I Know You look at Me

Look My Way

You looked at me again.

It's one of those nights. One of those rare nights where all five of us are home. Where we can all sit down and eat dinner together, and go to sleep early. One of those rare nights where Key decides to make fried chicken, and i get so absorbed in eating it's like i'm posessed. And that's when i see it. The glance you give me from across the table.

I know what it means.

I didn't notice it. Not for a long time. I don't know when it was that i you started looking at me like that. When you started feeling that way. I don't know when it was that i started feeling your eyes on my back, following me around the room. I don't know when it was that that gaze started to mek me feel breathess. My heart beat faster.

I'm being cruel, aren't i?

I think about it sometimes. Think about forgeting this stupid game and just telling you. Confessing that i know how you look at me, know exactly what that look means. And that i feel the same.

But you're hurting me too.

I end up never saying anything. Always playing the part of the ignorant fool. Because, honestly, i don't understand. What are you waiting for? Why won't you tell me? Why do you always avert your eyes when i turn around? Are you really satisfied with just this? With casual touches and distant conversations? With the strained relationship of Hyung and Dongsaeng? Are you really alright with having those passionate gazes returned with nothing but kind smiles?

But my smile for you is special.

"Taemin-ah, you don't have to help me with the dishes. You should get to bed. I Don't have schedule until tomorrow night, so i'm fine going to bed a little later."

"It's alright, Onew Hyung. My first schedule tomorow is at 1:00, so i ahev plenty of time to sleep in. Besides, you're so clumsy, you can't bE trusted to clean up alone!!"

"Taeminnie!! Watch the way you speak to your hyung!!..... Your hairs gotten long."

I love it when you blush.

"Y-yeah. I really want to cut it, but management won't let me. They say it make my image. But i don't like being so girly."

Girly? You could never be girly.

"I like it this length. I think it looks really good on you."

"R-really? I... I'm glad you like it Hyung."

You're beautiful.

"You're beautiful."



"Yes, Key?"

"Can i talk with you for a moment?"

"Of course."

I already know what you're going to say.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Onew..... You know how he feels about you don't you?"


"*sigh* You're only hurting him like this. If you don't feel the same way, then don't encourage him."

"...... What makes you think i don't feel the same?"

".... Do you?"



"Onew hyung. What do you feel for Taemin?"


"I don't know."

"Liar. Tell me the truth."

I'm so in love with him.

"It's none of your bussiuness."

".... I don't know what to do with you two. I'm going to bed. Don't do anything you might regret."

"What did Key Umma want?"

"Telling me not to ruin his Kitchen."

Do you know how beautiful that laugh is?

"Well he won't have to worry, i finished everything already. I guess we should o to sleep now...."



"Good night."

I hate that face.

".....Goodnight hyung."

That sad face breaks my heart.

I can feel you as you walk by. The slight wave of warmth, a small waft of that soft, sweet, gentle sent that is so completely you. And i want to tell you. I need to tell you. I HAVE to tell you. But when i take your hand and those eyes look at me.... Those beautiful, wonderful, eyes...

"Sleep well Taemin."

Your tears are beautiful.

"Taemin-ah!! What's wrong? Did i hurt you? What's-"

"Stop it."


"Stop it stop it stop it!!!! STOP SMILING LIKE THAT!!! Do you really not.... *sob* you're killing me..."

"Taemin -ah, i don't understand..."

"I love you."

I know.


"I love you Hyung. I-i *sob*..... I just really love you. And i look at you."

I know.

"I'm always looking at you. But you never notice me and i just....... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said this. Please forget it, i'm just tired and stressed. Pretend this never happened. "


"...Hyung? let go of me."



"I know."

"... What?"

"I know how you look at me. I've known. I've just pretended not to notice."

Please don't look so hurt.

"I-I see. Y-you must have been r-really d-disgusted. I'm sorry. I-i'll stop, i just..."



Aren't you going to ask me how i noticed?"

"Hyung, i...."

"Don't you want to know how i noticed??"

"... *sniff* How?"

"Because i look at you the same way."

You just never saw me.

But our gazes finally met.


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nacchanthecloud #1
Chapter 1: Ah this is so cruel but sweet *wipe tears*
Chapter 2: Gosh this is so beautiful I'm not entirely sure I'm typing well or not TwT my years seriously blurred my vision
Chapter 1: Oh my God the thoughts. OTL so awesome
I read this wayyy before I had an aff account and couldn't comment...but I LOVED THIS <3
their love story really cruel
but the good thing is they finish it with sweet ending
i love it
Chapter 2: Awww <3
I like how Onew kept saying "I know" in his mind c:
Chapter 2: Diabetes
I want to leave one more comment because it's just great! I reread it once again and it seems even more amazing now))
You should write more ontae or may be a sequel!?
Really love your fic!
It's very gentle and sweet.