Story of My Life. . .

When we finally got home I kept asking her, on and on and on. When my dad came home, my mom talked to him in private. Then they explained to me. 

My mom is half Filipino half Caucasian. My dad is from Mongolia.  Growing up, I realized my mom's age. She's a teen mom, I never minded. My life is fine. My dad just a bit older than her. 

My whole life I've lived like this. 


I sat down with my parents and they talked to me. Here's how the story goes-

My mom was dating this guy, and well.. things happened. After that, she got pregnant with..me! (Now isn't a time for jokes, is it..) When he heard about her being pregnant, he bailed. He thought he couldn't handle being a dad, only being in high school. After that, she never saw him again. 

Since I was born, life had been hard for my mom. She lived alone, under the watch of her foster mom. You see, my mom was put in a foster home at the age of 8. When she turned 16, she was given a chance to live alone. Which she took, still getting support from her foster family. When they heard about her pregnancy, they still supported her. 

A few months after I was born, mom met dad. He didn't care if she was a teen mom, he loved her. Eventually, they got married at around 25 years old. 
He loved both of us like his own family. I loved him. 

They decided not to tell me about my real dad. Thinking that it would scar me. You see, as a child, I could never really accept what happened to me. They said that once, I had a hamster. It for some reason died, but I still fed it. I couldn't accept the fact it was dead, I just couldn't. They thought that if I knew about my real dad; I wouldn't believe them. 

A few years ago, he found contact with mom. She ignored him in the beginning, but then he asked her about me. At first she said no, but realized that I was his child too. She then gave monthly updates on me. Pictures and what not, from things like graduations, birthdays. 

That's why he knew about me. That's how he recognized me. 



I haven't updated this in forever..sorry!

I was just scared cause of the whole site going down.. anyways, those of you who are curious..
My mom said that my real dad is Korean. I've known people who would LOVE to be Korean. At times, I which I was too. But not this way

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XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #1
You're going to Korea asdfghjklñ buy many things for me lolz sorry I'm dreaming! Have a good time T_T So jealous!
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #4
Yay for giant malls!!! :D
Yes^^ your life is interesting~ being honest (:
Well, I domt really mind. ^^
I mean being unique is always good, right?
Woah, you've lived so many things!
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #8
O.o woah...weird....
This is so original! ^^