Chapter 1

You're perfect for me


Early in the morning ... the light wake Minho up ...Minho stirred a bit in his sleep and open his eyes slightly... In front of revealed an angel sleeping peacefully... Minho smile while sighed. He leaned in and kiss the angel on the nose... touched the angel’s bang...

“ Jinki ... It’s already morning...Wake up ...” Minho called him sweetly

“ Minnie... 5 more minutes ,neh...” he pouted.. Minho just chuckled at his cuteness

“ Neh...” Minho smile sweetly at him

Onew smile in relief .. “ Thanks ... Minnie..You’re the best ...” he mumbled before he go back to sleep... Minho look at Onew the whole time ...the he breath in and breath out....his face...his hair......his eyes...his nose...and his lips...

Suddenly Minho recalled JInki is already become his and no one can take him away from him... Minho touched Jinki’s hand which had their wedding ring... Minho smile contently..

‘It’s been 5 years Jinki hyung and I in relantionship.... How could I never noticed before my soulmate is just beside me the whole time... I must have hurt Jinki hyung many time ... Still he loyal to me and always by my side as my best friend....advice me...comfort me.... But not today ... Jinki hyung is already so precious for me and I can’t live without him by my side....This time it’s my turn to take care of him... Even though , he’s older than me sometime he act like a kid...childish... cute....and clumsy....He gives me the feeling that I need to protect him always ....’

Minho talk in his thought while caressed Jinki’s bang slightly when Onew’s sleeping beside him.... Minho kissed Onew’s forehead , cheek and nose.... Then Minho trace Onew’s lips with his index finger ...upper lips ..lower lips ..suddenly Jinkibit his finger softly...

“ Argh ! ...” Minho yelped quietly... Jinki smile with his eyes close and release Minho’s finger...He opens his eyes slowly and get close to Minho for some warmth... Minho hug him closer and kiss him on the head... Jinki just giggled... Once Minho’face in front of him ...Jinki give him a quick peck as a morning kiss ...

“ I told you to give me 5 minutes , Minnie...” Jinki pouted...

Minho kissed the peck away...” Sorry...If I disturbed your sleep ...You’re just too beautiful ... I can’t help my self...” Minho smile at him before he get off the bed...

“ Where are you going...Minnie...?” Jinki asked like a kid...

“ Wait here..” Minho said before he got out...

15 minutes later...Minho came with breakfast in his hands...Jinki immediately sits up...

“ Minho don’t have to do that...” Jinki feels slightly guilty... Minho shook his head...

“ No , Jinki...You always do everything for me , let me spoil you today... do all the work for you...” Minho put the breakfast on the bed... Jinki only manage to sighed... JInki tried to reahed the spoon but Minho pull it away from him...

Jinki  look at Minho.... “ Minnie ...How am I supposed to eat without a spoon...” Jinki asked

Minho only smile at him... “ I’ll feed you ,Jinki...” Minho said simply...Jinki simply let him... Minho feed him and Jinki gladly eat it... Jinki munch and munch the food in his mouth...

“ How is it ? Is it good..?” Minho seem worried... Jinki look at him then he shook his head ...

“ Is doesn’t taste good...” Minho feels guilty and look down ... Jinki chuckled... Jinki lift Minho’s chin up and give him a peck on the lips and smile sweetly at him...

“ It taste good...” Jinki said sincerely... Minho lit up and smile happily...

“ Really..?” Minho asked and Jinki just nodded... Minho continued to feed Jinki ..

“ Why aren’t you eating...?” Jinki asked concerned...

“ I’m already full just by watching you eating the food that I made for you...” Minho said..

“ No...You should eat too...” Jinki swiftly took the spoon from Minho and feed him...

“ You’re fast ..” Minho said with his mouth full.. Jinki just smile sweetly at him...

Soon both of them feeding each other until finish... JInki volunteered to wash the dishes but Minho quickly go ahead before him....As soon Minho leave the room ....Suddenly Jinki feels nauseous ...

“ Urgh...Uurgh...” Jinki quickly covers his mouth and run to washroom... Minho could hear the sound of Jinki puke inside the washroom... Minho quickly washing the dishes and go check on Jinki...

Minho waited for Jinki until he comes out from the washroom... When Jinki come out looking exhausted ... Minho came to him hold his hands...

“ JInki okay...?” Minho asked worried... Jinki smile weakly and nodded a little...

“ You look tired...” Minho rub Jinki’s chubby cheek softly...

“ Do you want to go to hospital...?” Minho asked ...Jinki only shook his head...

“ I just want to rest a little bit...” Jinki said softly..Minho understands him and tucked him on bed ..Minho lay beside him , Jinki’s hair softly... Jinki look at him...

“ Don’t you have to go to work...?” Jinki asked...

“ No... Jonghyun can take care of it while I’m gone....” Minho answered simply...

“ Don’t you think he’s work too much...? What about Key...? Won’t he gone mad at you because you made Jonghyun overworking until they don’t have time to spend together..” Jinki feels guilty...

Minho only sighed... he give a peck to Jinki on the lips before he got of the bed to get ready for work...

Minho wearing his suit and try to wear his necktie but he couldn’t make it right....

“ Let me...” Jinki suddenly came beside him and help him with necktie like a wife should do...

“ Done...” Jinki pat Minho chest lightly and handed him his suitcase... Minho kiss him on the forehead...

“ Be good..I’ll be back for dinner...” Minho said while he goes to the front door..

“ Neh, Minnie...” Jinki answered and smile sweetly at him...slightly waved at him... Minho waved back before a butler accompany him towards the car...

After Minho goes to work...Jinki  puke ever 1 hour...He tried to eat something but he throw up the food out...

‘ What’s wrong with me...? Why did I keep throw up...? ‘ Jinki thought

“ Maybe I should go to the doctor...” He mumbled slowly...

Jinki dialled someone....



Hello...? Key...?

Oh! Mrs.Choi ...  !

Don’t call me that ! It’s Jinki !

But you’re married to Choi Minho right ..? So that makes you Mrs. Choi...

And you married to Kim Jonghyun . That makes you Mrs.Kim...

. . . Don’t called me that !

Same goes to you...!

Yeah ...Yeah...Whatever... Why did you call anyway...?

Um...May I ask you a favour...?

Favour..? It depends...?

Could you accompany to the hospital...?

Huh ? Hospital...? For what...?

I don’t feel good this a few days... and I keep throw up everything I eat...

* Key widen his eyes * Wait there ! I’ll be there in a minute !

Key hang up

15 minutes later... Key is already at the front door...

“ You sure fast...” Jinki look bewilderedly...

“ How long has it been..?” Key asked suddenly..

“ Huh ..? What how long...?” Jinki seem clueless...

“ The ‘throw up ‘ of course..” Key rolled his eyes...

“ Um...since this morning...” Jinki answered...Key look at the time....

“ It’s already 7 hours already...C’mon let go to the hospital...” Key pulls Jinki at the same time took jacket for him and Jinki...When they reached to the hospital....They had to wait until Jinki’s turn...

When his’ turn...the doctor took some test on him... after half an hour ,the doctor came with a smile on his face...

“Mr. Lee ...Would you come with me for a while... and you could bring your friend also...” the doctor said before he went to this room...

Jinki and Key followed him...and go into the room...

“ Please have a seat...” the doctor smile at soon Jinki and Key sit in front of him...

“ I have good news...” he said...Jinki and Key listens to him carefully

“ Congratulation!!! Mr . Lee !!! You’re pregnant !!” the doctor cheered...

Jinki widen his eyes...Key sequel in joy ...

“ I thought so !! I thought so !! You must be pregnant !!” he said excitedly...

“ H-How...L-long ...has it been...?” Jinki questioned...

“ 4 weeks...It still new....You need to take care of proper food... take care of the baby well...  Don’t work too hard...Don’t push yourself don’t stress yourself... If you do ...You could get miscarriage anytime...” the doctor sounds stern...

Jinki seem didn’t believe what he had heard from the doctor... He’s pregnant...Pregnant...and it’s Minhos !!!! What is he going to do !!! What will Minho do when he knows about it...??

“ Key...What am I going to do...?” Jinki asked feels afraid...

“ Don’t worry hyung.... I’m sure Minho will be happy when he heard the news...” Key smile at him...

“ I hope so...” Jinki mumbled to himself quietly...

Key sent him home...Jinki immediately sleeps as soon as reached his and Minho’s room...


“ I’m back !!” Minho called hope that Jinki will greet him at the front door but Jinki isn’t there...

“ Jinki..? Jinki , honey... “ He called...

“ Why is the house look so dark...?” Minho turn on the lights... and goes upstairs... Minho goes into the room to find Jinki sleeping looking tired... Minho smile contently before he sits at the edge of the bed...

“ Jinki...” he called while tickled Jinki’s foot... The latter slightly moved his foot under the blanket...

“ Wake up ...honey...” Minho came closer to Jinki...

Jinki moved a bit and slowly sits up...

“ Urgh...” he holds his head...

“ Jinki ...You have a heaedache...?” Minho looks worried...Jinki slowly turn his gaze to Minho and smile to him....

Jinki came closer to him and kiss Minho on the lips...

“ Welcome back , Minnie...” he greeted and hug him tightly...

“ Jinki’re sure you okay...? you don’t look so good...” Minho hugs him back...

“ I’m okay...Don’t worry about me...” JInki broke the hug.... before he get of the bed...

“ Where are you going...?” Minho asked

“  Make dinner for us... I’m hungry...” Jinki said before he left to the kitchen....

Minho helps Jinki making the dinner... Jinki look happy and they even have fun throwing some food at each other... They cleaned it up together and had dinner ...

“ Jinki ... you look very hungry...” Minho chuckled a bit at Jinki behaviour who didn’t eat for a week...

“ I did told you that I’m hungry...” Jinki said while his mouth full...Minho took the napkin and wipe some food off his face....

“ Don’t talk when you r mouth is full , Jinki...”Minho said ...JInki nodded and continue eat his dinner...After dinner they watching some movie...Jinki eating a bucket of vanilla ice-cream in his hands...

“ Jinki just had your dinner and you’re eating ice-cream right now...?” Minho asked look weirdly at Jinki...

“ Whaaat ~~ Is it worng I eat vanilla ice-cream...”?” he pouted cutely...

“’s not that...It’s not good to eat ice-cream after we had least wait until the food in our stomach digested completely then we can some ice-cream...” Minho kissed the pouted away....

Jinki smile at him and put the ice-cream away and snuggled to Minho even more...

“ You behaving weird today , Jinki...” Minho cut off when Jinki kissed him on the lips...

“ Minho....” Jinki called him...

“ Yes, Jinki...?” Minho look at him...

“ I want you now....please...?” Jinki whispered into his ears...

“ J-Jinki...?” Minho stuttered...

“ Please... I can’t take it anymore...” Jinki seem desperate..

Minho smirk..” Don’t blame me if you can’t walk tomorrow..” Minho said naughtily while carrying Jinki bridal style to their room and continue their business...

Next morning...Jinki really can’t walk... He look in pain and act like a kid....

“ Minho~ Carry me ~” Jinki hold his hands out so that Minho piggy bag him... Minho sighed...

“ Jinki... I have to go to work now...” Minho said to him slolwly...

“ No !! No !! You need to carry me first !!” he act like a five year old child...Minho sighed and carry him at his own back... Jinki giggled like a kid...

“ Thank you ...Minnie...” Jinki hold tightly around Minho’s neck... Minho look confused.... “ You’re welcome...?”

After a few hour later... Minho goes to his work looking tired...When he reached Jonghyun as his PA keep  grinning to himself...

“ You sure late ...Mr. Choi Minho...” Jonghyun slightly raised his eyebrow...

“ Have been busy lately...?” Jonghyun chukled slightly...

“ Yeah...Jinki’s behaving very weird...sometime he eats alot ... Act like a kid more often... He needs to be pampered alot...and s- alot....” Minho relieved a tired sigh and slump on his seat...

“ Hahaha..It must be hard on you....” Jonghyun laughed a little...

“ Of course... Because I didn’t know Jinki could behaving like this...but still he’s cute though...” Minho said sheepishly....

“ Aigoo....Aigoo...Look at you.... You’ve been married with for 2 years already...You should know everything about you wife !” Jonghyun said to him...

“ I already do... Every inch of him...but this time is different...” Minho ruffles his hair slightly...

“ Didn’t you heard anything from Jinki..?” Jonghyun look confused..

“ Huh..? What...?” Minho look confused...

“ Don’t tell you didn’t know ?? How come you didn’t know ??” Jonghyun look surprised

“ What is it Jjong ?? Just tell me already...!” Minho got impatient....

“ Jinki’s preg-“ Jonghyun is cut off...

“ Hello !!! Is anybody here !!” Key came barge with a happy face suddenly and it caused Minho and Jonghyun to look at him...

“ Way to spoiled the mood darling...” Jonghyun huffed...

“ Whaat ~??” Key pouted slightly...

“ I was about to tell Minho about Jinki...” Jonghyun rolled his eyes... Key widen his eyes and he quickly want to covers Jonghyun’s mouth...But Jonhyun didn’t let him...

“ No !! No !! You can’t !!” Key yelled...

“ Aish! Key !! He should at least know about it...” Jonghyun hold him tightly in his arms... Key struggled a bit trying to stop Jonghyun from telling Minho about Jinki...

“ What ? What about Jinki ...?” Minho look worried

Jonghyun look at Key ...Key shook his head vigorously...

After Jonghyun told Minho everything about Jinki...Minho ran back home as fast as he could.... He reached at the front door and unlocked it... He searched for Jinki ... Not in the kitchen...Not in the living room... at the balcony also... Last Minho goes to his room...he spotted Jinki look at their wedding pictures and cried silently... Minho ran to beside him and hugs him tightly...

“ Why didn’t you tell me...Jinki ...Why...?” Minho whispered into his ears...Jinki look confused...

“ T-Tell you what..?” JInki stuttered... Minho broke the hug and wipe the tears away from Jinki’s face and kissed Jinki’s on the forehead... Minho look down at Jinki’s stomach and put his right hand on it...

“ My baby..” Minho said smiling at Jinki...Jinki widen his eyes...

“ M-Minho...B-But ...H-How...?” Jinki start sobbing...

“ Shh.... Don’t cry... Jonghyun told me all about it... Jinki should have told me that you’re pregnant...Please don’t keep it to yourself... That baby is also mine... We should take care of the baby together...” Minho wiped the tears away...

“ It just...It just ... I’m thought that you don’t like it when you know that I’m pregnant ...” Jinki sobbing on Minho’s chest...

“ No...No... I would never do that...” Minho shook his head...

“ I already make promise to you that I’ll be loyal to you .. only you...” Minho kissed Jinki on the forehead...

“ I want both of us to take care of the baby together...Let me share the burden also...” Minho said soflty... Jinki nodded his head on Minho’s chest...

“ I’m sorry for not telling you, Minnie...” Jinki look Minho in the eyes...

“ It’s okay... I love Lee Jinki...and thank you for giving me a child ” Minho kissed him on the lips...


Hahahaha...How was it ? I hope I didn’t disappointed you guys...  Suddenly i had this kind of idea...

pLease don’t forget to comment... ^^

I tried to update my other fanfic also...

I hope you guys enjoy reading it ^^

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i'll update chapter 1 for now...


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Chapter 5: author-nim, when will you update this story??
please don't let it uncomplete and cliffhang..
Chapter 5: author-nim, when will you update this story??
please don't let it uncomplete and cliffhang..
Chapter 5: -_- for a moment I almost had a heart attack I thought joong ki was gonna ruin the relationship between onho
Thepossessed2 #4
Chapter 5: Update pleaseeeee
rawranarchy #5
Chapter 5: Ommo! Didn't the doctor say no stress for Jinki or else there could be a miscarriage? And at 6 months, a miscarriage can cause irreparable damage to the mother because the fetus has developed so much more in comparison to the first trimester! Joong ki should NOT HAVE DONE THAT! >:(
Chapter 5: im hit joong ki if this leads up to Onew losing the baby
AptonKey #7
Chapter 5: Mmmmmm, nope, not liking this character
Chapter 5: kill joong ki kill him! how dare you did this to precious Onew?? T.T kidding ^^ nice story
Chapter 5: Joong Ki, you're dead to me. Why would he do this to my Jinki? If anything happens to Jinki or the baby, he's at fault! Bastard!

Thanks for the update! Until next time!
Chapter 4: Joong Ki. Don't play. You're not taking my Jinki anywhere! What is he up to?