Chapter 4

JUST Best Friends?
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The next day came quickly.  It was Friday.  I always thought it was weird how the first week of school started in the middle of the week.  But I guess that’s how things are done here in America, or at least this lonely state.  Everyone was scurrying around to their classes, slowly getting into the swing of school again. 

It was still August and 98 degrees was the high for the day.  Luckily, the morning was cool, but I knew in by the end of 2nd hour, the sun would be beating down hard.

Slipping on my favorite shorts and a school spirit shirt with matching shoes, I hoped Kyuhyun was still in my class. Everyone was still getting schedule changes and everything. With the way my luck had been going, I’d never see him again. 

Today I was hoping to make it to Chinese class. It was at a separate academy where I would apparently get bussed to and from every day.

“You better eat something! You’re also going to be late if you don’t get out in 3---2---“ my mom yelled, jerking me out of my thoughts.

“I’M COMING” I retorted as I quickly slipped on a blue and silver bracelet.

As I approached the school, I quickly gathered my things, and was preparing to walk towards the main building, when I saw security walk towards me.  I’m a good student. I’m in dress code. I didn’t get in a fight. I have no possession of drugs. My phone’s in my bag. So is my iPod.  My mind ran through all the things they could possibly find wrong with me

“Miss Cho?”

“Yes, sir, that is me.” I bit my lip nervously.  Since when did the security guards look so intimidating?

“I believe you have Chinese class off campus?”


“Yes sir, I do”

“The principal asked us to inform you that you will be riding bus route 681 to get there.  They will check your attendance with the bus driver and with the instructor and inform us if you aren’t there, so we hope there will be no ditching class.”

Me? Ditch class? Is he serious? Wow.

“Yes sir, thank you.” I replied as I walked back to the where the busses were parked and quickly found the right one.

There were 6 other students besides me taking Chinese class.  I wonder if Kyuhyun already  speaks Chinese? Otherwise it seems like he would take it…

It was a ten-minute bus ride over there and ten minutes back. Yes. Twenty more minutes to sleep every day.

I looked at my phone. Chinese class was over. I think this’ll be my second favorite class.  11 minutes before the bell rang at the other school.  We quickly boarded the bus. Except today I couldn’t sleep.  Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun.

I looked at my phone again. 1 minute till the bell rang.  We pulled into the loading zone. It was going to take me all 6 minutes to get to class if I walked. But, I have never been tardy to a class..EVER. I broke into a run. Ran up all three flights of stairs to the opposite of the building.

*Ding ding….*

I slid into class before the last bell rung.  Everyone looked up.  Oh no. My seat from yesterday is taken. I hate sitting in the back.

I could feel my cheeks burning as everyone’s gaze followed me. I knew my hair was messy, and I was breathing heavily. I don’t remember being this out of shape. This is so embarrassing.

“Ri An, there’s an empty seat in the last row. Please sit so I may begin class” the teacher said. She did NOT have to single me out.

I didn’t even want to look in Kyuhyun’s direction.  I slowly looked around the room not wanting to see anyone.  As my eyes turned towards where he sat yesterday, he looked up.

Oh no. He’s going to look at me. I probably look like a mess right now.

Our eyes met.  He has gorgeous brown eyes.

He smiled, then turned around.  So just where DID that smirk come from yesterday?

Oh gosh. His smile is so beautiful.

“Ms. Cho? Please pay attention”

Did she just single me out AGAIN? WOMAN! I HATE YOU.

I saw Kyuhyun’s lips form a grin from the side of face. Ugh. It’s all his fault!

 In no time, class was over. Thank. God. I do not like that woman.  The bell rang, and I gathered my things as there were already people filling the hallways.  Kyuhyun picked up his bag, and began to walk out.  I quickly followed him towards the stairs since my next class was a floor below me.  Don’t turn around. Don’t turn around.

He turned around.

“Hey” I said as I smiled.  Now you gotta finish the conversation.

“Oh hey” he said as he shyly smiled.

“Is your next class downstairs too?” Great. Now he’s gonna think I’m a creep.

“Yeah. Yours too?” And now he’s equally as creepy.

“Oh. Cool.” I started walking down the stairs.  This is so awkward. “So, do you ever watch variety shows?” Where did THAT come from?

He just looked at me at lost for words.

“Uhh, yeah sometimes.   My mom

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Chapter 11: Oh man it was getting so good I hope you update soon.
Chapter 7: Why are they so awkward. I think Kyu is a bit rude to her.
Wow! I've just found this! PLease update soon. :))) I like the plot!
Please update!!!