Chapter 3

「On Hold」Hi, You Did Not See Any Wings

AN: Very long time to update and doesn't make much sense and is short T^T

At school Taemin was quickly becoming annoyed with Jonghyun, Jonghyun was sweet and all but he had spent all day just talking to Taemin excitedly. Also he really did not need to know about how wonderful Minho was from the viewpoint of someone who had only witnessed Minho's good side, unlike Taemin who being Minho's guardian angel for years had been with him through the worst. Minho was not that great. If he did not know any better he would had said that Jonghyun had a crush on the other but that would be proputrous.

Humans and angels didn't interract and more importantly they never fell in love. It was against the rules. Humans were never to see angels, never. Never... but that new student was super good looking. Taemin found himself thinking looking over the new student who had been introduced, the had the clear look of someone who cared about his looks and looked good for the sake of looking good. He was breath-taking.

Taemin shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking such things. It was a sin, humans and angels never mingled.  He went back to focusing on the obsessing Jonghyun but he soon got bored and his attention drifted again and his eyes scanned the new student again. He was beautiful with cat like eyes which shone in a mixture of excitement and passion. 

Such a temptation. He seemed to be luring Taemin in as much as Minho had seemed to had captured Jonghyun already which made Taemin wish to pray as to give in to such temptation is wrong besides the other had no chance of ever meeting him. Unless...

Taemin felt as if his morals had been suddenly screwed up by the other boy and the boy had never even spoke or met him. The other could not even see him not being in the same plane of existance. Never before had he wanted to break the rules. He knew of love at first sight though, it can not be argued with, everyone at GGA knew about that powerful force since the first day. He hoped this wasn't it as then he'll be alone forever as his love would never be his.

Little did he know around about the same thoughts were going through Jonghyun's head but with less thought and less convincion that it was a bad idea. Jonghyun followed his heart more than his head so he would do whatever it took to become close to Minho but it required brains which he somewhat lacked, Taemin however seemed to have more than enough. 

There was the problem of what to do to keep Onew safe long enough to give him the time and chance to go through with his risky idea he had already. He needed a lot of time, time that he did not have thanks to Onew.

"Taemin..." Jonghyun began looking at the other pleadingly. He needed Taemin for this to work. "I'm going to enter the human realm, keep an eye on Onew whilst I do." Jonghyun said simply, Taemin choked lightly.

"What! Are you crazy?" Taemin exclaimed, Jonghyun smiled softly to himself.

"Crazy in love." Jonghyun answered, the goofy smile still smothered on his face, Taemin blinked wondering if Jonghyun too experienced the problem that he was going through and thought who it may be. Minho was the obvious choice.

"I'll have to report to the authorities." Taemin answered which caused Jonghyun to give him puppy eyes.

"Its for love, and I'll disguise as a human, besides I saw the way you looked at Key." Jonghyun replied, Taemin blushed mildly looking over the guy with the cat like eyes. So his name was Key. Taemin sighed. "I'll join you. Just so you don't screw up things." Taemin added on the end, trying to convince himself it wasn't a selfish decision just because he wanted Key.

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Chapter 3: great job really lovin this, I like the idea of Minho and Jonghyun together, can't wait for the OnTae, update soon.
Chapter 3: its so entertaining, i love it already..
can't wait for the jongho interaction.. hehe
Chapter 3: I will make a new version of "crazy little thing called love jongho"♥
des2bfree #4
Chapter 3: interesting story....i luv it cant wait for next chpter
Chapter 3: I love everyone so far! >< <3
fantastic job, really love Taemin's character, can't wait for more. update really soon. <3
Lol. That's so Onew. And I love Taemin's character so far. XDDD
GamyeongjaTokki #8
Hahaha I think I'm gonna enjoy Taem's character xD
Hwa... finally jonghyun meet minho and taemin... excited so much... ^^
That's would happen to onew XD this is soo good so far!