
Downtime~ [OS3]


Beki was beyond exhausted. She collapsed into a chair in one of the empty studio rooms and looked at one of the calendars. She took note of the date and suddenly realized something.

“It’s really been over a month now.”

She sighed and leaned back in the chair, closing her eyes slowly as she went over her hectic month. Since she had found out that Woohyun had agreed to that one date on that fateful day… she sighed again. She remembered hearing Isak recently reporting about the two, Woohyun and Seungyeon. They were officially the WooYeon couple, and she was honestly happy for them. At least… in her mind she was happy for them. Her heart was still jealous, still raw, even though she hadn’t even been dating him.

“So was he just playing me that one day?”

Beki shook her head, highly doubting that Woohyun was like that. She sighed again and started feeling guilty.

“I never called Sungjong that night…”

And she realized she hadn’t seen or talked to Infinite since that night. She felt so bad, so she whipped out her cellphone. That’s when she realized someone was watching her. The only reason she knew was because when she pulled her cellphone out they started flailing around as if they didn’t want her too. The only way she even knew someone was behind her was she heard the light sounds of the air whistling as fabric moved quickly. She turned around quickly to see…


Beki jumped out of her seat and ran at him. She hugged him tightly and couldn’t believe he was there right now. Sungjong couldn’t believe this was the same girl. A month ago Beki had been, Beki a shy girl from the States. She looked and seemed different and that’s when he realized.

“You’ve grown, noona.”

She smiled and nodded; glad he hadn’t noticed that the stress of the past month had made her lose quite a bit of weight. Isak had noticed and had been trying to force Beki to eat and do other things, but Beki just couldn’t do any of it. Beki agreed with Sungjong though, she had grown. The two sat and talked and talked and talked for hours. That’s when they were interrupted by their growling stomachs. They looked at each other and laughed and continued talking until they heard someone clear their throat. They both turned, surprised, to see Isak standing in the doorway. They smiled and waved at her but then they turned away and continued talking. Until Isak cleared again.

“Do you two want to go to dinner with me?”


Sungjong stood up quickly and bowed to Beki.

“I’m sorry noona, I’d go with the two of you but I have a schedule.”

Beki stood up and hugged him then pulled him to the door.

“It’s alright Sungjongie~!” Beki smiled, “and since we’re leaving, we can walk with ya!”

Beki grabbed Sungjong’s arm and soon the two were talking animatedly again. Isak smiled, happy that Beki was finally returning back to normal. After what she had gone through this past month… Isak sighed. Beki needed something to cheer her up again. Isak had gotten Sungjong to come in to see Beki after everything that had happened. She watched the two and laughed when Beki tripped over nothing. Beki shot an evil glare over her shoulder at Isak but she just laughed harder. Beki only made glares look adorable. Beki turned to Sungjong and saw he was laughing as well. She couldn’t believe it. She stomped ahead of them, their laughter following her into the lobby where she stopped. She noticed two vans in front of the building but didn’t think anything of it. Instead she saw one of the new trainees at the main desk and felt her troublemaker side pushing for her to do something. So Beki went to the main desk and started annoying one of the newbies. Isak and Sungjong finally caught up only to see Beki at the main desk, so the pulled her away so the three could go outside.

And as they walked out the doors they met the lovely attacking wind outside. Beki felt her now red hair flying behind her and realized no one except Isak had seen her changed hair color and style. She looked at Sungjong and noticed he was in fact, staring at her hair.

“Noona~ you looking amazing with red hair!”

She giggled and bowed.

“Get in the van before your hair becomes a wreck Sungjongie!”

She bowed again and turned to walk away when Sungjong grabbed her wrist.

“Sungjongie what are you doing?!”

He dragged her to the first van and pulled open the door. When the other Infinite members saw her they all clamored to get out but stopped when Beki spoke.

“Sungjong,” Beki asked, “where’s Woohyun?”

All of them looked at each other and then back at the other van and pointed to it.

“He’s all by himself?”

“No,” Sungjong said, “he’s with KARA.”

Beki looked at them all in shock and then just smiled bitterly as she nodded her head. She could understand why. She shook the thoughts from her mind and brushed her blowing hair away from her face.

“You have a schedule, right?” Beki asked, “I’ll stop holding you up so you guys can go.” She stopped and looked at Sungjong, “I’ll remember to call you this time!”

She stepped away and closed the door of the van. Then she bowed and waved to both vans before walking away with Isak.

Woohyun watched Beki walk away with Isak, his heart still racing from finally getting the chance to see her again. He noticed how different she looked and he noticed that she wasn’t as healthy as she normally was. Had she lost weight? Why? He calmed himself down, repeating in his head that Beki wasn’t his and that she never really was. He remembered that night when he hurt her. He remembered the last kiss they shared and suddenly he sort of wished things had turned out differently. But he was dating his ideal woman now and that was all that mattered. But the nagging feeling at the back of his mind made him uncomfortable. It had been there when she first left and then faded, but it was back again. He knew she would find another man… and thinking that made the feeling worse. So as always, he just shook it off.

As Beki and Isak were walking into the restaurant, Isak stopped and looked at Beki.

“We’re joining some guys for dinner tonight, so be nice okay?”

Beki giggled as she followed Isak further into the restaurant. She held her hands up in an “I surrender” pose and giggled even more, almost having to stop to catch her breath.

“When have I ever not been nice unnie?”

Isak laughed when she saw Beki and heard her ask that, so she just started pulling her along. Next thing Beki knew, she was sitting across from the ‘hot, young guy’ who she finally reminded herself again, was Daniel from Dalmatian. When she thought that she giggled and Dalmatian looked at her like she was crazy. Isak just laughed.

“Don’t think she’s crazy. You’ll get used to the random things she does and says,” Isak explained. “Anyway~” she turned to Beki, “what would you like to share Miss Giggles?”

Beki smiled at the nickname Isak used for her when she was in a really playful mood and just said three words.

“Daniel from Dalmatian.”

They all looked at her in confusion and then Daniel burst out laughing.

“So that’s why you were making all those funny faces!” he said while smiling widely and saw her nodding her head frantically. Then he looked at the rest of them, “it’s a tongue twister!”

Beki and Daniel smiled at each other and high-fived then proceeded to talk to each other in English. The rest of Dalmatian got huffy bust saw how happy their maknae was, so they let it slide and instead talked with Isak. This is when Inati decided to spill the beans to the rest of Dalmatian and Isak about the kiss that Daniel and Beki had shared over a month earlier.

As Isak heard the story coming from Inati’s mouth, she understood why Beki had been so confused and lost when everything fell around her so fast. That’s when Isak came up with a brilliant idea. She was going to start right out with her idea but noticed that Beki was watching her closely, too closely. So she shut and stared back at Beki with a smile. Beki just shook her head in amusement and stood up.

“This has all been a lot of fun,” she said, “but I have classes in the morning.”

She looked at the table of people and then yawned. Isak smiled because whenever Beki yawned, she always stretched. And Isak knew that Daniel would be looking. Isak looked at Inati and motioned for him to watch Daniel. He cocked an eyebrow at her and she just smirked, still motioning for him to watch.

As Beki yawned, she stretched her arms high above her head, her shirt lifting a tiny bit and tightening in certain areas. Daniel watched and felt his jaw drop and his breath catch in his throat. His eyes widened and he noticed things about her, things about her body that he normally never would focus on about any girl. But he sure as hell noticed a lot and suddenly realized just why a lot of guys liked the ‘girl-next-door’ type. He felt his throat get dry and suddenly started swallowing a lot. Inati watched Daniel’s reaction and smirked realizing that Daniel was in deeper than he acted. He smirked at Isak and put a finger to his lips.

“Daniel… Daniel!”

Daniel jumped and looked up at Inati quickly only to see the smirk on his face and gulped loudly. Inati looked away and then quickly looked back at Daniel but Daniel was looking at Beki again out of the corner of his eye as she finished stretching. Daniel looked back at Inati again and cocked his eyebrow at him.

“So Daniel,” Inati started, “you should go back with Beki. Make sure she gets home safe.”

Daniel looked at Inati in shock and felt his eyes widen even more.

“Hyung… I…. I-“

Beki was just standing there watching and just shook her head at Daniel’s reaction. She smiled and waved at everyone before turning and leaving. She didn’t say anything because she honestly wanted to see what Daniel would do. She went to the front of the restaurant and as she was paying for everyone else she saw Daniel run past her and out the doors. She watched him run past and she finished paying before going after him. She watched him, following him slowly as he continued towards the complex. She saw him getting a bit nervous after he hadn’t seen her, but she was much closer behind him than when they first left the restaurant. She saw movement from the corner of her eye and she looked to see Hoya and Myungsoo outside a dance studio. She saw both of them in wife beaters and sweatpants and then she remembered shirtless Hoya.

She blushed and turned away only to bump into Daniel. She thought they would fall but he quickly grabbed her and he pulled her close to his body. He blushed at how close they were and he let her go before playfully glaring at her.

“You had me so worried Beki!”
“You mean Beki-noona,” Beki said under her breath.

Daniel’s eyes widened when she said noona and he looked down at her for a moment. Then he grabbed her wrist and started walking towards the apartment complex. He could tell Beki wasn’t happy about this, but he told Isak and Inati that he would get Beki home. Beki kept tugging her hand but couldn’t get free, so she knew she would be stuck with Daniel.

“Why are you pulling me?!”

Daniel kept pulling Beki along with him and eventually Beki realized she wouldn’t get free. So she stopped struggling and just followed behind Daniel. Until she felt a hand grasp her other wrist. Shocked, Beki started struggling again, so much so that Daniel stopped moving. He turned to see Myungsoo and Hoya on both sides of Beki and saw that Hoya was the one that grabbed her other wrist. He knew that Infinite were his sunbaes so her bowed to them both.

“Why were you pulling Beki like that?” Hoya asked, “If she wanted to stop why didn’t you let her?”

Daniel looked at Hoya and then at Beki.

“Did you want to stop noona?”

Beki blushed when Daniel called her noona, but she nodded slightly in reply to his question. When Daniel saw her nod he felt jealousy stir up in him, but he couldn’t act jealous. So he got angry. He let go of Beki’s wrist roughly and looked at her with a glare.

“If you’re going to be that way fine,” he said harshly, “I could care less what you do or what happens to you.”

Daniel turned and started walking away. Beki watched him leave in shock and even Hoya and Myungsoo were surprised by how he acted. Beki kept watching as his back got further and further away until she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Daniel!” Beki shouted, “Daniel!!! You really want me to choose?!”

Beki sighed when she didn’t get a reaction from Daniel like she had hoped. She felt an arm wrap around her shoulder and she felt herself get pulled to the dance studio. Myungsoo was leading her and she could tell Hoya was close behind. As they walked through the doors, she felt a rush of heat and she involuntarily shivered. She didn’t know she was that cold. Well, not until she got inside. She followed the two Infinite members to a room in the back and saw that they were the only ones there.

“The two of you are alone?”

Hoya nodded and Myungsoo walked into the room ahead of them. Hoya motioned for Beki to follow, so she made her way into the room. She took her jacket off and sat down against the one wall so she could watch the two of them practice. Before they started again she wanted to know why they were by themselves.

“Why are the two of you practicing by yourselves?”
“Disappointed that it’s only us?” Myungsoo asked playfully.

Beki’s eyes widened at Myungsoo.

“Now why would I be disappointed if it were you two?” Beki snickered, “I like the two of you a lot!”

Hoya had been doing a complicated move and when he heard Beki say that, he slipped. He barely caught himself and was surprised to see Beki by his side as he stood up.

“Are you alright Hoya?”

Hoya blushed and looked at his feet after nodding to Beki. He heard Myungsoo snickering and right then Hoya wanted to disappear.

“Be careful, alright?”
He looked at Beki again and smiled, nodding to her. Then he made her go sit back down.

“To answer your question noona,” Hoya started, “everyone has schedules except us.”

She looked at Hoya with a look of surprise and then at Myungsoo who nodded in agreement.

“Dongwoo has filming for Wowman, Sungyeol and Sungjong are filming for Quiz to Change the World, and Sunggyu and Woohyun are filming for Bouquet.”

Beki nodded in understanding and then smiled. She went over to the iPod stereo and looked at the song that was paused.

“Freeze?” Beki turned, “Hoya, isn’t that the song you perform with Dongwoo?”

“It is, but Myungsoo wants to better his dancing skills. So we’ve been here all night.”

She looked at the two with wide eyes and couldn’t believe it. Then she shook her head and looked at the time.

“I should really get going.”

She sighed because she didn’t really want to go, but she had to get home and figure things out with Daniel. She got her coat and when she went to the door both Hoya and Myungsoo joined her. They both had their hoodies on with beanies and oversized glasses on. Beki giggled at how cute the two looked and smiled.

“You guys,” she said, “you’re leaving now too?”

“Yeah,” Hoya replied.

“We’ll walk you home noona,” Myungsoo replied after Hoya.

“Alright then,” she said as she looped her arms around theirs. “Let’s go!”

She pulled the two along and the three talked about what had happened since earlier that day.

“You guys said you had a schedule.”

“No,” Myungsoo answered, “you said we had a schedule.”

Beki just kept walking, ignoring the two guys that were now laughing. She felt her face blushing and she sped up as the apartment complex got closer. She stopped at the entrance and turned to the two guys that were now looking at her curiously. She smiled at them and then bowed.

“Thanks for cheering me up you two,” she said, “now scurry. I know you’ll need to get back to your dorm soon.”

She turned them so they weren’t facing her anymore and she lightly shoved both of them.

“Now go.”

She watched them walk away and she slipped into the lobby. She walked past the waiting area and stopped dead in her tracks. Daniel was sleeping on one of the couches. Beki watched him for a minute, feeling guilty for what had happened earlier. She had a feeling he hadn’t meant what he said to her. She now felt she had to get him home, even if they were in the lobby. She wasn’t going to leave him here, so she walked towards him. As she got closer she really saw how cute he was and felt her heart skip a beat. She knelt down in front of his couch and stared at his face before sticking her tongue out at him. When he did nothing she giggled and then poked his cheek.

He groaned and moved his head but didn’t wake up and she burst into a louder fit of giggles. So she leaned in close to his face and softly blew at his nose. He wiggled his nose and she continued until he opened his eyes and clamped one of his hands over . Her eyes widened momentarily as did Daniel’s and then he took his hand away and stood up, stalking past Beki.

Beki stood up quickly and followed after him as he headed to the elevator. When she reached his side the elevator reached the lobby and she slipped in before him. He stopped and pushed her floor number before stepping back out of the elevator. Her eyes widened as the doors started closing.


She cursed under her breath and waited impatiently for the elevator to reach her floor. When it did she darted out and ran down the hall to her apartment. She’d wait for Daniel to show up. But Beki was getting tired and she sat down, leaning against the door of his apartment. She felt her eyelids droop and slowly she nodded off.

Daniel had reached his apartment before Beki got there, so he was curious when he didn’t hear her door open or shut. He figured it was because of his hyungs playing video games with Isak, but he decided he’d knock on her door to see if she was there. He made his way to the door and opened it just a little bit only to find it being forced open by a weight on the other side. Just then he felt something land on his feet and he looked down to see Beki, who had fallen as the door opened. She sat up slowly, rubbing the back of her head. She whined softly and stood up then turned to end up face-to-face with Daniel. He had a smirk on his face and she didn’t like it one bit. She frowned and turned away, not even bothering to say she was sorry about how things went earlier. Except she got dizzy as she turned and Beki was positive she was going to fall but then she felt Daniel come up next to her.

“I’ll get you home, come on.”

He put his arm around her waist and Beki just followed. She grabbed her keys out of her pocket and then Daniel took them, opening the door for her and letting her inside. He stood at the doorway, watching her and she turned to him, watching him curiously. He felt himself blush a tiny bit under her gaze but he continued to look at her.

“What is it noona?”

“Aren’t you…?”

She trailed off and sighed.

“You probably don’t want to…”

It was Daniel’s turn to look at Beki curiously and he watched her fidget under his gaze.

“I don’t want to what…?”

She looked down shyly and he realized this was the first time he saw her acting like this.

“Would you like to come in?”

She had looked up at him through her bangs and he smiled at how cute she was acting. He nodded his head and walked in slowly. He looked around and noticed that her apartment screamed Beki, from the pale yellow walls to the creative scrolling lines around the moldings and the colored shelves all over the place with books and knick-knacks. As he took his shoes off he heard the door shut and he turned to see Beki. She smiled at him sheepishly.

“I don’t like leaving the door open.” she explained, “It makes me feel like someone will stand there and watch me.”

She walked past him towards her bedroom and called out to him.

“I’m just changing quick so make yourself at home, kay? There’s a bunch of drinks and food in the fridge, you’re probably starved.”

As she finished saying that his stomach growled at him. He chuckled under his breath.

“Are you sure noona?”
“Of course! Why would I offer food to you and not mean it?”

He heard her laugh and he smiled and headed to the kitchen. He opened the door to the fridge and his eyes widened at everything inside. He wondered why she had all this stuff and suddenly wondered why her fridge was more stocked than the one in the Dalmatian apartment. He stuck his head further in to see what else he could find. He didn’t expect to see all this stuff and was amazed at what he was finding.

“I have all that stuff because I totally like collecting food and drinks,” he jumped as she spoke and he cracked his head on the freezer door.

“Ah, !”

Beki’s eyes widened when she scared him, obviously not expecting to. She ran over and around him and watched as he stood and then leaned against the counters. Beki grabbed an extra washcloth and grabbed some ice cubes from the freezer and then wrapped them up in the cloth. She rolled it in her hands and walked over to Daniel.

“Come on, let’s get you sitting so you don’t fall anywhere.”

She wrapped an arm around his waist, which was now more like his hips with their height difference, and she made him lean against her. He looked at her, doubting she could support his weight and she glared at him. He let her do what she wanted, but was surprised that she could support his body with her smaller one. Beki was curvy and shorter yes, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t strong. She hadn’t gone through years of weight training and colorguard to come out with nothing. When she got him sitting on the couch she handed him the cloth with the ice cubes and made him hold it against the back of his head. She walked to the kitchen and came back with two cans of coke and a bottle of soju. He looked at the soju in surprise and just shook his head, but stopped when he felt himself getting dizzy. She walked back and came in with glasses filled with ice and placed them both on the little coffee table which had the coke and soju.

“Sorry about that Daniel,” Beki said as she motioned at his head while blushing. “I didn’t know my sarcasm could actually hurt people.”

Daniel looked at her and finally noticed what she changed into. And gulped. If he had never taken notice of what her body looked like before, well he sure knew now. She was wearing a pair of really baggy red sweatpants that were low on her hips and covered her feet and a tight, white wife beater. And if he wasn’t mistaken, the hint of red under her white shirt would mean she was wearing a red bra too. He felt his cheeks flame and he suddenly had a really dry mouth and throat. Beki giggled and handed him a coke, as if she knew he was uncomfortable. It also didn’t help that her hair was in a high ponytail showing off her neck and collarbone. He opened the can quickly and started chugging it until he almost choked when he heard her laugh.

“Slow down Daniel, you’ve got all night.”

It was his turn to laugh because she really walked herself into a pickle with that one.

“All night noona…?” Daniel asked slowly after chuckling. “What do you plan on doing to me?”


“Whatever you say noona~”

Daniel chuckled and watched as Beki flushed and looked away. But then her head shot up and she looked at him.

“Last month,” she said, “why did you help me?”

Daniel looked at her in confusion.

“When that cab driver was going to drive away with my bag…”


He smirked at her and Beki felt herself shiver because of the look he was giving her.

“Can’t I help a girl in need?”

Beki scoffed.

“Come on Daniel,” she said. “Seriously though… why did you help me by getting my bag?”

He looked at her and saw the pleading look in her eyes so he decided to tell her honestly.

“I’ve been… keeping my eye on you, well… Dalmatian has,” he confessed. “Isak asked us about a month ago or so to do that.”

Beki looked at him to see if he was lying, but a liar wouldn’t look her in the eye like Daniel was.

“But I had never met you before… so that night I was honestly just trying to help you.” He stopped for a moment then continued, “I was coming home myself and saw you get out of the cab without your bag. And when he started moving I figured I’d better help you out. You looked beat.”

Beki smiled and looked at Daniel happily. Then she frowned and looked away, feeling that guilt come again because of what happened earlier.

“I’m sorry…”

Daniel looked at her and noticed she looked visibly upset and he wanted to help her out.

“What do you mean you’re sorry?”

She looked at him in surprise and shook her head a tiny bit.

“What happened earlier with Hoya and Myungsoo… I’m sorry they acted like that towards you.” She sighed, “It’s just… because of what happened last month… they’re really protective of me even though we barely know each other.”

He looked at Beki and sighed. She looked down in the dumps, and he didn’t know if he could help her out. So he stood up and went to walk past her seat but she stretched her hand out to grab his wrist. He looked back at her and noticed that her head was down looking at her lap. He wanted to question her but she spoke softly, so softly he almost couldn’t hear her.

“Don’t leave yet… please?”

He moved back towards her chair and knelt down so he could see her. She turned to him and her eyes were watering. He couldn’t understand why she was ready to cry but he just nodded at her. She was still holding his wrist when he moved closer to her. She laughed bitterly and looked at Daniel to see him looking at her in concern.

“I always get like this anymore… everynight…” she trailed off and looked out the window, “Because I still can’t get over what happened.”

She looked down at her lap and let go of Daniel’s hand and then brought both of her hands into her lap. She looked down and played with her fingers absentmindedly, almost forgetting Daniel was there. When he was about to say something she continued.

“I can’t forget… so I sit here alone every night remembering everything that happened,” Beki sighed. “It’s pitiful really.” She laughed sadly and looked at Daniel.

“It’s sad isn’t it?”

She looked away; she didn’t want to drag Daniel into it like this. Not now. Instead he moved till he was kneeling on the floor in front of her seat and she looked at him in surprise. He grabbed both of her hands and looked at her.

“It’s not pitiful. It’s sad… but not because of you remembering all of it.” He sighed, “It’s sad because he lost something special, all because he wanted to be ‘nice’.”

Beki looked at him and shook her head.

“You don’t understand Daniel,” she said sadly, “he doesn’t want me. If he had wanted me…” she trailed off and he saw tears gathering in her eyes again.

He moved to sit back in his seat and he saw Beki reaching for the soju. He quickly picked it up and walked into the kitchen with it. Beki’s eyes widened when she saw him take away the one thing that calmed her down. She stood up quickly and followed him trying to get it off of him. He stood there in front of the fridge, blocking her from opening it. She looked at him with wide eyes and leaned against him since he was holding the bottle of soju above his head. She reached her arms high but wasn’t able to reach it and she sighed softly. So she walked away and sat at the island in her kitchen. She watched him put it down just out of her reach, so she decided she’d go for it. She leaned across the island towards him and didn’t realize he was watching her and just as her hand grasped the bottle, his hand grasped her wrist and he took the bottle away.

“Why are you doing this to me?” she whined softly, “Let me do what I always do, okay?”

She tried to pull away and he slowly let go of her hand but wouldn’t give her the soju. So she walked towards him until she was right in front of him.

“Destroying your body with soju won’t make you feel better.”

She turned away and walked back into the living room and sat down.

“How about you just leave then?” she asked harshly, “I haven’t done anything seriously wrong to myself yet… so why do you care?”

His eyes widened at her tone of voice and he turned to look at her. She was glaring at him so harshly that he almost wanted to leave. But he couldn’t abandon her now. So he made things worse.

“If you want me to leave Beki,” he said snidely, “Make. Me.”

He stood at the door and watched her. She watched him and slowly stood up. As she walked over to him he noticed she wasn’t acting normally and he realized she wasn’t playing. So when she reached him, she looked at him for one second and the next thing Daniel knew, his cheek was flaming, but not from flushing. He was facing the kitchen now and looked at Beki in surprise to see she was surprised too. She looked at him in shock and turned away quickly to try to get away from him. Instead Daniel grabbed her before she could move further away and pulled her to him. He hugged her to him and wouldn’t let her go. He felt her struggling and held tightly, figuring sooner or later she’d give up. And when she did she almost fell.

Beki couldn’t understand why he was doing all this. Did he want something from her? She struggled to get free but he wouldn’t let her go so she gave up. And all of her energy left her. She felt herself falling and she felt Daniel go with her so she wouldn’t get hurt. She looked at him with pure despair in her eyes, pleading him to just leave so he wouldn’t get more involved, so she couldn’t hurt him again in the future. Daniel just looked at her and helped her stand. Then he hugged her to him and felt her body wracked with sobs as she started crying. She tried to push him away but he wouldn’t let her go. He kept holding her until he felt her settle down and then he looked at her, angling her face to his. Her eyes were red and puffy and she tried to pull away, embarrassed of how she looked.

“Stop it,” he said softly, “you think I care how you look right now?”

She cried again at that.

“See?! No one cares…”

He shook his head and chuckled softly. Then he pulled her head to rest under his chin and he rubbed her back.

“I don’t mean like that Beki,” he said. “You’re pretty however you look.”

She scoffed at him again and looked at him.

“Why are you still here making me suffer like this?”

“Are you really suffering Beki?”

She looked away and shook her head. She wasn’t suffering, but she wasn’t used to going through her emotions like this. Then she yawned and Daniel noticed.

“Time for you to go to bed noona.”

She yawned again and nodded slowly, moving her glasses so she could rub her eyes.

He grabbed her hands and shook his head.

“Nah-ah-ah~” he pushed her to the bathroom. “Wash up, okay?”

She slowly nodded and made her way over. As Daniel listened, he pulled out his cellphone to call Inati.

“Hyung…” Daniel said softly into the phone, “What should I do?”

“Whaddya mean?” he growled into the phone.

“Beki, I can’t leave her alone like this.”
“Then stay there,” Inati said roughly.

“Hyung what’s your problem?”

“You,” he said, “are my problem.”


“I’m with Isak and you’re interrupting.”

Daniel looked at his phone in surprise and then spoke again.

“With… Isak…?”

Next thing Daniel knew, Isak was talking to him.

“Sing her to sleep Daniel,” she said softly. “I’ve got a key to her apartment so I’ll come over in the morning, okay?”

Daniel sighed and agreed before hanging up. Then he went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

“Beki… do you have some extra clothes?”

She opened the door and looked at him, looking more awake than she had.

“Why do you need clothes?”

“I’m staying over.”
Her eyes looked like they popped out of her head before she started shaking her head madly.

“You are not staying here!”

“Isak and Inati told me to noona…”
“I don’t care what they said!”

Beki stormed past him and went to the front door, set on getting Daniel out. So when he came up beside her and slammed the door shut, she turned to him shocked.

“What are you doing?!”

“Keeping you here with me.”

Before she could finish asking Daniel anything he leaned down and kissed her. Her eyes widened and she tried to push him away but he pulled her closer to him. When his arms wrapped around her waist she felt secure and she melted into him. As she closed her eyes Daniel pulled away and Beki whined softly. That’s when Daniel chuckled and pulled away slightly. He chuckled even more when she followed his body. She wouldn’t let go of him. So he leaned his head down to her shoulder.

“I told you~” he whispered softly.

“Shut up.” Beki said into his chest, the words muffled by his shirt. “Let’s go sleep now.”

She pulled him towards her bedroom and pointed him to her closet.

“Some of my stuff should fit you,” she said, “but I can’t promise you’ll like it.”

He laughed and looked at the clothing but decided he’d just sleep in what he was wearing.

“Time to move over Beki.”
He watched as she stayed laying face down on her bed, so he crawled in beside her and laid down facing her. She looked at him and he stared back wondering why she was suddenly not trying to sleep.

“Who said you were sleeping here?”

He pulled her close to him and she snuggled into his embrace but then caught herself as he chuckled.

“You pulled me in here noona~ so it’s your fault.”

At the same time Infinite was finished with practice and were piling into the dorm one by one. Hoya and Myungsoo were talking with Sungjong about something and no one was listening until Beki’s name came up. Woohyun looked at the three of them and tried to listen until all three of them looked at him.

“What do you want hyung?”

“You saw Beki today?”

“You did too, or didn’t you realize it because of Seungyeon-noona?” Myungsoo sneered.

Woohyun knew that none of the guys were fond of what he did to Beki, but did they really need to still act like that about Seungyeon? He walked past them into his room that he shared with Sunggyu and laid on his bed. He reached for his cellphone and typed out a text that he knew had to reach her. He hoped it did.

‘Beki, we can talk soon, right? I really want to see you again… but it’s all up to you. Just… give me a second chance…? –Woohyun’

He hit the send button before he could delete it and then tried to sleep, he didn’t care if he didn’t wash… there was no way he would get in the bathroom that night.

Sungjong looked at the cellphone sitting on his bedstand and looked at Hoya and Sungyeol.

“Hyung~” Sungjong whined, “You didn’t give it back to her?”

“I forgot about it!”

“Anyway hyung… who texted her?”

Hoya got up and looked at it and cocked an eyebrow at the text he read.

“Apparently Woohyun-hyung isn’t as over Beki-noona as he said he is…”

Beki was snuggled into Daniel’s chest and sleeping soundly. Any thoughts of what happened that day had left her mind and she was unbothered. Daniel’s arms were wrapped around her waist and her head was tucked under his chin as he watched her sleep. He felt nice there, holding Beki-noona like he was. He didn’t want to let go, but knew that this may not happen again, especially if Woohyun came to his senses.

“I’m not letting you go Beki,” Daniel whispered into her ear, “I’m not letting you go until your mine.”

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Ohh, I would like Beki with Woohyun.. <br />
But anyway, I still liked the story! ^-^
emiex145 #2
omfg , i have no idea waht side to take hahhas , i love both TT<br />
buht it ish kinda obvious her and woohyun will end up together , buht taht doesnt lessen my hopes for her and daniel toooo ;D hehhes ,
kebinkisshi #3
@ThuyTranxD I've got my plans...<br />
And I originally planned for Beki to end up with Woohyun.<br />
If the story goes like I want....<br />
that may or may not happen. =/ just gotta keep reading! =)
Beki must be with WooHyun in the end T-T<br />
And Daniel must not get in the way, no matter how sweet he is~<br />
Please update soon :3
kebinkisshi #5
@Rubyfur wow... I did but didn't realize just how much some people wanted Beki with Woohyun. I hope to get the next part out soon~ =)
I want Beki with Woohyun! >=\ You probably knew that already, haha. I like Daniel, he's my bias in Dalmatian, but Infinite... *sigh* She and Woohyun obviously belong together anyway =P I enjoyed reading, hope to see the next part soon!
kebinkisshi #7
@kswildcat1 yes... a third person... it might just become a square. I've written a little of the next one shot... but my ideas are faltering so it'll be a few days before I can really write a good follow up one shot to this one. Be patient, I know it'll be hard, but hopefully when I release the next one it'll be up to your expectations!!! =)
kswildcat1 #8
That is true.. Wait.. hold the phone. A third person? So the triangle might become a square? Oooooh snap.. I'm going to try and be patient about this, but I'm so excited, it's going to be hard.
kebinkisshi #9
@kswildcat1 I didn't say THAT~ but.... well.... anything can really happen.... especially when a third person is added into the love triangle of woohyun/beki/daniel~
kswildcat1 #10
YAY!!! I can't wait to read more.. hold up.. No Bekiel?? No Danbek? Don't make me sad okay?? :o)