Napping With T

Afternoon Naps



Onew groaned in frustration as he was abruptly pulled from his subconscious by a trill ringing.  He yawned, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth at the slight collection of drool that had accumulated. 


He turned his head, burrowing further into his pillow to drowned out the sound of the phone ringing somewhere in the distance.  He was not the only one in the dorm; there was no reason for him to leave his warm bed to answer the phone. 


His eyes fluttered open as he felt something stir against his abdomen.  He looked down and a smile pulled at his lips as he saw a mop of blond hair curled up against his stomach sleeping peacefully. 


His heart did a little flip at the sight of Taemin sleeping soundly against him, his warm breath making Onew’s tee shirt flutter slightly.  Onew shuddered slightly as the gentle puffs of air ghosted across the sliver of visible skin where his shirt had rode up in his sleep. 


Onew watched as Taemin’s head rose and fell along with the steady rhythm of Onew’s breathing; the intimacy of their position making Onew tingle with warmth and happiness. 


He allowed his hand to fall into the younger boy’s hair, his fingers caressed the silky smooth strands gently; content to just lay there enjoying the rare, sweet moment of peace.


There was a gentle knock on the door as Key entered, “Onew hyung the phone is—.“  He stopped as Onew held up one finger to his lips, signaling him to be quiet.  Key visibly softened at the sight of Taemin curled up on the bed, his head pillowed on Onew’s stomach. 


Key nodded in understanding, quickly snapped a picture of the sight of the two of them before wordlessly slipping out of the room.  Onew grinned, not even upset that Key had stolen such a private picture of the two of them. 


Onew allowed his hand to fall onto Taemin’s back, gently shifting the two of them into a more comfortable position. 


His eyes fluttered closed as he allowed sleep to overcome him once more; a smile on his face and soft golden locks under the pads of his fingers. 



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Chapter 1: This is just so cute that it makes me want to squeal!!! :DDD
Chapter 1: Really, really cute! C:
I like it <333
Sooooo Cute!!! You should write more Ontae one shots. I think you're really good at them and the way you write them is really descriptive and makes makes me feel like I'm really there and I like it. Just sayin~ I loved it! <333
SHINeeluvr98 #4
Aww short but really good and fluffy♥~~
banana_bubbles #5
So sweet! Feels as if I'm melting in a pile of goo~~~

Got to love Ontae! <3
This was SOO CUTE!!!!!
I call this....."Death by aegyo" *dead*
this was so cute!!! loved it! <3
OMO, I'm gonna die of cuteness overload; such a perfect little moment, I'm not surprised that Key took a pic of them, I would too, totally adorable. OnTae forever. <3 <3