asked. Key looked down, but nodded.

'I just don't want to loose you, Jongie..' he whispered. 'Not again..' he added, as he hugged the elder tightly. 

'You won't, Bummie. We will meet, right after we decide to go back, and I will marry you. We will live happily, ever after..' Jonghyun said, and Key couldn't help, but smile at his happy plans. 

Key sighed contently. 'Can we still wait a while before we go? I.. I am still not sure..' he mumbled as his cheeks became a deep red. He wasn't sure why he blushed, but it just made Jonghyun chuckle.

'Of course, Bummie. I just asked you if you will come back with me, that's all. How do you even do it anyway?' Jonghyun asked as he caressed Key's cheek gently.

'Well, appa said that you have to decide that you want to go, and you have to wait for some time. It's like someone will hear you, and they'll send you back. I am not sure how it works, but I have seen some people do it before. They just.. disappeared. I have heard that your parents will most possibly name you the same way you had been named the first time you'd been born. I guess it's a cycle, I guess..' he said as he closed his eyes. '

 Jonghyun smiled, and nodded, kissing the boy gently. Key returned the kiss, his hand wrapping around Jonghyun's neck. Soon, they parted, smiling at each other. Suddenly Key's eyes widened and a small grin appeared on his face. He shot up from the ground and started floating, dragging Jonghyun with him. The elder didn't understand the boy, but followed him silently. 

They arrived soon. They were on the edge of a mountain, the view was just beautiful. Right in front of where they were, there was a beautiful waterfall. Jonghyun smiled as Key floated into the water, almost like he was dancing. Jonghyun followed him, and soon, they were just playing in the water, like kids. 

Months later, they were once again lying in the same meadow. Key sighed, as he knew that this was their time. He was ready to take the risks of being reborn. He knew that he would meet Jonghyun again. He was sure of it. But still,  as they both close their eyes, and concentrated, they clenched the other's hand, maybe for support. As Key could feel Jonghyun disappear from him, he quickly kissed the elder, one last time. Soon, he could feel the strange power, and he could see the pure, white light. He was into the light. And suddenly, he felt alone. There was no one with him. He could barely remember who he was, but he didn't want to forget, never. He knew that he would meet Jonghyun soon. He just had to wait. 

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For those who don't know, the sequel's first chapter is already up x33


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this made me cry...a lot ;~; I was sad when key was explaining how upset jonghyun was over keys death..made me really sad but im happy they're back together <3
Jenkeey #3
Please post up the sequel link soon. <3
Sunrise_dream #4
Can't wait! :)
Foreword to the sequel will be posted today :P And everyone, thanks for the comments, they made me happy x333 (and the sequel will be really long :3 I've already planned it :PPP)
Got sequel????!!!!
Author,u just end like this made me want to read more leh~
ftshinebang #8
Seeeqquueeellll!!!! They must meet again!!!
Awwwww omg more please!

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
iloveyoub #10
OMYGOSH ! I'm crying :') this is so perfect ! Waiting for the next story :D FIGHTING ! And i hope next story wouldnt have many sad scenes xP