Chapter Three

100 Days With Summer

                "Nice to meet you" Sehun said bringing his hand towards you
 "Ah, nice to meet you too" you shook his hand and introduced yourself, "My name is Summer Huang or vise versa in that case.. um please treat me well" you bowed 90 degrees afterwards and smiled at him, Sehun smiled back at you and gave you slight nod

Tao not excited about both of you broke the atmosphere and said "You don't need to be so formal, he's just a year older than you"
Your mouth formed a slight 'o' and Sehun snickered at Tao

"Come on, I'll show you guys the place" Sehun said while walking up the stairs, he said his place was on the 2nd floor so there wss no need for the elevator, "It's not much but here you go"

You stepped in the door and surprisingly, it was pretty neat. Rustic furniture, wooden floors, it was a little dirty but as an overall you thought it was nice

"So... what do you think" Sehun asked eyeing both of you
"Not bad" Tao blurted out and shrugged
"It's really nice" you told Sehun with a hint of a smile, me mouthed a thanks

"So where are our rooms?" Tao asked
"There's only one spare bedroom left so-"

"It's fine" Tao cut him off thinking that it would be a good opportunity for you and him to bond and not sleeping together with you
Sehun nodded and pointed at a room next to the bathroom "Now I'm going to the convinience store what do you guys want" Sehun asked both of you

"Nothing" you and Tao said in unison, Sehun playfully smirked and there he went without saying goodbye

"So I guess we should unpack" you told Tao and he nodded and both of you headed to the room, it wasn't that big, a twin bed, a rustic sofa and a medium wardrobe and then it hit you, you'll be sharing a same bed with Tao, you glanced at him and notice his expressionless face

"Uh shower me shower ok bye" you took your towel and an oversized shirt and ran out of the room, Tao chuckled to himself as he watched you dart out of the room, Is she nervous sharing the same bed? Siblings Tao siblings, but we aren't related anyways, but I guess she can't handle it, won't infact. Can't we just run away and never look back? He thought sighing as he sat on the bed. You finished your shower and you walked in the room with your long wet hair draping down, Tao saw the sight in front of him and blushed slightly, he saw your wet hair still dripping with excess water

"Summer go dry your hair, you'll get a cold" Tao told you
"Let's just let it dry naturally" you told him with a snicker and sarcastically pointing out the naturally part, suddenly he took your towel and started drying your hair gently

"What am I going to do with you?" he playfully said and you pouted, you stared at his chest, you were obviously shorter than him and you tried avoiding his gaze as many times as possible, he had a certain smell lingering around him, his perfume you guess, it made you feel warm and comfortable. 

"Summer do you like my chest that much?" He asked startling you with a smirk on his face

"WHAT NO NO NO I DON'T WHAT DO YOU?!"  he laughed at your statement and he shook his head while taking some clothes from the wardrobe

"Well I'm going to shower now so don't miss me too much" Tao said as he exited the room

You dropped on the floor putting your hand over your heart sighing It's going to be a long night


Hi guys!!!! 3rd chapter up! and as you can see from the genre yes something is going to happy in this story but i'll save it for later ^^ comment and subscribe!!


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Chapter 3: this is wonderful.
thanks!1!! i'll try my best to make it bette ;_;
It's cute, but slightly cliche.
u guys are so nice xoxoxo
nutmeggu #5

UPDATE ~~ <3
Summer sounds nice; goes well with the title.
ya thanks for the comments <3,3,3,3,3 and my 4th chapter got deleted and now i'm sad because it was my favourite out of the ones i've posted lol ok bye
junikyu #8
Aaaawww this story is great. I smell
Triangle love here kkkkkk
TinaEliZimmerfang #9
owww cute and sad at the same time u,u
I like it :D
Continue :) (Y)
TinaEliZimmerfang #10
jksadsakhksa -Dead-