He Never Called

Diary Of Forbidden Love

Dear Diary,

So I just got back from the clinic. Not good news. I feel... Drained. And slightly depressed. I need cheering up, but if I meet Jonghyun he'll ask questions and I'm not ready for them yet. I think I'll phone him another day. If only he knew, but I can't. Not until I find out more, umma had told me. I think I'm going to go and read a book. I might write later, maybe not. See you.


P.S. No smiley today. I'm not smiley. 


Dear Diary,

Key never phoned. So, like I said I would, I tried calling him. But there was no answer. I frowned. Why'd he give me his number if he wasn't going to phone? Maybe a text would have been fine... 

Ugh, I know! I shouldn't be getting so worked up about it - I'm sure he has a perfect excuse. After all, we only swapped numbers last night. I've got my phone beside me, and I'm still hoping for it to start vibrating and ringing, despite what I've just told myself. Whenever I think of Key, my heart starts thumping and I get butterflies in my stomach. I was thinking of him during dinner, and my dad noticed my eyes glazing over. Of course though, I could never tell him. He would never approve. My dad wants me to be the best athlete in Asia, but that's not what I want. I'd rather sing, in a musical, or y'know, like a singer. Something like that. Dad doesn't know that though, I wouldn't dare tell him my hopes and dreams. 

All this thinking of my dad has gotten me down. I'm gonna go to bed. Night. 

Jonghyun x


Dear Diary,

Jonghyun phoned me, but my phone was off. I'm gutted. I so wished I'd answered it, but for some reason I never phoned him back. I've promised myself I'll phone him tomorrow though. 

I was reading some of Macbeth earlier, and I was thinking really hard about it. How could Macbeth have went behind his best friends back just to save his title as King? I don't get it. Also, Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth, she's stupid. Crazy. I put the blame on her for his downfall. Most anyway, if not all. 

I'm pretty tired. Clinic takes a lot out of me. I'll write tomorrow. 

Key :)

P.S. Feeling a bit cheerier now.








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elaineyysenpai #1
Awwwwww...This story is so cute but saddening~ I mean, the cuteness masks the sad parts but we all know what's gonna happen in the end T^T I love it do far though! Update soon <3
They're cute <3
OMG, I really can't wait for the next update... I wonder how Jjong's reaction will be... Key, hwaiting! <3
Looking forward to this! Jongkey forever <3