Hunger Strikes continued

Backstage soheechul

Hey a little more Nichkhun and Sohee action for you guys XD! the next chapter will be intreseting I can officially promise some soheechul moments lol anyway as always leave a comment and tell me what you liked and what you didn't your opinions will be greatly appreciated



Nichkhun stared closely at Sohee, from his expression you could see an idea brewing

Sohee did not like that expression one bit.

"Sohee do you want to help me out? its a two person dance I need someone to practice with..."

Sohee more then relunctant to help said "Can't  you get Yobin to help?"

"Yobin's not here" not about to give in Sohee made another excuse "she will be back soon"

Nichkhun wasn't about to give up and stood holding out his hand inviting her to dance, he smiled "come on it will be fun"

Sohee didn't look to convinced but took his hand anyway.

They stood face to face with one of Nichkhun's hands around Sohee ant sized waist, they were so close they could hear eachothers every breath, making for a very awkward situation.

Nichkhun had been struck by being so close to her that he became silent and mesmerised, he is a guy after all, if this situation didn't have some effect on him he would be gay.

"Well...what next?..." she asked breaking the silence, he proceeded to instruct her on various moves and parts of the dance, of which all involved close proxcimity.

Nichkhun started to realease that this may have been a bad idea, his ears were starting to go red, it was obvious he was enjoying this a little too much.

"Snap out of it!, this is only practise think of Victoria.....Victoria! Victoria! Victoria!" he thought as he was only kissing distance from Sohee

The last move was very dangerous "the fake kiss" which had to be realisitic enough to convince people they were actually kissing

He panicked a little and became indecisive, he didn't want to make the situation anymore awkward then it had to be, "that's right we are both professionals and its not a real kiss" he assured himself, thus he went for it! he pulled her towards his face, closer then they had ever been whilst dancing, there lips almost touching and the slighest flich would alter this, all they had to do was stand there and make it seem as if they where kissing from the back.

Nichkhun however, could not withstand the temptation to kiss her, he moved slowly aiming for her lips before reason kicked in and so he kissed her cheek.

He maintained a poker face as he released her as if it had all been part of the routine and smiled as he asked her "what do you think?" trying to maintain a sense of normality

"DAbak..." said with open and her signiture blank expression

"really!" he was a little taken aback not expecting her reaction

"The foods here!! I smell Pizza...yum" she her lips

Nichkhun chuckled in relief.. she didn't think that kiss was weird





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mandopao #1
Chapter 7: please update soon I really looking forward to khunhee kiki
LikeThis #2
@gaarasflower7 I'm glad someone likes Khunhee :)
@rion_01 more Soheechul progress soon..very soon
rion_01 #3
Update soon~ Looking forward to soheechul progress^^
gaarasflower7 #4
Yay khunhee update soon pls~ im looking forward to it :)
LikeThis #5
Hey :) thank you all for the great intrest because of you writing this has become even more fun!!
strawberrysohee #6
Looking forward for next chapter :D
gaarasflower7 #7
Soooo good update soon pls I'll be look forward to it :)
gaarasflower7 #8
Yay update soon plz <3
rion_01 #9
ooh.. what really happened between them? update soon :))
u also like soheechul? nice i hope u can make more story about them :) heheheh