Minho x You

Oneshot Requests!

Back when Asianfanfics was down, I posted this chapter. I checked here and apparently it doesn't exist anymore. :( Here's the repost, sorry for any confusion!!

Request: Super Junior Kangin is the overprotective oppa who doesn't want Minho to date his little sister.

“Ah, Sang-hee-ah.” Someone mutters, surprised. You jump, startled, and spin around. Kim Young-woon, or Kangin, as everyone knows him now, gives you a sheepish smile.

            “Oppa!” You gasp, clutching at your heart. He gives you a small grin, moving past you to grab the milk from the fridge you were peering into.

            “Why are you home?” You ask, moving to the side as he bumps into you. The kitchen is small, and you’re unused to your brother being around. It’s been…

            Well, it’s been a long time.

            “Ah, I just came by to drop something off for Mom.” He says, gesturing to the plastic bag on the counter. “Why are you home?” Your heart stops, and the smile fades as you realize exactly what’s at stake here.

            “Ah…I,” You make the mistake of glancing at your bedroom door, and Kangin blinks.

            “Ah, do you have someone over?” He ducks his head on instinct, and there’s something you remember. Despite two years in the military, Kangin returns home and still automatically hides his face from other people. He’s been an idol too long not to.

            “No!” You bark, then fix your tone. “No…I just, was finishing a report. For school.”

            “You’re in Chongshin University, right?” He asks, and you stare at him.

            “Yes.” You reply. He smiles sadly. You haven’t bothered to hide your surprise. Honestly, your brother was never really invested in your life, but by the time he left for the military, he had grown rather detached from your family. If you’re surprised that he knows where you attend college, then you have every right to be.

            Before, when Kangin was just trainee Kim Young-woon, and you were trainee Kim Young-woon’s younger sister, there was an awkwardness that came from a six year . A 17 year old boy and an 11 year old girl had trouble connecting, but Kangin made up for it with enthusiasm. No matter what he did, he did it with a bounce. He burst into your room to tell you the most meaningless things, picked you up and spun you around when he first got accepted into SMTOWN, and talked and talked over any awkward silences that might have arisen. You were the quiet kid of the family, and he was the hyperactive one. It was an easygoing companionship, where you might not have understood each other, but you didn’t really have to.

            Then Trainee Kim Young-woon became Super Junior’s Kangin, and nothing changed, not really. Sure, he didn’t get to visit you very often, but when he did he still crashed into your room and flopped onto your bed without knocking first. He still grinned and chattered, just about Super Junior and his activities rather than sports practice and classes. He was even the same, lively person on the television when you watched him.

            But then you came home late one night, after hanging out with friends. Your parents were huddled at the dining room table, speaking in low, grim voices. You didn’t catch much, but you knew it was about Kangin. The internet had blown up with reports about a bar fight.  Somehow, your brother was involved.

            His activities were suspended, and within the next week he was home. He’d sit at the couch, wrapped up in your favorite blanket. Your mom would try to talk to him but he’d shut her out. He shut you all out, and the part of you that had grown up with Kim Young-woon recognized it for what it was. He was sulking. SMTOWN had basically grounded him, and now he didn’t know what to do.

            Apparently, he thought more drinking would help. The next thing you knew your mother was sobbing in the kitchen, her father swearing up a storm. The internet again told you all you needed to know. Kangin had been arrested.

            Again, he was under house arrest, but so, so much worse. He was angry, and upset, mostly with himself. He’d prowl around the house, frowning and glaring at anything. He’d sleep and eat alone in his room. You would try to keep yourself busy, studying for classes and generally staying out of the way at home. You’d return and find your mom staring at your brother’s door, and you’d leave the house again. You ran away, because you were honestly too much of a coward. You wanted your smiley big brother back, but you didn’t know how. You couldn’t fix this.

           You didn’t have to, apparently, because Kangin came to a decision all by himself. When he told all of you he was enlisting, your mother barely seemed surprised. All she seemed was sad. You’d never felt as far away from him as you did then, even when he actually went to the military. You had to say your goodbyes to him at home, because his fans and camera crews would be crawling all over the place, and you didn’t want to deal with that. Your parents, however, got the honor of driving him over to the location. While they did, you got a call. Apparently, he’d left some of his things in the Super Junior dorm. They wanted it out.

           That was it then. He’d really been cast out.

           You took a car over there, pissed off. You’d stalked into the dorm without saying hi to the members that were just returning. You weren’t sure who you were angry at, but you caught a few ashamed faces and felt justified in your rudeness. You gathered all of Kangin’s little trinkets in the box you’d brought with you, and stomped towards the exit when the newly returned Siwon grabbed your arm. Then, very carefully, he’d taken the box out of your arms. You watched as he brought it back to the members, carefully taking out Kangin’s things and laying them on the couch before returning the empty box to you. Then all of them, Super Junior minus your brother, had stared you down, looking tired and just a little bit lost.

          You turned around and left without another word. You bumped into someone on your way out, which made sense considering you hadn’t been able to see anything because you were crying so hard. The boy had apologized over and over again, dragging you over to a corner and bowing repeatedly. He had been so earnestly distressed, offering to carry your empty cardboard box and digging through his pockets to find a tissue. It would take a while before you could get your breath back to explain to him he wasn’t the cause of your crying.

          That was the first time you met Minho. 

          The same Minho that is currently sitting on your bed in your room, waiting for you to return with a snack.

           The same Minho that your Kangin-oppa has no idea you are dating, nor does the rest of the world, actually.


           “Um, Oppa,”

            “Kang-see-ah,” You both start at the same time. Kangin now looks determined, and starts again.

            “Kang-see-ah. I know, I know I haven’t been a good oppa.” His face looks pained, but he plows through. “But I want to be there for you, to get to know you I want to be a better big brother.” He’s visibly nervous, flashing you his puppy eyes.

            “Oppa. I…” You smile at him. “I want you to be here too, oppa.” You say. He grins, relief flooding his face, and grabs you in a bear hug. You squeal, startled, and you see your door open as Minho comes rushing in, a look of alarm across his face. And then he gets really alarmed, as he realizes that his Kangin-hyung is currently in the room.

            Thankfully, Kangin is still hugging you. Because you’re rather short, he’s bent over and facing downwards, so he doesn’t see Minho, still standing there in shock. You quickly make a face over Kangin’s shoulder and start waving at Minho to get back in the room. He manages to slip in just as Kangin releases you and you sigh in relief.

           “I do have a report to do, though, oppa.” You say, trying to keep your tone steady.

           “Do you want my help?” Kangin offers, and you grimace.

           “Ah, no, I’ll be fine, really.” You say, starting to sweat. “Honestly, I can do it, don’t worry! We can hang out later, okay?”

           “Okay. I’ll give you a call so we can see when my schedule’s clear, okay?” Kangin says, giving you a hesitant smile. You quickly agree, ushering him out with promises to send him a text once you’re done.

            The door closes and you dash over to your room. Minho turns, eyes wide as he scans the other room when you open the door. Once he sees Kangin isn’t there, he gives you one of his “charisma” smiles. You jump at him, hearing him yelp as you both collapse on the bed.

             A lot of giggling and cuddling ensues then. You manage to sit up, leaning against him as your legs tangle. He ducks his head down to kiss you, arms tightening around you, and everything’s perfect.

          “Kang-see-ah, I forgot to give you my new phone number.” You hear Kangin say, suddenly, and of course the one thing that hasn’t changed is his inability to knock.

          You push Minho back in an effort to hide him that would’ve worked if you were inside the bed, rather than on top of it. Instead, when Kangin opens the door all he sees is Minho splayed across the mattress with you straddling his legs.

           The military has mellowed him more than you thought, because instead of rushing into the situation, Kangin pauses, eyes wide. Then you realize what’s he looking at. Or rather, who.

          “Minho-ssi.” Slips from his mouth as he gapes at them. Minho does a sort of sit-up as he tries to bow as best he can while pinned to the bed.

          “Kangin-hyung.” Kangin nods for a second, civilly greeting him.

           And then all hell breaks loose.


           Kangin manages to yank Minho into the living room, one hand fisted into Minho’s shirt so tightly it looks like it’s about to tear, the other pulled backwards to land a hit. Minho grapples with him, teeth gritted.

           “Oppa! OPPA!” You scream, trying to make Kangin release Minho. They’re both too fast for you though, struggling around the room. You can’t manage to get your hands on either of them for more than a few seconds before they’ve spun away.

            “OPPA! Oppa, please, please don’t hit him!” You plead. Kangin ignores you, instead glaring fiercely at Minho, who glares back.

            “I’m not going to hit his face, Kang-see-ah.” Kangin responds, eyes never leaving Minho. He slowly starts to sneer. “His face would bruise, and an idol’s life is his face.” He yanks Minho closer.

             “That doesn’t mean I can’t hit all the other places, though.” His knee crashes into Minho’s stomach and you scream as Minho falls to the floor, coughing. You run to Minho, who’s gagging, and glare at Kangin.

             “I chose him!” You scream, and Kangin stops moving forward, to stare at you.

             “I chose him.” You repeat more calmly but still just as firmly. Behind you, you hear Minho struggling to sit up. “This isn’t me being forced, or being seduced.” You say, reaching backwards to find Minho’s hand. When you do, you lace your fingers together. He quiets behind you as Kangin’s eyes watch your hands.

             “I chose him.” You stare at Kangin with resolve. He looks away.

              “Oppa.” You say softly. “I really want you to get to know me. So please,” You stare into his eyes. “Don’t run away already.”

               Kangin jerks back and runs a hand through his hair. “Aish, jinja.” He mutters, rubbing at his face.

               “You, you’re 21, now.” He says. You nod. He swears, but quiets down as Minho shifts forward so that you’re sitting side by side. He doesn’t say anything.

               “I feel like there’s a lot of you I have to get to know.” Kangin admits, staring down at the rug. “But I won’t run away.” He glances at Minho, frowning.

               “I won’t run away from any of it.” He repeats, and you smile, a bright big one that he returns, though his is a tad more strained.

               “Minho-ssi.” He nods briskly at your boyfriend, as if he hadn’t just kneed him in the gut. Minho stands up and bows at ninety degrees, staying there as he greets his sunbae.

               “Let’s have a talk.” Your brother says briskly, reaching forward to put an arm around Minho’s neck in what should be a friendly gesture, but only really seems threatening.

               “Oppa!” You huff, exasperated, but Minho looks back and winks at you. He agrees, walking with Kangin with a stiff back and determined face. His “flaming charisma” is at full throttle, and you can’t help but smirk a little.

               Minho never backs down from a challenge, after all.





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I want to request (^-^)
Super Junior Kangin is the overprotective oppa who doesn't want Minho to date his little sister.

If you do choose to do the oneshot thank you.