Game No. 1 Your Class My Class


007 stares at Lucifer's hand. Wu Di MIT? Was this another MIT copycat? Lucifer sees 007's hesitation and smiles. He pulls back his hand and said "No. Wu Di MIT is not another MIT copycat. I know when the was made to challenge the real MIT, the real MIT had to win against the fake MIT to find out who was the last person to be punished. But don't worry. I'm of no harm."

Tian Mo Xing starts to get more and more confused. "Hey! Who are you and what is Wu Di MIT?" She looks at his clothes and gasped. She turned to 007 and exclaimed "He's not a student here! He's not wearing our school's uniform!"

Suddenly, 747 jumps down from the top of the stairs and attempts to kick down the intruder. However, Lucifer smirks and grabs 747's leg before it could hit him and twisted it. 747 turned and pulled his leg back. "747! Are you okay?" 747 nods, glaring at Lucifer. 187 appears and puts his mirror back into his pocket.

"According to my babies, this is Lu Se Ho, also known as Lucifer; a transfer student from Jing Ying University. In his previous school, he was the leader of the Wu Di Mysterious Investigation Team. With the same IQ as Einstein, he was offered to aid America's FBI. However, he declined to stay in Taiwan. People call him the Devil of Justice. Am I correct?" 187 stands next to 007 and folds his arms across his chest.

All of a sudden, 007 smiles. "So, if I'm correct, you're not the only one who transferred. Where's the rest of your team?"

Lucifer claps. "Dr. Jame's son, Zhan Shi De, 007 of Pi Li MIT, is really a genius. You're right. I'm not the only one here." He placed his finger in his mouth and whistled.

In less than a minute's time, three other people appeared. Lucifer nods at the three people and said "These are my Wu Di MIT members." A pretty, skinny girl with long wavy brown hair steps forward. "I'm Man Wang Xing, but I preferred to be called Pluto." Pluto was known to have the reading speed of 1000 words per second and her memory is stronger than anyone else's in the world. Tian Mo Xing starts to feel self-conscious looking at her.

A tall, skinny guy fixes his shirt collar and smirks. "The name's Richie. Richie Kwok." Richie Kwok's father was a billionaire; both controlling the good and bad side. He was also voted "Heartbreaker" and "One-Night Stand Prince" at Jing Ying University. 187 could feel the threat and rolled his eyes.   

A shorter guy waves at the Pi Li MIT members. "Hello everyone. I'm Lei Yeuk Yee. But I'd rather you call me X17." Then, he laughs a high pitch cackle; which made everyone cover their ears. 747 looked at Tian Mo Xing and whispered quietly, "More like 17 times gay." Tian Mo Xing nods.

X17 pouts and said "It's not nice to talk bad about others." 747 looked shocked.

Lucifer smiles and places his arm around X17's shoulder and explained "X17 got his nickname because his hearing, seeing, and movements are 17 times sharper than an average human being."

Compared to the Wu Di MIT, Pi Li MIT looked like a group of kids playing detective. 007 cleared his throat and said "I'm guessing that you guys are showing your identities to us to give us a warning?"

Lucifer laughs and shakes his hand. "No. No. No. Don't say warning. It's a fair world. Whoever has the power will control this school. If Pi Li MIT has the ability to catch the culprit behind the CD-game, I'm sure your team would have special aspects. By the way, as a first-meeting gift, we left you something in your office." Then, the four of them starts to turn and walk away. All of a sudden, Lucifer stops and turns. He looks at Tian Mo Xing and said, "Your lips are kind of dry. Wear some lip gloss next time and maybe your boyfriend would want to kiss you." He winks and walks away.

Tian Mo Xing got so mad and wanted to punch him but 007 holds her back. "Calm down, Tian Mo Xing." She couldn't calm down though. No one has ever kissed her and then make fun of her afterwards. She screamed on the top of ; screaming so loud that 007, 187, and 747 ran away screaming. "HOW DARE YOU STUPID LUCIFER KISS ME AND THEN MAKE FUN OF ME! IF YOU'RE SO SMART, COME BACK AND FIGHT WITH ME! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

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Chapter 30: I am so f****** LOVE your stories, when are you going to finish other?? ;_;
omg i cant believe i didnt find this fic earlier! when i finished pi li mit last year i felt like something was missing because i had grown so attached to that drama XD and then now i find this fic and tada~ problem solved! youre a really good writer! i got shivers reading this ^^
Chapter 30: Awww. I can't believe someone can actually continue my favourite t-drama! It's awesome!
This is so Awesome!!! love it!! your a great writer keep up the good work!!! ^_^
lynnieeboo #5
Wow you are an amazing writer!!!!!!
Its just as good as the real pi li mit.
OMG keep it up!!!!!!
Whoa, this is amazing <3
OMG this story is as good as the real PiLi MIT!!! It's really good!!
VictoriaCookie #8
Pbluestar_chian #9
wow i love it so much so much so soso ososososos much!!!! thank you for such a nice story!!
oh my.. Good story. It feels like I was watching(reading) the whole Pili MIT 2. You're good with all those plots and the mystery thing. Cool~ I like it so much. nice work