Game No. 1 Friend or Foe?


007 puts the CD into the laptop and opened it. Suddenly, the screen turned black and words start to appear. A voice says "Welcome to the Game of Death. Answer the following question to find out whose the first victim. HAHA!" Tian Mo Xing grips 007's arm tightly. 007 pats her hand reassuringly. He looks at the screen again and said "I'm sure this is not another doing of Lu Ke Ying. There must be someone else playing a game in this school."

747 rub his chin. "Well. Press enter and see what question it gives us." 007 nods and pressed enter. Words starts appearing. "What work can no one ever finish?"

187 laughs to himself. "That's easy. Dating all the girls in this school." 747 rolled his eyes at 187 and said "Not everyone is a manwhore like you. Okay?" He thinks for a minute. 

Tian Mo Xing looks at 007. "A work no one can finish..." She feels that for 007, a work he could never finish is having to protect her and keep her out of problems. Having a girlfriend like her is very troublesome and annoying.

"It's their autobiography. Because they cannot write about their deaths." 007 declared.

Tian Mo Xing kneeled down besides him and look him in the eyes. "I think I am your burden; a work you can never finish." 007 touches her face lightly.

"Who dares to say that? You're my lucky star. Without you by my side, how could I have gotten so far? Everytime I decide to give up, you remind me that I'm 007." He cups her face in his hands and leans down. Tian Mo Xing closes her eyes slowly; waiting for her kiss. But before he could touch her lips, a laugh interrupts them. 007 pulls away and Tian Mo Xing gets really angry and turns to see Lucifer. The fire inside of her is getting bigger and bigger. "AHHHHHH! YOU AGAIN! FiRST YOU TOOK MY 007'S KISS! NOW YOU RUINED MY KISS AGAIN! AHHHHHHHHHHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!" Everyone looks at Tian Mo Xing, with their mouths dropped opened. No one thought this little girl would have that much fire inside of her.

Everyone was shocked, except Lucifer; who still has a smile plastered on his face. "Did you know that you look very cute when you're mad." Hearing this mad Tian Mo Xing even angrier. She didn't want to be in the same room as him. She said "007, I'm going out for some fresh air." On her way out, she bumped into Lucifer and ran away.

Even though 007 looked calm on his exterior, inside, he was also mad at Lucifer for making fun of Tian Mo Xing. But he knew this wasn't the time for an argument.

747, however, was mad. "How dare you piss off Tian Mo Xing? If the four of you are so invincible then go to Hollywood and act in Fantastic Four!" Then, he started laughing. But no one laughed along. Lame joke. 747 stops laughing and said "I'll go find Tian Mo Xing." He walked out.

Lucifer smiles. Richie takes a seat and places his legs on the desk. He said "We're here to offer help." Pluto sits on the desk and smiled. "We're agreeing to work with you, Pi Li MIT team to solve this case."

187 stares at them suspiciously. "Why do we have to trust you guys?"

X17 laughs a high-pitched cackle that made everyone cover their ears. "Because you don't have any other choice. HAHA!"

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Chapter 30: I am so f****** LOVE your stories, when are you going to finish other?? ;_;
omg i cant believe i didnt find this fic earlier! when i finished pi li mit last year i felt like something was missing because i had grown so attached to that drama XD and then now i find this fic and tada~ problem solved! youre a really good writer! i got shivers reading this ^^
Chapter 30: Awww. I can't believe someone can actually continue my favourite t-drama! It's awesome!
This is so Awesome!!! love it!! your a great writer keep up the good work!!! ^_^
lynnieeboo #5
Wow you are an amazing writer!!!!!!
Its just as good as the real pi li mit.
OMG keep it up!!!!!!
Whoa, this is amazing <3
OMG this story is as good as the real PiLi MIT!!! It's really good!!
VictoriaCookie #8
Pbluestar_chian #9
wow i love it so much so much so soso ososososos much!!!! thank you for such a nice story!!
oh my.. Good story. It feels like I was watching(reading) the whole Pili MIT 2. You're good with all those plots and the mystery thing. Cool~ I like it so much. nice work