After So Many Years

Our Diary - Afterlife

AN: Hi there~ Well.. here is the first chapter x3 Actually, after publishing this I had another idea o.o Well, since this fanfic hasn't even started yet, I'll write it as a sequel to this.. (or the third part of Our Diary 'trilogy' I guess) So yeah, enjoy this chapter x33333


 Sighing softly, Key floated onto a tree. Lying on a branch, he stared at the full moon. Most of his nights were spent like this after he died. Of course, he still needed sleep, but a bit less then living people. Actually, ghosts were pretty much same as humans, maybe they were a bit transparent and creepy, but honestly, the only difference was where they lived. Well, most of them. Since ghosts couldn't communicate with humans, or touch them, most of them lived in 'another' world, that to human eyes, was invisible. Of course, some of them still chose to live near the humans, most of them who were still connected to their life somehow, just like Key. He didn't want to forget Jonghyun until the elder... passed, and even though he knew he wouldn't, he still chose to  watch him. 'I sound like a stalker..' he thought as he laughed bitterly. He missed talking to his lover, or actually he missed getting the replies from his Jongie.. He missed the touches, the kisses they shared. Because he could go and touch Jonghyun, sure, but his hand would go through the other. Even though being a ghost could be sort of fun, he wanted to be with his lover finally.

He waited.. For many, many years. As a ghost, he still aged, but much slower, and when he died, his 'body' was changed into a teen's body again, just like most of them people, expect for those who didn't want it. So, as Jonghyun was now an elderly man, Key was still a teenager. It was so against his dreams. He always wanted to grow old with Jonghyun, not watch him grow old. It pained him to see, that although Jonghyun never fell in love again, and loved him just as much as he did before, he lived a sorrowful life. He still mourned Key's death after so many years. Key didn't like seeing Jonghyun suffer. Many times, he tried to tell him that he should at least try to move on. Of course, it would have hurt too, but for Key, Jonghyun's happiness was much more important than his own.

Sighing, he pulled his knees to his chest. A transparent tear ran down Key's cheek as he remembered his death. Or what he could remember of it.

That day, just like this, was peaceful, and cheery. Before leaving for work, Jonghyun kissed his lover goodbye, and ran off. Key chuckled to himself. He started preparing their lunch, knowing that Jonghyun would be back by then. As he cooked, he hummed to himself softly. His life was truly perfect. He had everything he had ever wanted. A loving boyfriend, a huge house, a good job, everything. But, he still missed his parents. His Umma died so suddenly. One moment, she was saying goodbye to him, because she was going on a business trip, the next moment, his phone rang, She had gotten into an accident. A fatal one. Wiping his tears away, he continued to cook. 

After a few hours of preparing the food, he felt strangely tired. He didn't know why, but he just decided to take a nap, curling up on the huge leather couch. He never woke up again, or at least not as a human. 

Key shuddered at the memory. He could still remember Jonghyun's cries when he noticed him on the couch, of course, he was a ghost by then. He tried everything to wake up, as his Jongie begged him for hours, but he couldn't. He could never enter his body again.  He suddenly felt strange. Like someone was staring at him. He shrugged it off and yawned widely as he could feel his eyelids drop. Soon, he was asleep, unaware of a certain person watching him.

Jonghyun felt strange. For one moment, everything went black. The next moment, he saw many people surrounding him. He asked them what their problem was, but none of them answered, although most of them had tears in their eyes. Wondering what was going on, Jonghyun sat up. And noticed something strange. His body wasn't sitting up with him, it was still on the ground, where he fainted. Looking at his now transparent hands, many thought ran through his head, most of them about his Bummie. If he became a ghost, then maybe, maybe Key was a ghost too. He didn't want to be dead, of course, but if it meant seeing his Bummie, he didn't care. Another thing he noticed was that he was back in his teenage 'body'. He felt strangely, refreshed. In a strange way, he felt more alive then hours before. Because he could see his Bummie now. 

Running (or floating) to where his heart was telling, he noticed a transparent-ish figure on one of the tall trees. Looking at the figure a bit more closely, he gasped. It was really him. His Bummie. He floated to where he was quickly. The ghost boy was sleeping peacefully, his head on his knees, but he had a tiny smile in the corner of his mouth. Jonghyun smiled widely, and couldn't resist, but kiss that smile. He didn't care that he was dead, he felt alive.

Key didn't seem to be waking up, so Jonghyun lifted him up gently, and sat down, placing the boy on his lap. He smiled as he played with the familiar hair gently. After so many years, he finally felt happy..  


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For those who don't know, the sequel's first chapter is already up x33


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this made me cry...a lot ;~; I was sad when key was explaining how upset jonghyun was over keys death..made me really sad but im happy they're back together <3
Jenkeey #3
Please post up the sequel link soon. <3
Sunrise_dream #4
Can't wait! :)
Foreword to the sequel will be posted today :P And everyone, thanks for the comments, they made me happy x333 (and the sequel will be really long :3 I've already planned it :PPP)
Got sequel????!!!!
Author,u just end like this made me want to read more leh~
ftshinebang #8
Seeeqquueeellll!!!! They must meet again!!!
Awwwww omg more please!

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
iloveyoub #10
OMYGOSH ! I'm crying :') this is so perfect ! Waiting for the next story :D FIGHTING ! And i hope next story wouldnt have many sad scenes xP