All About YunJae



Hey everyone !

I'm always searching for YunJae fanfiction ( cuz i only read YJ and DBSK stories )

So i thought about making this acount to help YunJae Shipper 

I hope it will be useful :)

And thanks 


This will be about YunJae :

  • Fanfics,
  • Fanart,
  • News...

and everything about them 

i hope you will help us and enjoy it ^^

sorry my computer is ed up i'll update as soon as i'll fix it ^^


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fantasy705 #1
Chapter 4: Hello!! I hope you are still active!! I am looking for a story from Winglin.

Summary: It's a Cinderella-like story. Junsu and Jaejoong are friend; Yoochun and Junsu are going out. There was a school dance (or so) and jaejoong was not able to attend due to house sitting while parents attend business dinner. Jaejoong told Junsu he wouldn't make it; but he did and failed to tell Junsu. Jaejoong met his crush, Yunho at the party wearing a mask, they had a great time and shared a kiss. Yunho did not get Jaejoong's name when he left in hurry, but Jaejoong did dropped a pendant. Yunho look for Jaejoong while Jaejoong is thinking of way to get the pendant back without revealing himself. When Junsu saw the pendant, he confront Jaejoong. Junsu decided to tell Yunho about Jaejoong. Yunho showed up at Jaejoong's home and....

The last chapter, I believe was rated r. Please, please, please, please tell me you have this story or know who wrote it!! I want to read it again so badly!!!!
amani222 #2
Chapter 5: Hi there is a really beautiful story called* romance kazoku* please please can you post it here so l can read it please thank you love all your stores♥♥
Chapter 10: I like the shirt now I need to know I can get me one. Anyone knows where they're selling it?
wishyy #4
Chapter 15: Thanks so much for your efforts in listing and sharing :)
Loving all these post~!
Filialim #5
Chapter 5: Thank you for listing this ..... Had been upset when suddenly winglin went out without letting us know but at least now we still can enjoy these stories.
CassieIndo #6
Chapter 4: omg pleeeaasseee updaateee those link T___T
didoucassie #7
Chapter 4: hi there , i know i am suuuuper late but can i get the links plzzzz
love u
Chapter 4: This is all Yunjae?!! Woah, daebak.
Chapter 4: hiii~~~~ if you dont mind,can you give me the links..??? :) <3
Chapter 4: Hi can you give me the links? *-* thanks in advance!