Girl One Teaser; Couples

≡ Sweet Little Love ಌ Apply Open ಌ

Girl one teaser; Couples


Couples. Couples everywhere, in every corner, in every crevice, it consumes everything in sight. It was suffocating; there’s nothing that can stop that sight but it was all she can do to keep on walking. Her feet started walking faster and before she knew it, she was running. Can’t couples get out of the world for once? Who needs love? Love is for losers. Then she came to a sudden halt. 

There he was. He looked the same but there was a slight difference. There was a wrapped around him. It looks like he’s the world to that poor innocent . Her eyes are slanted and her nose is crooked. How the hell did he cheat on me with her? She’s not even half as pretty as her but the cupid has a strange way of putting people together.

She could feel her finger nails piercing through her palms. When did she start clenching her fist? She smirked and began walking again. Pushing through people, couples, she made her way to her ex-boyfriend and that around him. She shook her head and started mentally laughing. This is going to be a hell of a year for her and her ex-boyfriend.

As she got closer to her ex-boyfriend, the ex-boyfriend noticed her. He smiled at her but she pretended not to see him. Now she is a few inches away from him. She wanted to go to the other side of him but he’s blocking her path by acting greasy with that slanted eye . She smirked. She knew the perfect way to get through them. She picked up her pace and pushed between them to break them apart.

“Watch where you’re going,” said a nasally voice, probably that . She didn’t look back but she smiled and kept on walking. Now that that is done, let’s go find the registration table. She scanned the area and she spotted it. There was no line and she smiled. This is a lucky day for her. She went up to the table and looked at the middle aged guy. He had a name tag on and it read, “Lee Min Kyung”.

“Hi there, are you applying for this school?” he asked in a cheerful voice. She rolled her eyes. Seriously, what kind of question is that? Isn’t everybody here today signing up for this school? She brushed that off and just simply nodded. “Yes I am.”

He nodded and took out an application form. Then his hand moved up to his chest pocket and pulled out a pen. “What’s your name?”

"My name is..."


Author's Notes;  Did you like the teaser for girl one?? I haven't chosen anyone yet but I'm just doing teasers :D Applications are still accepted so go apply now, if you already haven't, you

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Good story~~
i've changed my username :) was formerly pandagirl84
Chapter 7: LOLOL awwww the girl is so cute!! deep voice. i keep imaging it to be chanyeol, yongguk or somehting. o.o
sorry it took so long to comment on the teaser!
hoping for more though LOL
Chapter 7: oooh! i'm sorry for not checking on it for a while. school stuff. life outside aff. but anyway, girls 1-3 have their teasers already. well, seeing those teasers, i really wonder who they are. they are one batch of interesting ladies! :D
Chapter 7: Omo, I think I know who the third girl is and I totally think that it's Minho as well. Which is amazing because he's my bias! Thanks for the update~
I haven't checked on this in a while...personal issues but now that i'm back i'm happy. ~I love her! Thanks!
Chapter 7: soo.. the third girl is a clumsy person..??
hmm.. shall i stalk all the apps for the third girl and have a wild guess on who she's going to be..??
the guy somehow remind me of Minho..
just bcoz you mention 'deep voice'..
is that a hint..?? hehehe..
anyway, itz good to read this again, felt like ages haven't visit this story..
(i actually re-read all the previous teasers too.. haha)
thankz for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 7: waaahaha!third girl's really funny xD
*drooling over the guy*
omg, he seems so dreamy, aha~
Chapter 7: WHY!?!? why are you doing this to us?? :'( *tears tears* I cant wait for you to reveal them already!! And who's the guy? Ohmygoshh, so much mysteries. >.<
Lil_Doufle #9
Chapter 7: new teasers! sweeeeet!
hmmm who is the mysterious deep voice kind of guy?
cant wait to see it! im kind of liking this girl lol
she's funny, i can't blame deep voice kind of guy for liking her lol
awesome teaser!!
Chapter 7: sweet! *O*
and woah. handsome, tall, deep voice kind of guy.
I would fall in love immediately pmsl.
great teaser! ^v^