Kiss :P

Broken and Run Down

“You heard me. Go to the closet and don’t come out till you have kissed.” Min Soo said and shoved Changjo and I into the cramped closet.

“Soo…” I said breaking the silence.

“Let’s just leave and say we kissed! I don’t want things to get awkward between us already!” Changjo said.

“Wait! I have a better idea oppa!” I said, “Let’s trick them!”

I started to mess up his hair.

“Like how?” He asked.

“Let’s pretend we made out big time!” I said and started to mess up my hair big time too.

“Good idea!” Changjo said and started to figit with my clothes and hair. We stopped and looked into each other’s eyes. He leaned closer and so did I.

I dint know what had gotten into me. My heart was racing and my stomach was fluttering majorly.

“Can I kiss you?” Changjo asked.

Say no Dannie! He doesn’t want to kiss you! You’re crazy!

“Y-Yes.” I stuttered and turned a bright red color. He closed the gap between us, brushing his soft lips against my sticky, lip gloss covered, and wet lips.

When we pulled apart I giggled.

“What?” He asked confused.

I wiped the lip gloss off the corner of his lip.

“Lip Gloss.” I whispered and we went back to messing with each other’s clothes and hair, making they were the perfectly messy. I kissed him on his cheeks and nose, making sure there was lip gloss all over his face.

“Hickey?” He questioned.

“W-what? A H-hickey? Won’t D-Daniel be mad about that?” I asked.

“Yes.” Changjo said confidently.

“I don’t want to make him mad!” I said.

“Fine, I won’t give you a hickey, but I will give you this.” He said and pecked my lips. We both stood up and walked to the living room.

When the guys saw us their mouth dropped.

“D-Dannie! G-go to your r-room for a second!” Daniel said weirdly.

“Okay?” I said and walked toward the stairs.

I went up them so I was out if sight, but I could still hear the muffled conversation.

“DUDE! THAT’S MY SISTER!” Daniel yelled at Changjo.

“Nothing happened. I promise you.” Changjo replied.

“Prove it.” Daniel said angry.

“Ask her. She won’t lie to you.” He said.

“DANNIE, COME HERE!” Daniel yelled to me and I ran back down stars.

“Yes oppa?” I said cutely.

“Did you kiss Changjo?” He asked.

“Yes oppa. Here and here and here.” I said poking the spots on his face that still had lip gloss on them. “Then 2 times there.” I said poking his lips.

“Dannie,” L.Joe said.

“Yes L.Joe oppa?” I asked looking at him.

“Did Changjo force you to kiss him?” L.Joe asked.

“No oppa, I wanted to kiss him, his lips looked so soft!” I said cutely as possible “Plus I wanted to know what a kiss is like… iv never kissed a boy.” I giggled.

“Really?” Min Soo oppa said.

“Yes! I’m only 16 as of today! OMO OPPA! I FORGOT THAT TODAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY!” I yelled at my brother and started to run around and flail my arms. I soon grew tiered and sat down on a couch.

“She’s cute.” Chunji said.

I laid down and closed my eyes, pretending to sleep.

“You kissed my sister…” Daniel said to Changjo.

“Yeah….. Sorry… she’s just really cute.” Changjo said.

“Just don’t do it again.” Daniel said.

“Yeah dude, you seem like a player.” Chunji said.

“Yeah. I do seem like a .” Changjo said.

“Well, just don’t do it again.” Daniel said.

“Fine.” Changjo said. I could tell he was sad. I felt a pang of sadness run through my body.

Why am I sad? He’s just a boy… Right?

I shrugged.

“Dannie you’re a bad fake sleeper.” Daniel said.

“Derp!” I said. “I’m too excited to sleep on my birthday! If I had friends we would be spazing out together right now! But my only friend is in that stupid home!” I said thinking about Zhui.

“Um, well you can spazz out with us!” L.Joe said.

“Umm… I think not! Spazz out with my brother and his friends? No.” I said and laid in the middle of the floor. Letting all the bad memories flow through my mind “Besides, when I spazz out with my friends it usually involves boys and I’m not going to talk about boys with my brother.”

“We can talk about boys!” Daniel said.

“No, You’re my brother. If we talked about the boy I liked he would be dead by next week!”

“True.” Daniel said and pondered a bit on the thought.

“Yes, besides, I don’t have a crush right now.” I said and blinked a bit.

“Sure!” Ricky said.

“I don’t!” I yelled defensively.

“Okay Dannie, whatever you say!”

“YAH! RICKY! DON’T MAKE ME TICKLE YOU!” I yelled and stood up.

He laughed and I pinned him to the ground. He cringed and I started to think about my past. I don’t know what got into me but I suddenly felt like releasing my anger on Ricky.

“I’m not weak. I had to go through so much in that hell hole! I was the first girl to get noticed by all the new pedo boys who came, so I made myself ing strong so that they couldn’t touch me and I could feel safe. I cried myself to sleep every single night because I was scared that they would come and do something to me in my sleep. Don’t mess with me cause I can kick your .” I said and ran crawled off him, tears streaming down my face. I ran to my room and flung myself on the bed, closing the door behind me.

Tears of anger streaming down my face.


EEEK so heres chapter 3.... please subscribe and comments are loved!

Oh and p.s. my storys go pretty fast!

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Very cute! Can't wait for more :)