Pi Li MIT Ending Special


"GETTING MARRIED?!" the Pi Li MIT members said, shocked. Tian Mo Xing and 007 had just broke the good news to Miss Cherry, 747 and 187. All of them has their jaw dropped opened. Miss Cherry laughs and hugs Tian Mo Xing. "Aww! I'm so happy for you, Tian Mo Xing! But why so sudden?" 187 looks at Tian Mo Xing and 007 and smirks. He asks, happily "You two are not...Are you?" 747 gasped and grabs Tian Mo Xing's arm and asked, with his lips trembling "Tian Mo Xing...You're not...not...PREGNANT ARE YOU???" Tian Mo Xing and 007 look at each other and clarified loudly "NO!"

"Why would you think that?!" Tian Mo Xing said, her face red from embarrassment. 007 looks away and pretended to cough. Everyone let out a breath of relief. Then, Miss Cherry remembers something. "Then why were you throwing up this morning?" Tian Mo Xing smiles shyly and looks at 007. He hits her on the forehead.

"This silly girl said that she haven't had a good meal since the game started so she went to the cafe and bought five double-layer strawberry cake. She ate every single one of them by herself. Who wouldn't throw up?" 007 said, hitting her forehead again. 187 rolled his eyes while Miss Cherry shake her head in disbelief.

Tian Mo Xing quickly said "It's not my fault. I lost five pounds lately! And I bet I lost ten years off my life span just from all the scare. But I think from this point on, I'm going to give strawberry cake a break." Everyone starts to laugh. "I wonder if they have strawberry cake in America though..."

"AMERICA?! You're going to America?" 747 asked, with his eyes widened. Tian Mo Xing nodded happily. She has never been on an airplane before so she was really looking forward to it. She hopes nobody would suddenly eat her airplane while it's flying in the sky. 007 puts his arm around her shoulder and said "We're going to America for summer vacation to study in a forensics program in New York."

187 snapped his finger and said "Oh right. With all these problems lately, I almost forgot summer vacation starts next week. I haven't even thought of what to do yet." He takes out his planner to see what he's going to do. 747 frowns. "If you two leave for the summer, then what am I going to do? I have no where to go and nothing to do." He shakes his head, sadly. "Looks like I'm going to have to work for my dad's foot massage shop for two whole months."

"And what about me?! I'm going to have to stay in this big, lonely school all by myself. Without you guys, no one is going to control my eating habits! And then when you all come back, I will became 12-bowls Little Fatty again! Oh no." Miss Chery said, covering her face in sadness.

Tian Mo Xing and 007 looks at each other and smiles. 007 takes out something from his pocket. Tian Mo Xing laughs happily and said "We have a surprise for you guys." They all look up at them and see airplane tickets. "We also helped you all enroll in the forensic program! We are all going to America!" Everyone gets up and starts screaming in joy. Tian Mo Xing kisses 007 on the cheek and shouted "PI LI MIT IS GOING TO AMERICA! AND WE'RE GETTING MARRIED! WOOT!"

*haha nopes. I didn't end it yet. How could I just end it like that :] Please stay tune for Pi Li MIT III Going to America~

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Chapter 30: I am so f****** LOVE your stories, when are you going to finish other?? ;_;
omg i cant believe i didnt find this fic earlier! when i finished pi li mit last year i felt like something was missing because i had grown so attached to that drama XD and then now i find this fic and tada~ problem solved! youre a really good writer! i got shivers reading this ^^
Chapter 30: Awww. I can't believe someone can actually continue my favourite t-drama! It's awesome!
This is so Awesome!!! love it!! your a great writer keep up the good work!!! ^_^
lynnieeboo #5
Wow you are an amazing writer!!!!!!
Its just as good as the real pi li mit.
OMG keep it up!!!!!!
Whoa, this is amazing <3
OMG this story is as good as the real PiLi MIT!!! It's really good!!
VictoriaCookie #8
Pbluestar_chian #9
wow i love it so much so much so soso ososososos much!!!! thank you for such a nice story!!
oh my.. Good story. It feels like I was watching(reading) the whole Pili MIT 2. You're good with all those plots and the mystery thing. Cool~ I like it so much. nice work